12. Financial Reporting
Learn where the financial data is pulled from when running financial reports. We’ll help you to recognize the proper reports you need to get the information you are looking for. Financial reports will range from individual totals to categorizing income and giving trends.
**You can find the handout for the webinar here:
Categories: Training Webinars, Foundation Series
12. Financial Reporting Transcript
Print TranscriptSo welcome everyone. We are going to be doing financial reporting and DonorPerfect today. This is part of our foundation series, and what we’re going to be doing is really homing in on some really new, really good reports, some of them you may have encountered. Some of them may be brand Read More
So welcome everyone. We are going to be doing financial reporting and DonorPerfect today. This is part of our foundation series, and what we’re going to be doing is really homing in on some really new, really good reports, some of them you may have encountered. Some of them may be brand new to you. So I’m hoping that we are going to be able to show you some reports that maybe you have not encountered yet. So this is going to give you a really great way to see those different reports and hopefully encourage you and empower you to get in there and look at the Donor Perfect reports, see what we have available to you and make them part of your processes. So let’s begin first by just going over introductions and let you know who I am, and then we’re going to jump right into the the webinar, a couple of housekeeping items. First, we’re going to be using the chat to send your questions over, so please feel free to do that, and I don’t think I have my camera on. So bear with Oh my so you can’t see how happy I am to see you. Welcome, welcome. Glad to have you here. I am not DonorPerfect training. I am Donna Mitchell, and so I’m really happy to be here with you today. Again. If you have questions, please pop those in the chat. I will be keeping my eye on that, and so we’ll be able to answer your questions. Your questions help others. So please don’t be shy in asking your questions. All right. And Deb, hello again. Darla, it is so nice to have you in this class. So again, my name is Donna Mitchell. I’m really excited to show you all this wonderful content. So let’s jump right in and get started. So the first thing we’re going to do is talk about what we’re going to be doing today. We’re going to talk about when we’re going to create reports or find reports, we need to understand what we need. So we need to think about what do I need? Do I need to see gift information? Do I need to see donor information? Donor giving history, or whatever the case might be. We’re going to show you the different types of reports, financial reports and DonorPerfect, and they really cover three categories, donor giving, right? So we were able to see what donors have given over periods of time, categorized giving totals. So this allows us to see how each of our funds are going, or our solicitations, those events and appeals, and then giving trends, those trends that occur over the course of years. How are my donors giving? When are they giving? And things like that. And then we’re going to give you an overall picture of some of the things that reporting can do. Now the contents of this webinar may contain features and fields that are different than what you see. Once again, if you have a question, please feel free to pop that into the chat. Alright, so I’m looking at this report. This is our gifts by date report, and I’m going to guess that most of you have seen this report before. It is a very cool report that gives us some very interesting information about gifts in this report, in the chat, tell me how this report might be helpful to you, and feel free to just hop right in and tell me anybody.
Yes, it’s a good way to acknowledge donors. If you’re looking at this, you can see the gift date and amount. We can see the solicitation in general ledger code, yep, comparing month to month totals. So can see who’s given during a certain time frame, right? We can see what major gifts have come in during this time period. Who responded to a specific appeal? Fantastic. So yes, all of those answers are true. Also, if you look to the side here, we have a filter, so I’m just looking at the date of this gift history in this date range for my current board members, so we can even whittle the list down even further to a specific segment of our database. Fantastic. All right, so let’s keep it moving. Thank you for all your wonderful information and responses there. So the first thing we need to do when we’re talking about reports, and I always mention this to my clients, you need to identify what it is you need the report is going to contain the data. You want to see. So first you want to say, hey, if I want to know who, which donors have given, how much and when, those would be our financial reports that focus on donor giving, right? Just like that report we just saw, Donna gave $50 Kristen gave $100 right? So that would be our donor giving financial reports. If I want to know how much an account like my general ledger has been credited, or how well an effort, my solicitations, those events and appeals, have done over a period of time, those would be the reports that speak to my giving totals, right? Because we want to see, oh, we did our annual appeal, we did our gala, we raised $150,000 boom, that’s a giving total, right? If I want to whittle it down even further to find the donors who gave, then that would be a different report, right? All right, giving patterns, giving trends. I always mention how important giving trends are. Now, I know