DonorPerfect and Constant Contact
Categories: Training Webinars, Additional Webinars
DonorPerfect and Constant Contact Transcript
Print TranscriptAll righty, so welcome everyone to DonorPerfect in constant contact. This is part of our communication and engagement series of webinars. And ultimately, the goal of this webinar is to really introduce you to the integration that exists between DonorPerfect and Read More
All righty, so welcome everyone to DonorPerfect in constant contact. This is part of our communication and engagement series of webinars. And ultimately, the goal of this webinar is to really introduce you to the integration that exists between DonorPerfect and Constant Contact, and how you can leverage that in for integration as a way to communicate and engage with your different groups of constituents. My name is Amanda, tad wretzky. I have been a trainer here at DonorPerfect for three years. And the integration with constant contact is one of my favorite topics to talk about. So I’m really glad that I get to leave this webinar with all of you fine folks for today. Now before I get started, I have a little itty bitty bit of housekeeping to do for those of you that are either new to our webinar, or if it’s been a hot minute since you’ve attended one. In front of you, you’re going to see a PowerPoint presentation as well as a live demonstration in DonorPerfect. And when you guys logged in, you had the GoToWebinar control panel. Open for you. If at any point you need to collapse or open that panel, you can go into the grab tab and you can click on the arrow icon that’ll let you open and close that panel as needed. The grants grabs have also has a hand icon that led to participate in the webinar by raising your hand, I am going to do a very quick soundcheck. If you guys can hear me can you just raise your hands real quick for me. And I mean your virtual hands, though, you can also I suppose, raise your real hands. Lovely. Unfortunately for you guys, that means you also get to hear my singing for most of the webinar. Now, if at any point, you do have issues with your audio, don’t panic, you can switch from your computer speaker over to phone call, that will give you the ability to call into the webinar and listen on your mobile device. If at any point you do run in an F words, if you haven’t done so already, go ahead and download the handout that comes with this webinar. It is a great way to take notes and have a resource for when the session is over. And then finally, the question box is where you guys are able to participate in the webinar by asking questions. The way that I tried to take the questions is I will try my best to address them as they come in and as they’re relevant. However, if I feel like we’re going to go over our time, I will hold questions until the end. All right. So with that said, I’m gonna go ahead and pop my video off now because we’re actually going to start diving into kind of why we have this specific webinar on our docket, which is really around why should we integrate email as part of our communication and engagement strategy for constituents. And ultimately, it comes around to 91% of people are checking their emails daily. So it’s really an effective way to be able to engage with your constituents because people are constantly monitoring and checking their emails every single day. Now with that in mind, 88% of people are checking their emails on their smartphones, which means if we want to be very smart in how we approach our communication and engagement strategy with email, we really want to make sure that we’re optimizing our email messaging, keeping in mind that they’re going to be read on a mobile device. And while you certainly should be using email as a way to update your constituents, keep them involved with your organization and engaged with them. Email marketing is also a really great way to solicit donations for your organization as well. Statistics have shown that for every 1000 emails that your organization delivers, you raise about roughly $45.30 8% of all online donors who were polled, denoted that they were inspired to give from an email that they’ve received. So keeping all of these metrics in mind, it really validates why we should have email as one aspect or one channel of our communication and engagement strategy. And Paula asked a great question. Do I have a breakdown of the demographics for this 91% I personally do not have the demographics and information for that in front of me. However, if you look up the article that’s listed down here at the bottom, which I can link this in the chat at the end, they may actually have that demographic information listed in this article that we pulled these statistics from. So I’ll be happy to link that at the end of the webinar. Oh, you’re so welcome, Paula. So keeping all this in mind, what we’re going to be going over today is specifically our integration with constant contact. So first of all, how do we connect the two databases so that they’re able to swap and share information? And within the integration, how do we create different types of email lists using our DonorPerfect data, we’re going to take a look at the difference between creating manual lists and dynamic list. And we’re also going to talk about how you can take DonorPerfect fields and incorporate them as merge fields, into your email templates. And we’ll talk about how do you review the results so that you can assess how effective your email strategy actually is. So that you can adjust your strategy and make data driven decisions about how to approach your email marketing moving forward. The one piece that I do want to emphasize before I move forward is this webinar is going to be really focused on the DonorPerfect side of the integration. If you want more in