End of Year: Consolidated Canadian Receipts
Categories: Training Webinars, End of Year
End of Year: Consolidated Canadian Receipts Transcript
Print TranscriptGood afternoon, everyone, and welcome to our consolidated receipts for Canada webinar. In this session, we’re going to be walking you through the process to generate your end of year consolidated receipts. So by the end of the session, we’re hoping Read More
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to our consolidated receipts for Canada webinar. In this session, we’re going to be walking you through the process to generate your end of year consolidated receipts. So by the end of the session, we’re hoping you will all walk away understanding three key steps for your consolidated receipt process. First walking you through the data, first walking you through how to prep your data for Consolidated receding. We’re going to run two cross tabulation reports to verify that the gift fields have been entered appropriately to produce a consolidated receipt. That will walk you through how you can update your email and letter templates with your current text, yer logo and signatures. So that information is included on your receipts. And then finally, once you’ve prepared your transactions and updated your templates, we’ll walk you through how you can produce the receipts. And as always, the content of this webinar may contain features and fields that are different than your own. So with that said, this webinar is going to be more demo focused rather than slide focused, so let’s hop into DonorPerfect. And let’s start with prepping your data. The prepping your data step is super important. Because throughout the year, you’ve most likely been entering data from a few different sources, you may have gone into a donor record and manually added a gift. You may be accepting donations from an online donation form. You may be importing donations from a third party site like CanadaHelps, or race rosters. So because data can be entered from quite a few different sources, we recommend running a series of cross tabulation reports to essentially validate that the receipt fields have been entered appropriately for a consolidated receipt. I would recommend before you start the process of running these reports, go ahead and issue any individual receipts that are remaining in your database. Because that will ensure that those individual receipts are not appearing on the reports that we’re getting ready to run. So once your individual receipts are generated, we’re going to start the process of prepping your data by going to the Reports icon and selecting Report Center from the drop down list. And using the search bar, you’re going to search for the report cross tabulation reports. Now we’re going to run this report twice to essentially validate that the data entry for your consolidated gifts have been entered correctly. The first report that we’re going to run is to confirm that the acknowledgement preference specified on the gift record is set to acknowledge and receipt. That’s what’s going to trigger DonorPerfect to issue a receipt number for that donation. We also want to validate that the gift record has a receding preference of consolidated. That’s what ensures that if John Smith has 10 donations listed on his record, that those 10 donations receive a single tax receipt number. So to set up our report to produce that data, we’re going to go into the sidebar filter. And we’re going to pick the field along the left to be acknowledgment preference. This is whether the donor is going to be receive it and the field along the top is going to be receiving preference dash gift receiving preference dash gift. This is whether the donor is getting a consolidated receipt or an individual receipt. So what we’ve done here is we’ve essentially picked the two fields from the gift record that we want to spot check the data for. So our next step is that we have to apply a filter so DonorPerfect knows which gifts we want to review the data entry for. Specifically we want to review the data entry for gifts that were entered last year. And for gifts where a receipt number has not been already been produced. So to do this, we’re going to come down into the filter section. And we’re going to click Apply to apply a selection filter.
Now as part of your onboarding process, you all should have an end of year receipt filters folder included in your database. If you don’t have this folder, you can certainly reach out to the support team and have them help you build these filters. But for this first report, our goal is to catch any donations that have an incorrect acknowledgement preference, and an incorrect receding preference. So we’re going to use this filter pre processing consolidated. And if we click on the pencil icon at the very end to edit this filter, this will explain why we’re choosing this particular filter. Because what this filter allows you to do is picking a date range. In this case, you want the date range to be last year. And it’s also going to look for gifts where the receipt number is No, that means that no receipt number has been generated for this gift. So prior to using this filter, every single year, you will want to edit the filter and change the date range to reflect the prior year. So I’m going to look for donations that came in between the first of 2020 and the end of 2022. Sorry, that would be between the first of 2022 and the end of 2022. And I’m looking for donations in that date range where the receipt number field is empty. Once I’ve gone in, and I’ve updated my year, and you can update the year by taking your cursor and editing the year here. Once you’ve gone in and you’ve replaced the year with the prior year, you can click Done to apply your filter. The last step before I run this report is that I’m going to remove the date range filter at the top here. So I don’t have competing date range filters. And I’m going to hit clear values to essentially remove any other filters that may be applied in the report. Lastly, I can run my report and start the beginning