I’m preaching to the choir. I understand that, but giving trends really become important when you’re seriously thinking about how you’re going to move forward from each one fundraising year to another, right? We know that people in this particular area don’t give that much in the summertime, so we’re not going to have our gal in the summertime, right? We’re not going to have a big appeal in the summertime, but we know that they do a lot of end of year stuff, so we can kind of do that thing. So you’re giving patterns will tell you a right, good times to give, or when those that money comes in more frequently and much more money comes in. It also tells you about your donors, right, how you’re going to communicate with your donors. So some of the reports we’re going to be looking at. Most of the reports that we’re going to be sharing with you today are in the Report Center. There’s going to be one report that actually is in receding, so I’ll show you all of these. So the first reports we’re going to show you are the ones that track donor giving. So we’re going to see my donors, the one report that I absolutely love, and I think you will, too, is called our top donor listing. So the top donor listing is going to list the top donors by count or percentage of your database on a selected calculated field. So if I want to see my top donors by their last year, calendar year to date. Or if I want to see it by their last gift amount, or their lifetime gift total, those are all calculated fields, and I can see the giving the top donors by those fields. We have the report donor by giving level. This is a neat report, because it allows you to break out donors that are contributing at defined levels. So you can indicate those levels in the report, and then you’ll be able to see the donors that have given in those levels. It’s a really nice report. Monthly giving, if you are doing your recurring gifts, monthly giving pledges through Donor Perfect payment processing, then the monthly giving report is available to you, and we’ll give you some summaries of totals for those donors that are giving monthly it’ll also show you their totals for the next 12 months. And the last donor report we’re going to show you is called the transaction listing. Now this is the report that is found in receipting. This is going to list all the gifts that were entered into the system since the last time your acknowledgements were processed through DonorPerfect. So let’s jump in and take a look at these. I’m going to jump into Donor Perfect. There we are. I’m going to start with the transaction listing so we can kind of knock that one out first. So as you’re entering gifts into Donor Perfect, they are going to be set up and ready to be acknowledged or receipted in Donor Perfect. If you’re doing your receipting through DonorPerfect, you’re going to go to receipts, those. This is sorry. This is backed receiving. And you’ll notice here I have the option to look at this transaction listing report, but I can choose the gifts that I want to see. So for example, I want to see all the gifts where the donors are getting an email or and or a letter receipt and they have not been processed yet. That current batch means they haven’t been processed. I can even whittle it down and do a date range, but what I’m going to do is run this transaction listing report and. I do that by clicking on here browser, that’ll print it to screen. Oh, lovely.
All right, so let’s do this. Let’s do this the 15th and I’m going to do already processed gifts. All right, so.
I’m going to print that transaction report. So this is exactly what you will see. I want to make it a little bit bigger. In this transaction listing report are all of the gifts that you’ve asked for. You’ll see the gift ID, the gift amount. If there’s a pledge amount in there, pledge total, we would see that the name of the donor, the donor ID, we’re going to see the batch number. So in this case, these were batched out. You’ll see any fair market value on the gift for example, you’ll see the gift date, the general ledger, the solicitation, the method of payment, which is the gift type, and we see the reference field and some other wonderful pieces of information. So this is going to show donor giving over a specific period of time. If I scroll to the bottom of here, there’s another little details by gift Type section. So I see I have 43 gifts totaling $20,672.50 and there’s also the fair market value total key. Here’s a Donna love note. The transaction listing report is one of the only reports that actually show the fair market value on a gift. So for example, if we’re selling tickets and donor gives you $200 but the tickets $50 we would put $50 in the fair market value, and that would be the non tax deductible portion of the gift. So this is a great way to see that fair market value on those gifts without creating your own report. And then we have our gifts by gift type, so you’ll see cash, check, my credit cards and all of that. I can export this information into an export template, which would be a CSV, and I would be able to use that information for reporting, to manipulate the data, whatever I wanted to do. Okay, so that is our transaction listing. I’m going to go to the navigation bar under Reports and the Report Center. So the Report Center is the hub for the majority of the reports in Donor Perfect. Now, different modules have their own reports, like events management and things like that, but for the most part, your reports are going to live here. You’ll notice when we land in the Report Center, we land in the All reports folder, so all the reports that are in any of these folders are available for us to search and select. You’ll