depth training on actually building the email, customizing the aesthetics and actually scheduling emails to go out. Constant Contact has a plethora of resources that you can access that can walk you through that process. So let’s talk about this step number one, which is building the bridge between DonorPerfect and constant contact. So the bridge is essentially enabling the two systems to share information with each other. This isn’t turned on by default, we have to actually go into the integration and turn it on ourselves. We do this by going to mailings and constant contact email. And then, depending on if you’ve logged into this integration previously, you may be asked to enter your constant contact credentials. Those can either be the credentials for the Constant Contact account that your organization is paying for yourselves. Or if your DonorPerfect package includes a constant contact account, you can put those credentials in there as well. Once you’ve entered your credentials, we’re going to turn on the sync settings. And we’re going to enable the nightly campaign sync. That enabled nightly campaign sync is what allows the two systems to share information with each other. And the way that that sharing works, is that you can create lists in DonorPerfect you can create your segments of constituents. And during the nightly sync DonorPerfect will update your list in constant contact with any new constituents that need to be added to a list or remove constituent from a list that they no longer belong on. So DonorPerfect adds individuals and removes individuals from your email list where Constant Contact will go in and it will actually create contact records in DonorPerfect for all of the constituents that received an email from Constant Contact, as well as update existing contact records to denote if that email was opened or not, or if a constituent has opted out of emails. So this thing sending is really important because that’s how the two systems actually share information with each other. So with that in mind, what I’m going to do is temporarily leave the slide deck and take you guys in the DonorPerfect to actually show you how we do this step by step in DonorPerfect. So in my DP system, I’m going to go to the gray navigation bar mailings and constant contact email.
Well, let me actually log into a true system here
so I’m going to go to mailings, constant contact email I’m going to go into the settings hyperlink. And under sync settings enable my nightly campaign sync. And I’m going to tell the system what time do I want the sync to happen, we recommend picking a time when you know no one is working in the database. We recommend setting the default contact activity to Constant Contact campaign, so that you can include an exclude these types of contacts from your reporting. And then clicking Save is what saves the connection so that now your two systems are able to share information with each other.
So enabling that nightly campaign sync is what enables the two databases to be able to swap and share information with each other. And one aspect of that integration and sharing of information is being able to create lists in DonorPerfect based on your donor data. So you’re able to take all of the information that you’ve collected about your constituents, and segment them into targeted donor groups, with the idea being that you can target specific messaging that’s relevant to that group of constituents, rather than just blasting the same message out to every database that’s on every record that’s on your email list. I’m Marcia. Yes. So Marcia asked, Is this presentation the same as the one that you attended for retaining donors? Marcia, yes, this is the same content, we’re just looking at it more so from the lens of general communication and engagement. So in terms of the two types of lists that you can build in constant contact, dynamic lists are the most common types of lists that we work with. Because dynamic lists update every single night automatically. That means that every single night DonorPerfect will go into constant contact and add and remove individuals based on whether they meet the criteria for that list. How does DonorPerfect know whether to add or remove people? Well, dynamic lists require that you have a selection filter tied to the list. A selection filter is how you define the criteria a record has to meet in order to be on your list. So if a record meets the criteria for the selection filter, they get added to the list. If they no longer meet the criteria for the selection filter, they get removed. So dynamic lists end up being a really great time saver because DonorPerfect is doing the work of managing the list for you. So they’re great for things like monthly donor outreaches, or mid level donors or lapsed donor email list, because we can set a criteria and have DonorPerfect manage that for you. So the downside of dynamic lists, though, is that you cannot pick and choose specific constituents to add and remove the DonorPerfect system is going to use the Selection filter to do that work for you. So the other type of lists that you can create in the system would be a manual list. Manual list gives you the ability to go through and pick the specific individuals that you want to add to that list. So there are really great type of lists when you want to create some big like a save a date list, where we want to invite a select group of constituents to our email list. There could also be great for list where we only want to send an email to a targeted group of constituents, but they don’t share a common criteria, then we can just manually add names to a list. The only real downside of manual lists is that it is manual you have to do the work and invest the time to ensure that that list is current and up to date.