of my data cleanup process. Okay, and this is exactly what I was expecting to see. So ultimately, the goal of this report is that I want all of my gifts that are going to be a part of a consolidated receipt to be included in this cell here. Because what this cell means is that the donations have an acknowledgment preference of acknowledge on receipt, meaning they can get a tax receipt number. And they have a receding preference of consolidated, meaning that it’s going to consolidate multiple donations into one tax receipt. However, what you’re probably noticing, as you’re looking at this report is that I have some donations where there’s no receding preference, or I have some donations where there’s no acknowledgement preference. So the goal of this report is to review every single column and sell to make sure that if there is someone that needs to be acknowledged and received and consolidated, that they get moved into this section. So there’s no right and wrong way to go about approaching this. But for me, I personally like to work from the left and work my way over. So what that means is I’m going to start with this segment of donations that are marked acknowledged and receipt, but have no receding preference assigned to them. I’m going to click on the number 12 To drill down into the details and I’m going to review the list and determine Are Renee Stewart’s donations, consolidated donations. And in the case of my system, yes, Renee Stewart is a monthly donor. Therefore her donation should be included on a consolidated receipt. So my goal for Rene would be to take these 12 donations, and move them over to this segment here where I currently have 60 listed. So how am I going to do that? Well, you actually have two methods of data cleanup that you can choose to. The first is that you can manually go into every single donation and make the changes on a gift by gift basis. What that would entail is right clicking on the Gift Amount, selecting from the pop up box, open a link in a new tab. And what that will do is in your web browser, it’s going to open up a tab called Edit gifts. And this is where I can come in for Rene’s donation. And I can make sure that her receding preference is set to consolidated. While I’m in here, I can also assign her the 99 consolidated receipt thank you letter if I wanted. Then once I’m done making the appropriate changes, I can click Save.
We’ll give DonorPerfect a moment to think. Cool, then I can close that tab. And I can move on to the second gift transaction. Right click on that gift, open a link in a new tab
open up the Edit gift tab and go in and apply the corrections. So marking the receiving preference as consolidated to denote that the should be donations that are grouped into one tax receipt and making sure that the acknowledgement preference is acknowledged on receipt, meaning that they’re going to be receded and optionally assigning the appropriate thank you letter code. And then saving the gift once I’ve applied my appropriate changes.
So closing the gift list here. As I make these changes, what I can do is within the drop down that I’m in, I can reload my page. And when you refresh your browser, what you’ll notice is that those two donations that I had previously entered have disappeared. They’ve disappeared because if I close my tab and go back into my original cross tab report, I originally had 12 donations with no preceding preference, and 60 donations that were set up appropriately for Consolidated receipt. If I rerun the report again, I’m going to see now I have 10 donations that still are missing an acknowledgment preference. But I now have 62 donations that are set up appropriately for a consolidated receipt. So the goal of drilling into each one of these segments is to identify your data entry errors, and giving you the power to correct them in real time. And then see the results of those corrections in this report.
So what I can do is I can continue to drill down into the segment and manually change each one of Rene’s donations. Alternatively, another thing that you can do is that you can do what’s called a global update. So if you have a larger number of records that you need to change data for a global update essentially lets you find out and replace data. So what I can do is I can tell DonorPerfect, find all of the records for 2021, where the receipt number is empty. The donor has acknowledged and receipt as the acknowledgement preference. And the receding preference field is blank, I can tell Delta perfect to find records where all four pieces of that criteria is true. And then change those records so that the receding preference reads as consolidated. It sounds super crazy and maybe complicated, but it’s not as scary as it sounds. So let’s walk through how you would make that change. So again, my goal is to move these 10 donations into this consolidated acknowledge and receipt piece. The change that I need to make is that these donors do not have a receding preference aside, I want to change it so that their receded preference is consolidated. Now, prior to doing the global update, the very first thing that you are going to want to do is go to utilities, and Backup and Restore. Nope, I’m not going to save my filters. In this case, we’re going to go to backup and restore and create a backup of your database. So this way, if you make a mistake with your global update, you’re able to undo that mistake. So now that I have my backup, I’m going to go to utilities and global update.
And I’m going to do my Find and Replace. I’m going to update data on the gift pledge table. And the field that I want to update is receding preference dash gift.
And in value to update this is going to define what you want the receding preference field to change to. I want receding preference to change to consolidate it. So I’ll look up my code for consolidated. Now, I don’t want to apply this change to every donation. I only want to apply this change if the gift was received last year, the receipt number is empty. The gift has a receding preference of acknowledge and receipt.