notice on the left we have folders that organize our reports. So the first folder are my financial reports. There are 48 of those. Your financial reports are donors. So these reports in I start all over again, financial reports, listing reports, and the other reports folders all contain DonorPerfect Standard Reports. They come with every system, every system. These standard reports are excellent. When you see the report, you’re not going to be able to edit the data that is in the report, but you can export whatever data you want from the report, our financial reports, as we mentioned, are donor centric reports that show donor giving. We’ll see gift totals, pledge totals and giving trends. So those are the way those financial reports work. We’re going to be hanging out here today, and so you’ll see my reports. I have stars next to some you can mark those as favorites. So if you find your favorite reports, put a star on it. It becomes a favorite in your Favorites folder, but it also floats to the top of the list, right? So you can access them very, very easily. The reports themselves have description bubble there. This will give you a brief description of the report. The reports have an ID. It’ll show you when the report was last run. And then there are actions. So next to each report, you’re going to see actions. This will tell you what you can do with that report. So for my solicitation analysis, which we’ll be looking at later. I can simply open it and use it. My gifts by date report, however, I can open and schedule so if you have scheduled reports, you can schedule this gifts by date report, so you have either 520 I think it’s five. 510, 20, or 100 reports that you can schedule depending on your donor. Perfect package. All right, let’s go look for the top donor listing. And actually it’s number three here, and I’m going to click on it, and when I click on this report, you’re going to see this sidebar. This sidebar is a very quick way of filtering your data, really, really nice, because you can do it right on the fly. You’ll notice at the top of the list is a drop down. It says field to use and report. So again, I can use any of these Calculated Fields, whether they’re system defined or user defined, to see my donors, my top donors. I’m going to keep it at fiscal year to date, and I’m going to show the top 10 of my database so I can do a count or a percentage. I’m going to clear the values to make sure there’s nothing filled in down there, and I’m going to run the report. So this is going to show my top 1010, donors by their fiscal year to date total. So you’ll see Joe bag of donuts is right up there at the top. And then there’s Barbie and sailing solutions and so on. This report also shows their last gift date, their last gift amount, their last year, fiscal year to date, and their grand total of giving. Okay, here’s the cool thing you need to know. Excuse me, see that lifetime total if I that grand total, that’s their lifetime total of giving. If I were to do it by that field, you know, Joe might still show up there. But if I did, the top donors by their last gift amount, Joe wouldn’t even make it. He wouldn’t make it. So maybe I want to see that. I want to see my top donors by their last gift amount, last contrib amount. Joe’s not even going to make the cut on this one. So there is my education unlimited. Their last gift was 72,000 plus dollars, not too shabby, right? And again, because I got to my 10, Joe doesn’t even make it. So you can use any of those fields, and if you have a user defined calculated field, right? You might want to see your you know, annual appeal totals your capital campaign totals. Capital Campaign. There it is, capital campaign total, 24 let’s see where my top donors. My top donor is Alfred Hitchcock at 12,200 Okay, so very, very neat report, and you’re going to be able to export this donor information and their giving history. The next report we’re going to look at is going to be the donors by giving level. Okay? So I can go to the folder, I can just go through the list, or I can search in the top right. So I’m just going to type in giving level, and there it is, donors by giving level. So this report, again, really neat. You’re going to be able to set your date range and set your your levels. So once you set these, you can save them, and you can even give them a caption. So ideal for end of year stuff, I want to show all the people that gave the million, and all the way you know, you can show those donor giving levels. And so here are mine. We can include the gift totals and amounts for our own internal purposes, but we can also uncheck that, so that’s something that could be nice and printable if I include the optional line that would show me the option line on the donor record. So let’s see my giving levels so far for 2024 so my guardian angels, you’ll see I have Dale and Gail, Gail and Dorothy, Dale and Garth, I said, Gail and Dorothy, or Dale and Dorothy, alrighty. Um. So you’ll see they are broken down that way. It shows the number of gifts they’ve given and their most recent gift date. There’s the optional line. So Susie Smith is in the optional line with Joe Bag of Donuts. So this is really, really nice, neat looking report, and at the end it gives you the count of donors, the number of gifts, the gift total and the average gift amount. But what I wanted to show you is, let’s say I wanted to print this for you know, I want to run this again. I’m going to uncheck Include gift amounts, and now we just have the levels. So this is something that could be printed without people seeing the actual amounts. Okay? So. Can this report be segmented to remove include pledges or soft credits?