So before we go in, and I actually show you how to build a dynamic lists and DonorPerfect. I do want to talk a little bit about merge fields in our email templates. We all know the more personal that we can Make our email messaging appear to the donor, the higher the likelihood that donor is going to continue to read our messages, and actually follow through with whatever it is we’re asking the donor to do when they get that email. So really interesting aspect of the integration with constant contact is the ability to send DonorPerfect fields in the constant contact and use them as merge fields. Now, with that said, DonorPerfect, by default will send over 12 pieces of information for every constituent record in your database. Every record that goes into Constant Contact, we’ll move over with their email, first, middle, and last name, address, city, state and zip, country, home phone, business phone, and donor ID. So you never have to worry about those fields not being available for you to choose as a merge field, they will always be available to you as part of the integration by default. However, many of you might be thinking, Well, I would love to send over the information about the donors last gift date, let’s say. Or I may want to send to a major donor prospect, an email that talks about their lifetime giving or number of years that they’ve given. So a great aspect of our integration is DonorPerfect lets you pick up to 10 fields from the main or bio tab of the donor profile. And you can incorporate them into your email message body as merge fields. And the neat thing about this custom field mapping is that you can change this field mapping based on the emails that you know you’re going to be sending out. So one month I might be doing a large push for lapsed donors. So for lapsed donors, I might incorporate fields like last gift date, last gift amount, last gift solicitation. Next month, I might be doing a big push really focusing on my new donors. So I might pull in information like first gift amount, first gift date, first gift solicitation. So these fields can be updated and changed based off of what emails you know, are going to be going out.
I’m getting a couple questions about are we gonna get a recorded version of this presentation? Yes, you guys will get a recording link of this presentation sent to you as part of your con, our follow up email. So definitely do take some notes. But you don’t have to write down everything that I’m saying today. Alrighty, so let’s take what we’ve learned about the integration so far, that being that we can create dynamic email lists. And we can use custom field mappings to create more personalized emails. And let’s actually take a look at how we accomplish this in the integration with constant contact. So as I’m going into the integration here, I would love to do a very informal poll. I’m going to have you guys take just a couple seconds and go into the chat and write out a couple of donor segments or they don’t even have to be donor segments. They could be constituents. What are some groups of constituents that you would like to use email as a way to engage with that group? I’m curious, what are the segments that you guys may have already come into this training? Thinking about that you want to engage with?
All right, no monthly donors. Catherine says their annual golf tournament attendees. Magda says annual donors and people who gave to specific events. Shannon said anyone who gave a gift in the past two years. Paula says new members who weren’t on boarded properly. Valerie says lapsed donors particularly in the last three years. Nadine and Erica both said monthly donors are Ariana says donors who have given at least once in the last year and Tara says laughs donors. Alright, so we have quite a gambit of the different lists that you guys are Looking to potentially create for yourselves. And I’m happy to report that all of those segments that you guys listed are all segments that we would say are good groups of constituents to use email marketing as a way to communicate and engage with, because it’s a very cost effective way to reach out to these different constituents. So I’m going to use the example of monthly donor for now, because that’s the one I saw come up most often. And whenever you come up with these lists, like what you guys just listed here, the first thing that you should do after you identify, I want to email my monthly donors. Well, the next thing that you should do is you should figure out what data point in your database tells you that this person is a monthly constituent. So go into a record like Dorothy Gale, and see what information you have about them. I can see for my monthly donors, they have a pledge record with a frequency set to monthly. But I also have a campaign code and a solicitation code that denotes that their monthly giving as well. So I have a few different ways that I could potentially build my filter. But the important step here is I took the time to actually look at a monthly donor record and determine what field in DonorPerfect identifies these records as monthly donors. So for me, I’m going to build my particular filter around this campaign field, the fact that I have a campaign code that tells me these are all of my monthly donors. And the reason that this step is so important, and why I emphasize this is when I’m in the integration under mailings, and constant contact email.