And receiving preference is currently no. So what I’ll do is I will set my selection filter clicking on the box. And I’m actually going to edit my pre processing consolidated filter. Because what this filter has is my date range and it has the part of the filter looking for a blank receipt number. So all I have to do is add on acknowledgment preference is acknowledged and receipt and receding preference is no. So what we’ll do is we’ll click the blue hyperlink add more criteria and we’re going to select on the gift pledge table. across all fields, records were acknowledged my preference is exactly equal to and look up my code for acknowledge and receipt and then we’ll add more criteria and we’re going to look for donations where the receiving preference field dash gift is null or blank and add that criteria to our filter as well. So that when you click continue and done to apply the filter that’s only going to update records where all four of these values are true. So clicking Done, we can click continue and OK to apply the global update.
Perfect, and you’ll get a confirmation that the changes have been made. And we can see the reflection of those changes if we go back to reports and Report Center. And we go back into your cross tabulation report. And we validate again that the date range filters are empty. That the field along the left is acknowledgment preference, and the field along the top is receding preference. Now we made a change to your pre processing filter. So you will want to edit this filter. And now remove the lines that you add it for the global update. So removing the lines for acknowledgment preference is acknowledge and receipt, you’re going to click Delete. Add removing the line for receipt type is null. That’s because we only added it, we only added these additional fields of criteria to essentially ensure DonorPerfect knew which records to update. Now we’re back to our original filter of just date range and receipt number is empty. When we click Done to apply the filter, we can run the report.
And just like that, all 10 of those donations went into a segment acknowledged and receipt and consolidated. So we were successful in moving all 12 of those donations into the appropriate segment so that they now are set up to receive a consolidated receipt. So moving forward, what you’d want to do is continue to look through each segment to validate if there’s any additional corrections that need to be made. For example, the segment listed here, this is a case where the donor has the correct receding preference. But none of the donations have an acknowledgement preference assigned to them. So again, what we would do is we would drill down into the details drill down into this 65. And look at our list and ask ourselves Are these donors that are meant to get a consolidated receipt. And if so, depending on the number, you can either go in and right click on them and edit the gifts one by one. Or we can do a global update and take all of these donations and move them into the appropriate segment, which is what we’re going to do in this example. I’m going to close my tab up at the top here. We’re going to move all 65 of these donations into the acknowledge and receipt and consolidated grouping. What that means is that we have to figure out what’s our criteria for our global update. Our criteria for our global update is that the receipt number is no the date of gift is last year. Acknowledgement preference is blank. And receding preference is consolidated. So again, I would encourage you to go to utilities and create a backup of your database before you do the global Update. And once you make that backup, you can go to utilities and global update. I’m going to right click and open this in a new tab so I can come back to this report more easily.
We’re going to update data on the gift pledge tables. This time we’re updating the acknowledgment preference field and we want to update the acknowledgement preference field to be acknowledged and receipt. Then we’re going to click the checkbox to set a selection filter. We’re going to use your Enter your receipt filter and again edit the pre processing consolidated because we want to add on a line of criteria to look for gifts where acknowledgement preference is blank, and where receding preference is consolidated. So being very specific in the type of donations that we’re updating so we’ll add more criteria and select records on the gift pledge table across all fields. were acknowledged acknowledgement preference is no add more criteria. And where receding preference dash gifts is exactly equal to consolidated. And then we’re going to add that criteria to our filter. And click Continue. And done to apply our filter. So we can click continue, and OK to apply the global update. So once the global update is done, because I opened global update in a new tab, I can close this tab to go back to my cross tabulation report. I’m going to edit the pre processing consolidated filter to remove the acknowledgement preference filter criteria, and the receipt type filter criteria. And then click Done. And I will run my report again. And what you’ll notice is that these 65 donations are going to move into the acknowledge and receipt segment. Oops, and there we go. So I was able to use Global updates to do a math Find and Replace and correct multiple records very, very quickly. So what I would recommend once you get to this point is still reviewing all of the other segments by drilling into the details. And validating that there’s no monthly donors are there’s no consolidated donors that may have been entered incorrectly. Because for example, we’re seeing donations with an individual receiving preference here. This means either a there are individual receipts that still need to be generated, or be there were some consolidated transactions that were incorrectly assigned the individual designation. So the goal is to look through each cell and correct any data. That means let me backtrack that. So the goal is to go into each individual cell and correct any data so that if someone is supposed to get a consolidated receipt, they’re in the segment for acknowledged and receipt, and consolidated. Once you’ve gone through and you corrected all of your data points, you can click on the hyperlink for your consolidated receipt group. And you can validate that your list is updated and accurate. And at the very bottom, it’ll tell you how many donors are in that segment. So this tells me when I go to do my consolidated receipts, I should end up with 14 receipts, one receipt per donor.