So this report actually, if I’m not mistaken, if you by default, it excludes pledges and soft credits by default, the only way to include them, pledges or soft credits is if you go to your parameters, parameters, calculated fields, and you can check, include soft credits and calculated fields, include pledges and calculated fields, if you do that, then they would be there. So you can toggle these on and off accordingly. All right, great question. Deb. All right. The next report is the monthly giving report. And again, monthly giving report only works if you’re using DonorPerfect. Save gateway. You’re using Donor Perfect. So let’s do this. I’m going to do eight one through today, and I’m going to clear the values, because I don’t want to block anything, and click on Apply. No, I’m sorry, that’s a filter. Sorry. I’m going to click on Run Report. So this is going to run the report and show me the donors. I’m going to click on hide. So here are my monthly donors. You’ll see the date of the pledge, the start date of the payments, the last paid date, the total. If you see a zero, that means it’s an open ended recurring pledge. He’s being billed $47 a month. So far, he’s paid 47 and his annualized value would be 564, lovely report if you want to see those annualized totals at a glance. Another thing I failed to mention is if you see hyperlinks on a gift or a pledge, it’s going to take you to that record. If you click on the donor name, it’ll take you to their main record. And if you click on a total, it’ll drill down to give you the list of donors that make up those totals. Okay, all right, so those are some of the donor centric reports. If you have questions, please feel free to ask. And now we’re going to take a look at tracking gifts, gift totals over time. So these are the ones you want to look at when you want to see how well that event or appeal went right. Right? This is really going to be helpful. So the one of those is the solicitation Analysis Report, the solicitation code on your gifts, identify the event or the appeal that brings in the donation. This report is going to show you the results of those efforts. How many people have donated how many gifts? What your gift average is, what your net revenue is, your expenses and all of that. It’ll also show your return rates and all of that, your response rates. So we’re going to take a look at the solicitation analysis, the segmented gift pledge, I’m sorry, the segmented gift and pledge summary is going to give you a list of your gifts and pledges that have been received month to date, so whatever the current month is in that report, year to date And total to date. The cross tabulation report allows us to compare any two fields together. So I might want to see my gifts by General Ledger and solicitation. Maybe I want to see my report by donor type and solicitation, so you can break it up any type of way you’d like and the gift pledge Detail Report, cool, cool, cool report, because this allows us, this is one of the reports that allows us to see both one time gifts, pledge payments, pledge totals and balances. It’s a very, very cool report. So let’s jump in and take a look at these All right. Back to Donor Perfect. We go. All right, so I’m going to go back to the Report Center. I’m not going to talk in a British accent, sorry. Alrighty. So we’re still in the Financial Reports folder again, I can just search for the report. Let’s go look for that solicitation analysis. There it is, right there. Now this report is really going to come alive if you do something very cool. So I’m going to give you another Donna love note. I’m going to go to settings and code maintenance. I’m. I’m going to go to the solicitation field and I’m going to hide my inactive code so we don’t have to see all of that. So there’s my annual appeal, there’s my black time blue jeans Gala. When you’re creating these codes, at any point in the code itself, you have these values, how many people you’ve mailed or reached out to the goal for that specific event or appeal, your printing costs and any other expenses, when you fill these values in, the gifts that come in against them will start making that solicitation report come alive. Okay, so let me show you how that’s done. Again. I’m going to do my gift date range. This is perfect. And let’s say I want to see. I’m just going to use my sidebar. I’m going to do my annual appeal and my black tie Gala. Let’s see. We’ll do all four of these. How about that? So I want to see those four solicitations, and now.
There’s my annual appeal. We’ve mailed 550 104 responded. We had 196 gifts, the revenue. Total Revenue is 495,000 there’s my average gift amount because I added the expenses in that.
In those See, remember, we did that for the, I’m sorry, black tie and blue jeans. There it is. Then it gives me my my total expenses and my net revenue, and then my ROI. If you ever wanted a report to calculate your return on investment automatically, it is the solicitation analysis, as long as you fill in those values, so for every dollar I spent on my annual appeal, we got $341.95 back for black time blue jeans. Ah, where this little slim 797, but we still got time. All right, very, very cool report. Once again, if I click on the total, it’s going to drill down and give me yet another report to list all of the donors that have given those gifts with their gift date and amount.
I’m sorry, black tie and blue jeans. There it is. Then it gives me my my total expenses and my net revenue, and then my ROI. If you ever wanted a report to calculate your return on investment automatically, it is the solicitation analysis, as long as you fill in those values, so for every dollar I spent on my annual appeal, we got $341.95 back for black time blue jeans. Ah, where this little slim 797, but we still got time. All right, very, very cool report. Once again, if I click on the total, it’s going to drill down and give me yet another report to list all of the donors that have given those gifts with their gift date and amount.