I’m able to come into list management, I’m able to create a new list called monthly donors.
And what I’m going to do is I’m going to build this as a dynamic nightly sync list. This means that DonorPerfect is going to use my saved Selection filter as a way to determine who to add and remove from my monthly giving list. And the reason that I said do your homework, and figure out what field in the database will help you determine who is a monthly donor is that homework is going to actually help you then build your selection filter for this list. So I’m going to click on the checkbox to build a selection filter. And I did that very quickly. So under mailings and constant contact email mailings, constant contact email, I go into lists management. I created a list called monthly donor. I’m going to call this one monthly donor campaign.
I’m going to make it a dynamic list and set a selection filter by clicking Set associated filter. And along the top here, I’m going to add a filter. Then all I have to do is tell DonorPerfect in these four fields. What criteria does a record have to meet to be a monthly donor? I’m going to say filter for the gift pledge table. On the gift pledge table. Find me the records where the data in the campaign field is an exact match to or is equal to and then I would look up the code for monthly giving program. And I would add that criteria to my filter to say I want to include any person who has the monthly giving campaign code assigned to them. Now I’m going to add another or layer to this, because I just want my current monthly donors. I don’t want someone that gave a monthly gift five years ago and has since stopped giving. So I’m going to add another piece of criteria to this campaign designation that says, also ensure that that donation has a date of gift that is equal to this year, let’s say. And this year, we’ll look at my calendar year in this scenario. So I would add that criteria to this filter to say look for donations where the campaign is monthly giving, and the date of that campaign is within my current calendar year. So when I click continue, I can give the filter a name, current monthly donor email list. And what I can do is I can save that filter in a folder called Constant Contact filters. I encourage every single client that I work with to have a folder for their filters for constant contact filters. That way we know not to modify the filters in that folder, because then we’re impacting the constituents that are actually getting the email. Celeste, I see your question, I’m going to actually hold on to that question. And I’ll address that maybe towards the end of the webinar, because that’s a more complex query.
Alrighty, so we’re gonna click Done. That’s going to apply the filter to this list, you have the option if donors have multiple email addresses, you can choose to include secondary addresses. That means that this email will go to all emails that are on file for that constituent. Otherwise, if you leave this unchecked, it’ll only send the email to the main email on file for that constituent. In terms of best practices, I’ve heard mixed answers from many different clients. Some have really just want to send it to the primary email that’s on the record. In other cases, organizations say they would like to blast it out to all emails that they have on that file. So what I would say is try it both ways. Look at your open through and click through rates and reporting. And let that help you determine which method works best for your organization.
Finally, what I can do is I can click Preview new constituents. And this is going to give me my list of constituents that meet my filter criteria. So I can go through, I can review my list. And if I’m happy with my results, I can click update list and that’ll send this donor information and the Constant Contact, it’ll create a list for me in constant contact called monthly donor campaign.
So while this is processing the request, I do want to talk through one aspect of the filtering process. I didn’t see this question come up, but I know is a question that people commonly ask. We always get the question with constant contact around when I build the filter. Do I need to tell the filter to exclude records with no email? Or do I need to tell the filter to exclude records that have opted out of emails? And the answer is no. With our integration with Constant Contact, the integration is built in such a way that it will ignore any record in DonorPerfect where the email field is empty. Or where the constant contact field do not email is select selected to Yes. So the integration is built in to exclude those records by default. That way you do not have to go through and manually have to build that into your filter.