Alrighty, so buckle up. That was report number one. And again, the goal of Report Number one was to look for donations that have not already been received it and to validate that if they’re meant to get a consolidated receipt that their acknowledgement preference is acknowledged and receipt and that their receiving preference is consolidated. So then, we need to run at least one more report before we can start updating our templates. And the second report is to confirm Remember that the receipt delivery method, whether the donor is getting a letter or email receipt, we need to make sure that the receipt delivery method on the main and on the gift screen are the same. This ensures that when your donors gift transactions are combined, they’re combined into one receipt with one designated delivery method. If we don’t do this, there’s a chance that the donor might get some of their receipts by email, and some of their receipts by letter, which is not ideal for the type of receipt we’re looking to produce. So the changes that we’re going to make to this report is to change the field along the left to be receipt delivery. This is no receipt delivery on the main. The field along the top will be receipt delivery preference dash gift. This is going to be their receipt delivery on the gifts screen. The second thing that we’re going to do is change our filter. Because now we know we have 14 donors 137 gifts that we’re going to be consolidated receiving, we can finally get rid of any of the other donations that are not going to be received it through this process. So we’ll click the X to remove your filter. And click Apply. And we’re going to edit the filter processing consolidated, I’m editing the filter to show you a few things. The first is to re emphasize every year when you do consolidated receipts, you have to update the gift Date Range Filter, by taking your cursor and just clicking into the row and changing the year. The other piece is that this filter is now looking for donations last year, where the receipt type is consolidated. The acknowledgement preference is acknowledged and receipt and the receipt number field is empty. This is the filter that essentially is ensuring we’re now only looking at the 137 gifts, the 14 donors that are meant to get a consolidated receipt. We’re ignoring all other gifts in the system. So when we click Done to apply the filter, we can run the report.
And what we want to validate is that anyone who has email on the main page also has email on the gifts page. So these seven donors have email on the main and email on the gift. But these 29 donors have email on the main but letter on the gift. So we will need to review these donations and make sure that we decide do we change the main or the gift designation. Same thing with this segment down here. These folks have letter on the main but email on the gift where these 93 have letter on the main and letter on the gift. So the 93 and the seven are correct, we need to change the eight and the 29.
So how would we do that? Well, option number one is we can drill into the gift itself. And we can right click on these gift amounts and change the gifts one by one. Or we can do a global update. So I’m going to go with the global update option. So what I’m going to say is if the receipt delivery is email on the main change the gift to be email if the receipt delivery is letter on the main change this to be letter at the gift level. I’m going to do two global updates here.
So we’re going to go to utilities and global update. Again, I would encourage you to create a backup of your database first. And I’m going to open a link in a new tab to do my global updates and a separate tab, so I can keep my side bar report open. And what we’re going to do is update data on the gift pledge table. We’re going to update the receipt delivery field, receipt delivery preference dash gift. And the value that we’re going to update is we’re going to change it to email, we’re going to do our emails first, if their email on the main, they’re going to get email at the gift level. So when I set my selection filter, I’m going to use the end of your receipt filter, processing, consolidated edit the filter. And I’m going to add a piece of criteria to look on the main bio table across all fields for receipt delivery, exactly equal to email. So looking for everyone that has email as their receipt delivery preference. When I click done, I can click continue to apply the global update.
Then I’ll repeat the same process of updating data on the gift pledge table. This time, I’m going to update the receipt delivery preference and make the value to update letter. And when I go to set my filter to tell the system which records to update, I’m going to use my little trick use left filter. And I’m actually going to take my cursor and replace receipt delivery equal to e to receipt delivery equal to L. So look for records where the receipt delivery is letter. And then click Done to apply that filter. And continue and OK to apply the update.
So if I close my global update, because I’ve now made my necessary changes, I can run my report.