Now if I choose to include pledges, my numbers might change up a little bit. So look at that. My annual appeal already just completely changed. So you’ll see now I have a pledge of this is a recurring pledge for Arnold or Henry, so he’s paying me $50 a month. So I can see those pledges in there as well. Okay, pretty cool. Report. The next one is the segmented. Segmented. There we go. Segmented, gift pledge summary. So this is going to show gifts for the current month based on the ending date that you have here. So I Q A, I’m sorry for the Okay, I’ll answer that in one second. Let me just finish that. Finish this question. I just saw that. Thank you very much. So the ending date, that’s the current month that it’s going to pull the data in. I can choose any field I want, like the general ledger, and I’m going to keep the total to date, so you can see I’m not including pledges, and I’m going to clear the values. So I’m going to run this, and it’s going to show me all the gifts that have come in for the current month based on the ending date. So August, what I’ve received year to date, number of gifts and total. And total to date, number of gifts in total. And there’s my grand total. Okay, if I change that to 630, 2024, then this would read June. Okay, so it’s the current month based on the ending date, year to date and total to date. The question is, for the monthly giving report, how does DP identify who my monthly donors are? The way they do that is, if the pledge is currently processed through DonorPerfect, through your save save gateway. So if they’re getting automatically processed, or you’re doing those one time and it’s going through the Save save gateway, meaning you have Donor Perfect payment processing, then it would show up in that report. If you have Sadie that sends in a check every month she. Is not going to be on that report. So it is only doing those where the payments are, where the that’s going through your payment processor, DonorPerfect, okay, all right, so the next report is going to be the cross you know, I’m going to do the gift pledge detail first. I love this report. We always tell people, you can’t do gifts and pledges in the same report. This is one of the reports that does it. I’m going to put on gift Detail Report. There it is. So I’m going to bring this date back to 2023, and again, I’m going to group this by General Ledger. Let’s just say, right? I’m going to click on Print to screen.
And so this is going to show the it’s going to group it by General Ledger. It’s going to show one time gifts. That’s the total for the one time gifts, pledge total. So if there is a fixed total, like in Joe bag of donuts here, all right, so he’s given us 52,135 here’s the pledge total 5000 the total funds raised because they had a pledge payment of 500 so it makes it 52 635, and his balance on the pledge is 4500 super, super cool report, again, One of the only ones where you can see gifts and pledges and pledge payments and balances on the same report, would this then include both pledges and installments? Yes, this report does. So this report is going to show any one time gifts they’ve given. It’ll show a pledge total. If they did a pledge fixed total, right? I’m going to pledge $5,000 it shows pledge payments, the total of pledge payments and one time gifts and their pledge balance. That’s why I said it’s a really cool report. And then the next one is the cross tab. So the cross tabulation allows us to compare any two fields, right? So here’s my date range. I’m going to do general ledger and solicitation again. I can include pledges. I won’t see pledge payments. This one also has a chart, so let’s run this. So these are my gifts. Here are my general ledger codes. Here are my solicitation codes. I get to see the count of gifts and the amount, and I also get to see my totals down there at the end. Very, very cool report. Again, I can drill down. Let’s just do this month so we can see it a little bit better. All right. There we go. Still, a lot of codes, but we could even limit it if we wanted to, and you get totals for each group, and then you get your grand totals at the end. Pretty neat.
All right, the next group of reports are about giving trends, so we have a live bunt report those showed the donors that gave last year but not this year. We have our side bunt report that shows donors that gave some year but not this year. And we have donations by month and year. And we also have the gift comparison by time period. This gift comparison by time period allows us to see giving grouped by selected field, but we can see the periods of time, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. So let’s jump back in to DonorPerfect. Do and we’re going to go to the Live button report, and again, I’m just going to type in L, y, b, there it is.
And I’m going to run this. I’m not putting any filters on here, so this is literally going to display those folks that gave last year, but not this year. Now my fiscal year is July 1, so I’m seeing folks. I’m sorry. These are all let me see. Let me see what the fiscal year is here. You know how to check for your. Fiscal year, you’re going to go to settings and parameters, and there we go. There it is. So what I’m saying here, go back to my it’s going to let me do it. Oh my gosh. Look how cool that is. Alright, I didn’t know if it was going to let me go back. So they gave this year, but not that last year. So this will respect my fiscal year. I may have someone who gave in 630, 2024, but they haven’t given me anything yet. So this would respect my fiscal year, if I’m using that in my reports, but it shows their last gift date and amount, their last fiscal year to date total and their lifetime giving total. The side bunt report is similar, but it’s going to show folks that gave haven’t given this year, but gave last year or two or more years ago. So the side bunt report given some year, but not this year. And again, you could Whittle this down. I want to see what it’s like for individual donors, right? Great. I want to see what my side Bucha are for my individual donors, right? Because companies might give willy nilly here and there, but here are, oh, my last gift date, 2020, 2021, 2018 right. So why this is an individual? I do not know. None of these should be individuals. So some thing is wacky. Per quacky here, I don’t know why these are all showing up as individuals, but they should not be. But yeah, so we can see their last gift date, their last gift amount. And this is another list that you could go and find those donors to make sure you’re getting them back. That’s a foundation. It did say Foundation, okay, I’m not crazy, done, right? I know my folks, my training team, wouldn’t do that so that we go, hot dog. So there we are. And then if you go to the last page of the report, you’ll get your counts. So the 297 donors who have lapsed in the last few years, okay, donations by month and year. So the next two are two of my favorites as well, and that is donations by month and year.