All righty. So now, the system has confirmed I’ve set 15 contacts into constant contact. And yes, Noah asked, the list that I created is a dynamic nightly sync list. That means if I add a new monthly donor to this list, people will get added. Exactly. So because it’s dynamic, any new monthly donors will get added to this list. If someone is no longer giving a monthly gift, then they would get removed from the list. So no, I click the button in the top corner here that says update to Constant Contact. That is actually what is pushing this information now in the constant contact for me. And in terms of the dynamic nightly sync, once the list is created, and you send it to constant contact for the very first time, then during the nightly sync, that’s when the list gets updated in constant contact. So remember, when we had gone in at the beginning of the webinar to constant contact and settings, we had turned on the sync setting, which means that my list and Constant Contact update between 12am and 3am. Eastern time. Oh, you’re no problem. Thank you for that wonderful question. And this is a very nice segue then into the custom field map aspect of the database. Because I just said all of those monthly donors in the constant contact. What I may want to do now is ensure when I send them updates on the impact of being a monthly donor, that I start off those emails with their salutation. So dear Amanda, dear Dorothy Gale, dear No, if I may also want to incorporate something like their last gift date that they gave assuming that monthly donors only gift those reoccurring gifts every month. So if we want to take these DonorPerfect specific fields, and we want to incorporate them into the message body of our email campaigns. Within the integration, you’re going to go to the settings hyperlink custom field mapping. And this is enabling you to pick any DonorPerfect field that’s on the main bio table. And you can incorporate it as a merge field in constant contact. So we always encourage you to map salutation salutation is how you wish to address donors after the word eager and lol. And then you have nine additional fields that you can consistently update and change to reflect the merge fields that you need to have in constant contact for your email messaging. So things like for lapsed donors, you might incorporate last gift date and last gift amount. For donors who have given a gift in the last five years, you may want to actually create something that’s called a custom calculated field to calculate their total giving it over five years, and then put that custom calculated field as a merge field. For specific event donors, you may want to create a custom calculated field to calculate how much they gave to that event, and incorporate that as a merge field. So essentially, if it’s a field on the main or bio part of the donor profile, it can be mapped as a merge field. And I’m alluding to these custom calculated fields here, I won’t have the time to go over what goes into building them. But we do have some great webinars and resources that can walk you through how to build these types of custom calculations, so that you can incorporate them into your email marketing strategy. But ultimately, what we want you to take away about the custom field mapping is any field on Main and bio can be incorporated as a merge field here. Once you update the custom field mapping, you do have to wait for the nightly sync to happen so that the merge fields in constant contact, we’ll update the most current version
All right, so we’ve talked a lot about this integration from the DonorPerfect side. And what we really want you to take away is that overall the DonorPerfect side, this is where we can enable the connection so that the two systems can share information. Over on the DonorPerfect side under list management, that’s where you’re going to create your segmented email groups, you’re going to use selection filters to define what your segmented groups are. Over on the DonorPerfect side, you can use the custom field mapping to take any field from the main and bio table and incorporate that as a merge field in your email campaign. So for this next slide, I’m going to go through some very basics around the integration from the donor or from the Constant Contact side, it’s not going to be a really full through demonstration. But more so just a very brief introduction to what you can do on the Constant Contact side of things. So if you want to access the Constant Contact side of the integration from within your DonorPerfect database, you can go to app links and constant contact. And over on the Constant Contact side, that’s where you’re actually going to create the message that your donors are going to read for your emails. And that’s where you’re going to choose your DonorPerfect list that you want to send that messaging to. And if you’re using the Constant Contact account that comes with your DonorPerfect system, there are several DonorPerfect templates that are available to you that you can then customize and adjust to match your organization’s branding. And because a lot of organizations are trying to use email more and more so as a way to fundraise for their organization, you can also within that constant contact messaging, embed a link to your DonorPerfect donation form, as a raised will raise funds for your mission. So that kind of put it into a context here. From a fundraising side, especially for those of you that are looking at engaging lapsed donors and encouraging them to give again, you can create a DonorPerfect specific form for your lapsed donor campaign. Then you can take the link from that form and incorporate it into a donate now button and your constant contact email. And when people click on that link, and they donate through that link, that will then create a gift transaction in DonorPerfect to track that that donor, donate it to that particular form. So if you’re really, really clever with how you use this integration, and you’re doing these types of segmented marketing, you can have that form would be pre coded to denote it was a lapsed donor campaign. And that through the sub solicitation code, this came through an email outreach, so that you can actually track the effectiveness of using email as a solicitation and fundraising tool.