And see this is why I forgot a key step here. I need to edit my filter here and remove the line of criteria that’s only looking for letter donations. So see, even as trainers sometimes forget a key step. So now that I removed the letter as a criteria when I run my report, this is what I want to see. I have 36 people that are going to get email receipts, so they have email on the made email on the gift. And I have 101 people that are going to get a letter, meaning that they have letter on the Maeve and letter on the gifts. And do you see how I have zeros on these diagonals? That’s exactly what you want to see. That means I don’t have anybody that has letter on the main but email on the gift. I don’t have anybody with email on the main but letter on the gift and I still have 137 donations that I’m going to be receiving
Okay, so for most people, this is going to be your general process for updating your donations for Consolidated receiving. Now I totally recognize that doing global updates can be a bit daunting. And it may be a case where your global updates may be a bit different depending on how your data was entered. So if you feel are a bit uncomfortable with the global update process, please do not hesitate to contact the support team with your questions, they will certainly be able to give you some guidance on next steps to take. Now, before I move on and actually show you guys how to update your templates, there are a couple exceptions that I’ve just very quickly wanted to talk through. So for Consolidated receipts, you can only generate one letter type per group. So what I mean by that is if you have a letter that’s going to go to one group of donors, and then a separate letter, that’s going to go to another group of donors, you have to do an additional report. You will want to change this report so that the field along the left is going to show you your thank you letter. still maintaining receipt delivery and the processing consolidated filter. When you run this report, what this essentially is going to allow you to see is what letter or what template is assigned to each group of donors. Again, you only have to run this report, if you’re planning on sending different groups of donors, different messages. If every donor is going to get the exact same 99 consolidated letter, this is not a report that you have to run, because we’re able to choose that specific letter during the receiving process. This would also be a good report to run for those of you that have that language designation, where you might have to send one letter to everyone that speaks French, and another letter. That’s everyone that speaks English. So this report would essentially help you validate that each person has the correct letter template assigned to them. Because you will have to do multiple generations of your receipt, one for each letter type. Finally, for those of you that are what we call case, two donors are case two users. That’s where you are acknowledging donors throughout the year and then receiving all users so not just your monthlies. Everyone gets a consolidated receipt. Typically ahead of this process, you will do a global update on a yes, no field called and have your receipt. And that will allow you to globally update all of the people who are supposed to get it and have your receipt to have an acknowledgement preference and consolidated designation, you will still want to run these reports to validate that the data is clean. But that essentially is how you can do that mass update for all those records. And again, in the case of these exceptions, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the support team.
All righty, so now that we’ve validated our data, and we’ve done our cleanup, our next step is going to be updating our email and letter templates to ensure that our messaging has the most current Thank you text, Logos signatures, and most importantly, making sure that our receipt has the current year on it. So let’s start off with the email templates. You’re going to edit your email templates by going to mailings and email templates. And no, I’m not going to save any of my filters. And what you’re going to do is find your 99 consolidated receipt template and click the pencil icon next to it to edit it. From here you’re going to select PDF attachment. And then the receipt portion you’re going to look for date of donation received and change it from the prior year to the current year. This is also where you can come in and replace signatures. update any information within the receipt that is relevant to be changed. Go ahead and save the template and then you can come back into your email template and review the message body here to again change anything in the template that is your specific. So Below is a list of your 2022 contributions, making sure that you’re updating any signatures or logos that may need to be changed. And then saving the template. I love love, love how easy updating email templates are. And again, the key here is you want to change the year in the PDF attachment and the year within the message body here. Now for letter templates, there’s a few extra steps that we have to take. Your letter templates are going to be found under the gear icon, and mail merge templates.
And what you’re going to do is go into the receipts folder, locate your 99 consolidated receipt template. Click on the downward gray arrow to download the template to a Word document
and then open up the word doc. From here you’re able to go in and again review the text to make sure that you can update it for your current year. Make any changes to your signatures or logos. But most importantly, going into data of donation received and updating it to reflect the year that you’ve received the donations. This is something that will have to be done every single year that you do consolidate it. Once you’ve made your changes, you’re going to save the document on your desktop
once you’ve saved the Word document and you’ve closed it, to make the change to the existing template, you’ll click on the pencil icon to edit the template. Select Change and then find the saved document on your desktop. Double Click to select and click Update. And that will update the Word document in DonorPerfect with the most current version of your letter.