Okay, something’s going wacky. Here, something happened here. Oh, please don’t get stuck. Not now, not now. All right, let me see if I can that’s probably gonna log me out now. Oh, forgive me, folks, patience. All right, so let’s get that back see if it’s going to be nice to us. I’m and reports and the Report Center. There we go, just a little pace. You gotta talk sweet to it sometimes. Alrighty. Let’s go by donations by month and year, and there it is. This is a neat report, if you kind of want to look at a big picture of what you’ve been doing. And so you can go back as many number of years as you like. And you can go back calendar or fiscal, right? You can include pledges or not. In this case, we’re not, and I’m just going to go back five years. So we’re going to run this report. I’m Heavens to Betsy. Heavens to Murgatroyd. Remember that it’s not running that we all it’s saying, Donna Be patient. So in this report, you’re going to see each year, and then you’re going to to see each month and each year, and then it’s going to show you the number of gifts, the gift total from those gifts, and the average gift amount. So again, this is a really neat way, 2019, I had 61 gifts, and. At 13,000 look what I’ve done in 2020 420 gifts at 81,000 just for January, right? So we’re doing something, right? And so you’re going to be able to go through this. It’s such a cool report. And then you can look here to see where you were. So this year I had 528, 145 I’m already at 669. I’m already past what I did last calendar year. So I love this, because it really does. You know, sometimes you don’t need to excuse me, the pictures, just seeing the numbers, super, super exciting. And of course, you can filter for specific ones. It’s going to give you a summary at the bottom with your total donors, number of gifts, the total amount and the average gift amount. I know when everybody’s watching, it wants to be difficult, and that makes me that frustrates me a little bit, but it’s all good again, if you drill down right click on there, it’s going to show you all those donors, all their gift information. And of course, if we had included pledges, if there were any pledges on there, we would see the pledge totals, super duper. Now the next one I know you’re going to love, actually the next two. So the one is going to do is the giving summary, gift comparison by time period. You are going to love this report. So you can split this. First of all, you can select any any field, right? So there’s my general ledger, but I want to do it by donor type. What you can do that? Yep, and I want to see my giving since last year. So 2023, and you can split it weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. So you would have different reasons to do each of these things. How school is that? But since there’s a 24 months and a lot of weeks 104 we don’t want to do that.
So I’m going to do it by year. And now you’ll see that’s what I did for 2023 here’s where I am for 2024 and here’s my total for both years. So again, at the end of the year, really nice way to see how you’ve done. If you want to do it by your fiscal year, right? To see how you were doing, you can do it by quarter two, which is really a nice way to see it. And then we’re going to see by donor type, during my companies, my individuals. Clearly, my individuals are, well, we do have some big foundation money in there, but you can slice and dice this any way you like, right? And when you don’t see the sidebar, you have to do your filtering here. So you can do add a filter. You can choose to include project pledges, you can give it a name, and all of that. All right, how are we doing? Well, how are you doing? I’m always caring about how y’all are doing, but I want to talk about how your organization is doing. This report right here is everybody’s favorite report, trainers, clients, everybody, and it’s called the Comprehensive donor revenue analysis report. Is we call it the state of the database. It’s going to give you 30 measures of activity of your donors. On a three year period, you’ll see your active donors, your new donors, your retained donors, your reactivated donors, and it also shows you your attrition rates. The next one is the AFP key donor metrics report. This is going to show your increases and decreases, upgrades and downgrade your recaptured and lapsed donors, and it’ll also includes all gifts in kind and split gifts. And then the organization dashboard. We have some year over year KPIs and some real time updates. So we’re going to pop into those. I guarantee, you this comprehensive donor revenue analysis is going to be your favorite, or at least one of your favorites. So this report, as we mentioned, is a three year report based on this date. So it’s going to show me the current year, the previous year, and two years ago. I have some options here. I can look at the donor filter, which will show me all the donors and their gifts. The gift filter would show me all the gifts that meet the criteria of my filter and their corresponding donors. We’re going to keep it at the donor filter. This report, by default, uses main gifts, not splits. Gifts, and it excludes $0 gifts as well, those in kind gifts. So we’re going to leave