All righty, so what I’m going to do is very, very briefly show you how you could potentially do something like this with the integration between the forms, and constant contact and DonorPerfect. So if you do want to use Constant Contact as a way to raise funds using a DonorPerfect online form, the very first thing that you have to do is actually grab a form link from your form library. So under absent online forms, you would use either your drag and drop form builder or online forms classic depending on where you have your form built.
If I want to particularly send out a paws and claws monthly giving form to encourage people to sign up as monthly donors, what I can do is I can click on the link for that form. And I can copy the URL link for this form here. Now that I actually have the link to this form I can go back into DonorPerfect and go into apps and constant contact to sign into my Constant Contact account.
And hopefully it’ll let me in today.
Perfect. If I want to create a new email to send out to monthly donor prospects, I would be able to click Create to build a new email campaign. Say I want to create a new email. And again, I’m not a constant contact rep. So I can really only speak to a few aspects of this integration. What I can do is I can look through the different templates available to me, I’m going to use a DonorPerfect software template. And I’m going to select this template to become a monthly donor
tu tu tu tu tu.
From here, I can use the drag and drop interface here to drag elements from my blocks. To add them to my email to customize it further. I can come in and customize the messaging, insert my own images.
And if I want to embed my form length, all I have to do is click on the button that I want to embed the link behind
click link. And say that I want to link it to a web page. And that’s where I would be able to insert my online form link.
So just like that I embedded my online form link between the Join Now button. I’ve gone through and use the elements here to customize my email and have it match my branding. And then if I click Continue in the top right corner
this is where all of the lists that I created in DonorPerfect are available for me to choose from.
So I can find my list for monthly donor prospects. Select that list, customize the subject line and also schedule when I want this email to go out.
So this is again a very high level kind of introduction to the process. Ultimately, what we wanted to show you here is that when you’re getting ready to send the emails, these are where the lists that you created in DonorPerfect are available for you to choose. And yes, you can actually choose multiple lists. So you can choose to send the same email to a larger group of donors if you wanted to. And a couple of people are asking about the DonorPerfect templates. For the DonorPerfect templates are available to you if you’re using the Constant Contact account that comes with your DonorPerfect system. If you are currently linked to a constant contact account that your organization is paying for separate from DonorPerfect, you would not have access to those templates. So if you want to see if your DonorPerfect account actually includes a constant contact account, you can reach out to your account manager and confirm that information. Because a lot of times what people end up doing is closing out their existing Constant Contact account and switching over to the one that comes with DonorPerfect, since you’re already paying for it as part of your package many times Hi. I’m Celeste, I do see your question about monthly donor Celeste, I’m gonna hold that one till the end of the training today.
