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4 Strategies to Build Multichannel Donor Relationships



Multichannel Donors: Consistently Giving, Fully Engaged

When it comes to your nonprofit, multichannel donors are everywhere. No, really. Everywhere.

They give online through your website and emails. They like and share your social media posts. They attend your fundraising events, sign up for volunteer opportunities, and invite their friends to come along, too. That’s why they’re called multichannel donors!

Multichannel donors believe in the work you’re doing, so they follow your organization closely and support you in every way they can. You should want all of your donors to interact with your organization the way multichannel donors do.

Don’t take our word for it. Data shows that donors who engage with your nonprofit in multiple ways stick around longer, and in turn, give more.

More Engagement Means More Revenue

Median Annual Amount by Mode of Giving

Multichannel donors contribute more than monthly donors, online-only donors, and offline-only donors.

Median Annual Number of Gifts chart

A multichannel donor contributes 4 times as often as an online or offline-only donor.


Get to know your multichannel donors.

You can’t grow your multichannel donors unless you know who they are, how they’re giving, and what motivates them to support you.

Keeping track of donors and their giving patterns is no easy task, but fortunately DonorPerfect fundraising and donor management software can do it for you.

DonorPerfect fundraising software turns donor information and engagement records into actionable data that helps you identify and track who your multichannel donors are and what motivates them to support your mission.

Multichannel donor management features in DonorPerfect include:

  • Comprehensive donor profiles that help you identify who donors are so you can effectively engage them
  • Flags to identify donor behaviors that enable you to segment communications
  • Customizable reports that identify major donors, episodic donors, giving frequency, and more
  • Integrated online forms for donations, registrations, volunteers, and crowdfunding
  • Constant Contact email marketing integration to create, track, and manage email communications to new, current, and prospective donors

DonorPerfect Donor Profile

Having these tools and features make a difference. Data shows that fundraisers who use DonorPerfect grow faster, communicate more effectively, and raise more money.

In their second year with DonorPerfect, users achieve a 15% increase in revenue, and their average gift amount grows by 58%!

Know your donors, grow your donors, and save time while raising more money. See all that DonorPerfect fundraising software can do for you, your staff, and your organization as a whole.


Craft an engaging digital presence that promotes giving in multiple ways.

In order to maximize online giving, you should always pair your website, emails, and social media campaigns with a variety of ways for donors to support your cause that are quick and easy, not only for your donors to engage, but for you to manage.

4 Tools to Gain and Retain Multichannel Donors

Online Forms

From generational shifts in giving to the birth of the post-election rage donation, online forms have become a must for nonprofits in our increasingly digital age.

Email Communications

Investing in an email management tool that helps you engage donors frequently and in a timely manner is extremely important to a successful fundraising strategy.

Nonprofit Website

In today’s digital world, a modern, updated website packed with touching photos, heartfelt testimonials, donation and registration forms, and social feeds is a must.


Crowdfunding encourages your supporters to leverage social media and email to spread the word about your organization.


Make giving personal by hosting fun and engaging events.

Boomer multichannel donor checking their computer

Meeting donors face-to-face gives you a unique opportunity to really know them and for them to know you. The type of event you throw, the diverse personalities of your team, the way you weave your mission into the details of the day – all of these things make an impression.

While events can be a heavy undertaking, there are strategies to make managing volunteers, collecting gifts, and entertaining guests a whole lot easier. Discover best practices for event planning.


Don’t underestimate the power of direct mail.

Sure it’s pricier and more time consuming than email, but numbers show that good old-fashioned snail mail hasn’t lost its charm – especially when it comes to fundraising. Because your multichannel donors give in all sorts of ways, you can be confident that your investment in direct mail appeals won’t be lost on them.

Direct mail has a 4.4% response rate

Email has a 0.12% response rate

Millennial multichannel donor on their smart phone


The Key to Multichannel Fundraising Success

Creating, maintaining, and developing awesome relationships with multichannel donors isn’t rocket science. It’s all about consistency.

While it’s tough to get everything right on the first try, the good news is, you don’t have to! By connecting your website, emails, and crowdfunding campaigns to DonorPerfect, you can effortlessly record and report on multichannel donor engagement. That way, it’s easy to measure the effectiveness of every move you make.

To learn the details of these 4 multi-channel strategies, get the whole guide by simply providing your email in the chat.

Start Expanding Your Multichannel Donor Base Today

After you download the full guide, learn all the ways DonorPerfect can support, enhance, and improve your multichannel fundraising strategy. Chat with an expert now by choosing an option from the right.


DonorPerfect Fundraising Software is part of the SofterWare family. Based just outside Philadelphia, SofterWare has been developing and supporting software that’s easy to learn, easy to use, and tailored to users’ unique needs since 1981.

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