So once you’ve gone through and you prepped your transactions for Consolidated receding by running the two cross tabulation reports, and once you validated that your templates are current and up to date. Now you’re ready to go ahead and issue your official consolidated receipts. So to start the process, you’ll go into the gray navigation bar and click receipts. And this process if you’ve ever done batch receding for individual is very similar and should be somewhat familiar. The main changes that we’re going to make is that for receding preference, we’re going to change it from individual to consolidated. We’re going to uncheck current batch and include gifts that have already been processed. This is going to allow us to pull out consolidated donations that may have been put into a receipt batch throughout the year. Then we’re going to click Apply to apply a selection filter. And we’re going to apply your processing consolidated filter. Because what this filter is looking for are those donations that were received in the prior year. Where the receipt type is consolidated. The acknowledgement preference is acknowledged and receipt and the receipt number is no these are the donations that we took through those reports and validated are set up appropriately to get a consolidated receipt. So when we click done, that’s going to apply the processing consolidated filter
and now we’re going to come down to the bottom of the screen and click Generate receipt
All right, and what we’re going to start off with our emails first. So, for Consolidated receipts, it doesn’t matter what you have in the thank you letter field, the system is always going to have no template assigned in the email template. So you have to manually choose 99 consolidated receipt. This is why I talked about if you’re going to send your donors different messaging, you will have to do multiple generations of your receipts. Because I can only choose one email template from this screen. So I’m going to choose 99 consolidated receipt, click Next preview email receipts.
I’m going to go ahead and review that the name of we’re gonna go ahead and review that the merge fields are merging in as expected. Including that all of the details of my donors donations are being consolidated here at the bottom. The only thing I will not see in this view is that the receipt number and receipt date will not be populated in this view. These do not get generated until we click Next send email receipts. So when I click Next and email receipt, it’s going to ask me one more time do you want to send your email receipt? And I’ll say yes, send those receipts now. Which will then move us to our letters. They’re going to have the all in one option selected. You want to make sure that your export template is set to the one consolidated receipt template and then instant merge. You’ll choose the 99 consolidated template use the data from DonorPerfect and merge.
And what that will give you is one word document with all of your consolidated letter receipts listed on it. So I have Miriam Adkins who’s being consolidated for 440 Mr. And Mrs. A flat ski, Florian consolidated for $360. And to show you that these are multiple donations being consolidated into one. If we look up David and Florence’s record if we do the quick search and look up their record
and we look at their gift history. For all of their 2022 donation, they all have the same receipt number assigned to them. So we can see I was able to take all of these donations and combine them into one tax receipt and generate a single receipt number.
Now I am going to take a step back real quick and address the question on follow we handle issuing our receipts if we’re going to use different letters. Let’s say that you have an English letter and a French letter. When you go to receipts and you say I want to do my consolidated receipts, including already processed gifts, and you’re applying your selection filter. You’re going to edit the processing consolidated filter and add a piece of criteria and what you’re going to do is select from the gift pledge table. The records where the thank you letter Code is exactly equal to, and then look up your code and you would select 99. And click Continue. And then click Done to apply the filter. That is going to ensure when you generate the receipts that you’re only going to generate receipts that are set to get the 99 consolidated standard letter. Once you’re done producing that group, you would edit your filter again. And you would change your thank you letter code to the next gift group that you wanted to produce. Let’s say I want to produce my 98 letter, which would be a consolidated letter for people who are not getting receded. But I want to do a mass thank you for them. I would change my thank you letter code and click Done. And then go through and regenerate my receipts again. So the takeaway is that if you are an organization that has multiple language letters, or you just want to do different thank you letters for end of year receding, you do have an additional step with your filter, where you have to define which thank you letter you want to produce first and then second, and then third.
All righty, so to wrap up what we learned for today. Before you do any type of consolidated receding, we would recommend issuing individual receipts first. This way when you’re running that first cross tabulation report, you’re not having individual receipts included in there. Or alternatively, that cross tab report will help you identify any individual receipts that may have slipped through the cracks in your receiving process. As part of the prepping your data step, you’re going to run to cross tab reports to clean up your data. Report Number one, which is to validate that all consolidated receipts have an acknowledgment preference of acknowledge and receipt. The second report to validate that the donors receipt delivery on the main and gifts are the same. If you have to make changes to your data, you have two options. You can use a global update to edit a large number of guests. Or you can drill into each segment and manually change gifts one by one, which is helpful if you only have one or two donations that needs to be updated. And then before you issue your consolidated receipts, always update your letter and email templates so that the year is current, and that you can validate that you’ve also updated anything like logos, messaging, and signatures. And because the consolidated receipt process is something that you guys only are going to do once a year. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to access our knowledge base and search for the word consolidated. that’ll pull up knowledgebase articles with step by step instructions. Do not hesitate to also reach out to our support team. They are certainly happy to address any questions that you may have about the consolidated process. So I want to thank you guys so much for your time today. I hope you have a great rest of your day and I look forward to seeing some of you in a future webinar. Bye now.
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