Alrighty, so after we’ve gone through this whole process of let’s say creating a email marketing campaign with a DonorPerfect form as a way to raise funds for our organization. Well, the next thing that we probably want to do is then review the results or the effectiveness of email as a marketing strategy for our fundraising efforts, or for donor engagement. So one aspect of the integration that I talked about a little bit earlier on in the session is that DonorPerfect creates a contact transaction for every email that goes out to your constituents. And in that email, it’s going to denote through the activity field, that it was a constant contact email. And then the email campaign information section, you’re able to see what email campaign the constituent received. And you’ll also be able to see in the campaign status, whether or not they opened the email, whether they received it but never opened it, or whether they’ve opted out. So one way that you can review the results of this effort and use this to determine how effective your engagement strategy actually is, is you can run reports in DonorPerfect to see how many constituents are actively opening your emails. That can be a good indicator of whether or not your messaging is specifically targeted to a group of donors. Or it can be a good indicator to help you determine if you are over communicating with your constituents too much. So one way you can do this as you can build custom reports and DonorPerfect to pull this information out. The integration with constant contact also has very basic reports built into it. That lets you track the effectiveness of your email campaigns within the integration itself. So you’re able to go in and run reports and set basic filters to be able to see how many people have opted out of your email list, or be able to see for a particular campaign what your open rate was. Now, with that said DonorPerfect, does have the ability for you to report on the effectiveness of your email campaigns. I personally am a big believer that the Constant Contact reports are a lot more insightful. Because the Constant Contact reports not only look at open rates, which is how many people opened your emails. But the Constant Contact reports will also tell you your click through rates. So of the people who received the email, how many people actually clicked on the links in your email. So that tends to be a better indicator to many organizations as to the effectiveness of the messaging, driving people to support your organization in the way you want them to. Yes, and Paula Paula mentioned another report in the Constant Contact side that I think is really helpful. The heat mapping report. So Constant Contact has a heat mapping report that can actually track where donors are, I believe it’s looking and clicking within the email. So we can help you really determine where you should be putting your donate now button, where do your donors tend to look and read when they receive your messaging. So I’m not very adept at the Constant Contact reports personally, but within the integration itself, if you do go to the reporting option on the Constant Contact side, this is where you can access all of those reports that exist within the integration from the Constant Contact side. So these would be the click throughs the open rates the heat mapping Reports. From the DonorPerfect side if you want it just a very, very quick and simple report to look at from mailings and constant contact email. There is a Reports tab that you can click into and you can In either look at your data by email list, so these are the custom lists that you create. And you can set a filter to say we only want to see records that are active, meaning they can get emails.
Or I could set my email list and take a look at how many people from my email list have opted out of emails. So how many people have marked themselves as do not send mail 13. So this will give me a good indicator of if people are opting out of my emails, perhaps either a sent them things that were not relevant, or be i over communicated with them, and maybe I need to assess my strategy and take it back a notch. So email list is a great way to actually see how many active emails you have, meaning that they’re currently getting emails from your organization. So I have 335 active emails. Or I can actually look at people who have opted out and see, what is my opt out rate about 13.
The other report type that you can do is based off of a specific email campaign. So an email campaign lets me pick a specific email that I’ve sent out. So I can do the paws and claws monthly giving campaign.
And I can view the results of just that one campaign. Which apparently was never actually sent from my database. So I’ll do the winter appeal. So for my winter appeal, email, I had 115 people that received that email. I can then come down in the campaign status, and I can apply filters to see how many people open the email out of 115 people that receive the email 13 Open that email. Oh, no. Right off the bat, that’s not a good number. I can look at my opt outs. Out of the people who received this email how many people opted out? Okay, I didn’t have any opt outs. I can look at the sent status. So sent in DonorPerfect means that they received the email but they never opened it. I had 12 people that received the email but never opened it. And then lastly, I may want to look at my bounced. So how many people received this email and then the email bounced 90. So these are the emails that I may want to look at in my system and potentially remove from my database. Because if these emails are bouncing, they’re not receiving emails from my organization. They’re not valid emails, they don’t really belong in my database then. So the reporting and DonorPerfect, I would say it’s a great way to just get a very quick answer to the effectiveness of your campaigns from a numbers perspective. And it can be a good starting point in terms of assessing the effectiveness of your efforts with some standard reporting that you don’t have to build completely from scratch.