it just as it is, and I’m going to run this report now, remember, you can filter. I just want to see individuals. I just want to see right? You can do whatever you want. So what you’re seeing, these are the data points. And then here you have your current year, which is 829, 23 to 828, 24 it’s always the year before and the day after. So the prior year is 829, 22 to 828, 23 and two years ago would be 2021 to 2022, the last two columns show the amount difference and the percent change between the current and prior year. All right, the first group of data points are your active donors. So these are the number of donors that were active in that year, 317, as opposed to 283 the year before. I’m up 34 and up 12.01% my revenue from those donors is 770, 3000 I’m up 224,000 and I’m up 40 point almost 41% there are my number of gifts, there’s the revenue per donor, revenue per gift, gifts per donor. So I averaged almost four gifts per donor. That means I have some monthly givers in there, right? And then the number of two plus givers for the year, I have 197 donors that gave two or more gifts in that year period. Super duper report, retained donors. So this is going to show the number of donors that gave this year and last year. So I’m at 174 I am up 14. I’m up 8.75% we’ll take it. My donor retention rate is a wicked 61 and a half percent. That’s remarkable. So hopefully yours are that high as well. There’s my retained donor revenue. It’s down a little bit from the year before my new donors. I have 92 new donors last year only at 18. What was I doing? Right? So I have 74 more. I’m up 411% there’s my revenue from my new donors. What I’m doing? Something right? My reactivated donors. These are donors that gave this year, did not give last year, but gave two or more years ago, we got them back. So this time, half of what I was, almost half of what I was last year, womp, womp, but I still got some good money, right? And then you’ll see those. And then my rate of attrition is the opposite of your donor retention printing this report, I think you can just go right click and print this report, and it’s basically going to come out the way you see it. If you want the actual donors, if you click on the amount, the number, it’ll drill down and give you a list of those donors with some additional history. But if you scroll down this screen, close your eyes, close your eyes, you’ll be able to export this with their giving history. If you choose to create an export template to do that. Love, love, love. This report, I want you to keep an eye on this lifetime donor value. We’re going to see that in just a second. So it’s 643 I’m going to just try to remember that 634 63416341, keep an eye on that. We’ll talk about that in a second. I’m going to go to the AFP key donor metrics. So these are donor metrics that the Association for Fundraising Professionals kind of talked about. And if you wanted to, let’s say your fiscal year just ended. We can put this at the end of your fiscal year, 06, 3024, and I’m going to print this to screen and what we’re going to see, and I’m just going to make this bigger so you can see it a little bit better. So we have period one, which is seven, 122, to 630, 23 and period two would be fiscal year, 24 627, 23 to seven. 123, to 630, 24 what this is going to show you? It’s going to break it down by individuals, organizations and everyone, but it’s going to show you the largest gift, the number of transactions, the number of new donors, the amount of those gifts. Reactivated donors, reactivated revenue. Donors who upgraded mean they gave more than they gave the last gift. There’s your upgrade revenue donors who remain the same 14, there’s your revenue from those folks and donors who downgraded. So we still got a nice amount of revenue, but there were more donors that gave less. And so this compares the year, and you can see the differences here, kind of off the charts. It also shows it for your organizations. And then down here we see the total of everyone. So this is kind of a mishmash of the other one isn’t that neat? Kind of neat. And again, you can drill down on these numbers so you can see the gifts and the donors and all of that. All right, I’m going to go to Reports and the dashboard, and I’m going to go to the organization view of the dashboard. So let me just make that a little bit smaller, and now it’s thinking, right? It’s calculating, because it calculates in real time. So on the organization screen are your key performance indicators, your year over year key performance indicators, and if you were paying attention, you will see that these numbers very much reflect what we saw in the comprehensive donor revenue analysis report. That’s where this information comes from. So I’m going to skip that one for right now. Here’s my donor retention. And these are my year over year KPIs. So I’m at 61.8% retention. I’m up 15.6% over the previous year. You guys were asking for this. Now you’ve got this. Here are my total donors. I’m up 12% here’s my average gift amount. I’m up 25% that donor lifetime value, remember, I told you to remember that. So the donor lifetime value is a, Oh, I see another question up there and a question I should open that up. Sorry.