Okay, so I see some questions here. The Reports tab does not show up on our since the Constant Contact account is separate melody, you should still be able to go to mailings and constant contact email and be able to ask to access the Reports tab. So mailings, Constant Contact and reports. These are the two reports that come with the integration. Campaign details is the one that lets you assess your open bounced and opt outs for a particular email campaign. An email list is looking at every email in your database and letting you know how many people are currently subscribed to your list. And how many people have opted out of your email list over your entire history. And everyone who has the integration regardless if it’s a donor, perfect account, or your own account, should have access to this Reports tab. The only thing that will be specific to the DonorPerfect Constant Contact account are those specific email templates that we built in partnership with constant contact.
All righty, so as I’m wrapping up the end of this webinar, and I do see a couple of questions that I promise I’m going to come back to, I do want to give you guys the knowledge on if you need help and support in working through this integration, where you should go and direct those questions. So if your question is around building an email template, scheduling an email to go out, or running reports in constant contact, you’re going to reach out to the constant contact support team. And I’m going to leave their number up there for just a moment if you guys would like to write this down. If your question is around issues with the data not syncing between the two systems if you notice that there are campaign results for your emails that are not reflecting in DonorPerfect or if you just need help building a filter for your targeted email list then you’re going to reach out to the DonorPerfect support team and we’ll be happy to help you
Celeste Can I confirm when someone unsubscribes in constant contact that will be updated and DonorPerfect? Yes. So Celeste, if someone unsubscribes from a constant contact email that gets updated on the main part of the donor profile. I believe if I actually look at my record for bamboo I like the names that we come up with for my database this constituent has actually been marked as do not email because he unsubscribed from emails in constant contact.
So I’m gonna leave these numbers up for you guys real quick in case you want to write them down
All righty. And for those of you that maybe are just considering using the Constant Contact integration, you can always reach out to this phone number to learn more about what you currently have included in your DonorPerfect plan and if a provisional Constant Contact account is included.
All righty, so just to recap what we’ve gone over before I go back and address some of those questions. We always encourage you to enable the nightly sync between the two databases so that they’re able to swap information and share data. There’s two types of lists that you can create in constant contact dynamic, which enables you to have a selection filter, manage your email lists for you, and manual where you go in and manually add every single email to the list. If you are building dynamic lists, it’s a good idea to place those selection filters in a specific folder folder. And you can take the form links for all of your donation forms and easily embed them into the message body of your emails to make it really easy to track your online donations. And you guys can ignore smart give links. We have to update the slide deck of smart give is a feature that we are sunsetting we just had I have to update this text.
So with that said, what I’m going to do is go back through the webinar, and I’m going to go and address some of the questions that I had been asked earlier. If you have other questions, feel free to pop them into the chat, I’ve happy to stick around and address them for you. However, if you need to scoot, or if you’ve gotten everything that you’ve needed out of this webinar, then I hope you have a great rest of your day. And I hope I’ll see you in another
session. All yours You’re so welcome Tara. I hope you have a good rest of your day
so Celeste, you had a great question around you want it to be able to email your monthly donors, that’s an email that talks to the impact of their donation and you want that email sent the day that their payment is processed. So Oh, you’re so welcome Erica. So Celeste, the way that I would handle that is I would actually go into tasks and monthly giving. Oh, thank you Kami. And under Tasks and monthly giving, what I would do is I would turn on automatic receipts for monthly donors. So what this means is as soon as monthly giving processes, that payment for that monthly donor, it will send them an email confirming their payment was received and informing them of the impact that their gift has. So Celeste, that’s how you would turn it on. You would have to build an email template under mailings that email templates specifically for this use case. If you do go into the knowledge base and search for automatic monthly receipts that will actually walk you through every single step that you need to take to get this set up and running. Kami Yes, I will be or I will be but yes, you will be getting an email with a link to the recording for this presentation.
Okay. All right. So those were the questions that I had listed. Um, does anyone else have any other questions before I let y’all go for the day?
All righty, well, I hope you all have a great rest of your day. I hope you found this session informative and helpful. And I hope I get to see some of you in some of my future webinars by now
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