Oh, looks like somebody already. Okay. All right? Um, so the lifetime, the donor lifetime value, is a formula that takes into account your donor’s average lifetime with your organization, their average gift amount, and it does all this stuff. That’s how I do math in my head, because that’s what it feels like, right? They do all this stuff and they come up with this number, which we can say is a very it’s not exact, but it’s a nice prediction of what you could receive from each donor before they churn, right? So it’s taking in their average length of time with your organization, average gift amounts and doing that stuff and saying, Hey, if your trends remain this way, you could possibly get over $6,000 from each of your donors before they churn. So that’s a really good motivation to retain those donors, right, keep them coming. This Growth in Giving is actually comparing last year to two years ago. So my growth in giving, I’ve grown 40.91% and $224,000 more than I did two years ago. So it’s last year versus two years ago. The rest of these are year over year. So this time this year versus this time last year. Okay, you have these other line charts to show your growth and giving over 24 months, your donor retention, your giving his donation history cycle. And then this is your donor retention by status. So you’ll see here, my current year, I have 115 new donors. Last year, I had 67 this year, I have 180 retained last year, we had 148 this year, we retained 40. Last year, we retained 60. So I’m down there. And then I have 95 lapsed donors appeared to compared to 137 from the year before. So these are really wonderful tools to keep an eye on so you can see how you’re doing year over year. It’s really great information. Alright, so let’s hear from you. You all have just been soaking all of this up. I’m hoping that something has resonated with you in the question box or in the chat. Please share some ideas you have you have already used, or that you intend to use, that you found today, and is there a report that you saw that you’re like, oh. Oh, man, we’re going right to that as soon as we’re done. So if you care to put that in the chat, I’m really happy if you do that while you’re doing that. Oh, Deb says I think the AFP key metrics report will be helpful to educate our new board members. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Because we want to know if AFP is saying, hey, not only are you looking at gifts and trends and all that stuff, we want to know are donors upgrading or downgrading, right? We need to know that if we have a lot of people that are downgrading, hmm, maybe those are the folks we need to reach out to to do monthly giving, right? Maybe their budgets have changed. Maybe, you know, so you can identify all different kinds of strategies based on those numbers. Deb, think, great, excellent, excellent.
Anybody else care to share, and if you don’t, I’m gonna call you out. No, I’m not. I’m not going to do that while you’re thinking of something to say or ask. I’m going to go over and recap what we’ve done today. So financial reports allow you to view your fundraising performance, see how you’ve done. You can decide, Hey, am I going to be doing this again? Is this a good idea, or whatever the case might be, financial reports can show past performance and trends to help you make informed projections for the future and find and star your go to Reports. I love that, that you can star them. They become they just float to the top, and they’re much easier to get to. All right. So now’s the time for questions. I know we only have about three minutes left, but I’m delighted to answer any questions that you might have questions.
Ah, you’re so welcome. So to read Therese says, thanks so much for the refresher. I don’t use these often enough to remember what every report does, and walking through was very helpful. You’re most welcome. Is there a way to remove deceased remove deceased records? You do want to speak with your accountant, because if their last gift was in the last five to seven years, you can’t remove them, but you can if you have them marked as deceased, there’s a way for you to globally remove those records after you export their data. You might want to reach out to support. They can help you with that. Oh yes, in your So, Deb says, not delete the record, but stop them from presenting in reports. So financial reports, let me start all over again, you can mark deceased records as do not mail, but that only leaves them out of your listing. Reports where your donor centric reports, they will be included in financial reports. So you would have to build a filter to say, I want to see this but exclude anyone that is marked as deceased, you could, that’s the only way you could do that, is with a filter. And I have a challenge for you all every day, when you come in in the morning, I want you to run two or three reports while you’re sipping your coffee or your smoothie or your tea or whatever you and vibe in the morning, run one or two or three reports a day. Don’t worry about filters. Don’t worry about any of that. Just run it. And that’s how you’re going to learn the reports. That’s how you’re going to find those gems that, oh my gosh, where have you been all my life? You’re going to find those reports. This is what I tell each one of my clients that I train with personally. Run those reports just to see what’s in there. I guarantee you you’re going to find some reports that you didn’t know were there and reports that you’re going to be like you mean, I did all this work, and I didn’t have to go for it, So promise me, you’ll do that. Do I see promises? I want to see? Thumbs up. Can you guys do an emoji? Thumbs up, thumbs up. You agree? I know Therese. That’s what I tell all my clients, and then I share it with you guys too. Just run them. You’ll love them. Alright, alright. Well, I’m going to take you on your word, folks, because nobody’s raised their put a thumb up or anything. So I’m going to assume that you’re going to do that. Oh, I see a thumb going up. Thank you. Alright, folks. Well, thank you so very much for joining me today. I love what I do. I love working with you. I love helping you do the amazing work you do each and every day to make this world a better place. We need you, and we thank you for allowing us to be on this journey with you. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day, a fabulous holiday weekend. Stay safe, stay positive, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Take care, and I’ll see you soon. You’re welcome. Deb, friends, nice to see you. Take care, everyone. Bye, bye.
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