Getting into Your Data
A Virtual Workshop for a Cleaner DonorPerfect
Categories: Blog, Checklist, DPCC, Giving Tuesday, Group Demo, How To, Nonprofit Expert Podcast, Nonprofit Software Press Release, Strategy, Timeline, Tips + Templates, Tools, Training Webinars, Additional Webinars, End of Year, Foundation Series, Monthly Giving Series, Preparing for Events, Uncategorized, video, Client Testimonial, Expert Webcast, online forms, Webinar, Worksheet, Year End Campaign
Getting into Your Data Transcript
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This is the webinar get set for giving Tuesday now with the DonorPerfect team.
All right, well, Read More
This is the webinar get set for giving Tuesday now with the DonorPerfect team.
All right, well, fantastic. My name is Kelly Ramage, and I have the privilege of working and interacting with you today. But I am not alone. I am joined with my colleague, Amanda, Tad Prensky, she will be able to answer any questions that you have, that you might come across or encounter, whether it’s technical or topic related or product related, she will answer those questions as fast as she can. If there is something that just simply can’t be answered in the allotted amount of time, just know that we will make sure that we follow up with you. In case you are new to participating in webinars that we provide a couple of housekeeping items first off how to participate. So most webinar participation is similar in many ways. But a couple of things that I just want to draw your attention to for the tool that we’re using, which is go to webinars, so you probably see a little bit of a control panel on the outside right edge of your computer screen. And then it is a tab and the tab is something that you can use to collapse or expand the control panel has you have need, there is also a little like badge, if you will, that looks like a raised hand. So if at any point, you have a question that you would like to share, and you’re afraid we’re going to overlook it, you can raise your hand and that will just be a little bit of an alert to let us know that you’re sending something in our direction. Also, we have two different audio options. So it looks like most of you are using the computer audio. If you want to switch to the telephone, you can certainly do that. And when you select phone call, the phone number and access code will be provided. There are handouts available. So you will find that as a section in the control panel. And there are actually three handouts available for you one is going to be a bit of an outline that we’ve put together, that is going to give you something to take notes on perhaps, or at least look at on the screen. You’ll also notice in that handout, there are embedded resources. Keep in mind, though, that if you’re not a handout person, then we will be sending you an email. The other two handouts that you’re going to be seeing are for those that might be of non working age, maybe joining you in your office. So we are fully aware that many people are creatively working from home and many of you might have small children. So there are two handouts there that if you would like to grab them to perhaps help distract your children, then perhaps they will be useful. Now the truth pane or of the control panel that I want to draw your attention to is the Questions pane. So there are going to be times where you might have questions, you’re going to send those off to Amanda and she will respond. There are times where I’m going to ask you questions and hope that you participate in the kind of the interaction and you’re going to send back your responses in that question pane. So certainly you can sit back, relax and and just listen, you can engage in whatever level you feel comfortable. So those handouts are available now. They will also be available to you and made available to you in the email that is going to be sent to you about an hour or so after the webinar is over. And then the last common question is Is this going to be recorded and it is going to be recorded, so you will get the recording in the email that is sent to you. It will also be made available at our DonorPerfect.com expert webcast section if you need to refer to it further down the road. Alright, so those are our housekeeping items. Let’s kind of dive into what we’re all here for. So the first thing that I want to kind of draw everybody’s attention to with regards to today is first and foremost, we know that you are busy. In a normal circumstance, you’re probably busier even now and we want you to know as we go into today’s content of talking about giving Tuesday now that we are really trying to help you and partner with you. That is our desire. And so we have different templates and toolkits available. We have some blog posts that will perhaps be useful for you to think about different ideas and just the mechanics of how to pull this off. So specifically, what I want you to be aware of is that we
We are here to help you. So please reach out. The details of our time today are going to be broken down into the following topics preparing DonorPerfect.
Creating the message,
giving your donors the ability to respond,
sharing your message, and monitoring your progress towards your Giving Tuesday now goal. This quote that I’m about to share with you is something that really resonated with me as I was reading up on Giving Tuesday now, we believe that generosity has the power to unite and heal communities in good times and bad. A global threat like COVID-19 touches every person on the planet, and it presents an opportunity to come to come together as a global community.
This map, I think, really caught my attention, because it showed me in a graphical image, how awesome the people in our you know, in our world really are, I was encouraged to see that there is so much good in the world. And I’m excited personally and speaking for a represent representative of our company to join you in this endeavor.
So as we get down into the details of how can DonorPerfect partner with you, I want to just first off, say, I wish you all the best as you begin moving into this campaign of Giving Tuesday now. So preparing for donor preparing DonorPerfect. As we think about kind of giving Tuesday now, and really any campaign that you want to use DonorPerfect for, there are always the things that you need to think about before the actual campaign before you can get into kind of the meat of what you’re trying to do.
one of the things that I just wanted to draw your attention to and DonorPerfect is the kind of the preparation, the details that you may not necessarily
be aware of or think about are the codes. So one of the things that is necessary or integral in DonorPerfect for any campaign, but especially Giving Tuesday now are the codes. And there are going to be several coded fields that you’ll want to consider and probably set up so that
your online form is going to work at its best in your reporting is also going to
be accurate as well. So in DonorPerfect, there are two places that I want to kind of highlight. And that is the contact page where you can keep track of the
like the mail, email campaigns, mail campaigns, like what it is that you’re communicating to your donors, as well as the gift page. And on the gift page, there are several coded fields that are going to be something that you want to think about for identifying the purpose of the dollars coming in. And so there is general ledger, there’s campaign, there is solicitation, there might be sub solicitation and even thank you letter. So what I want to do, as we’re thinking about kind of the small details, before we get into building a form and creating your message, and how you want to share it, is the details. So if I go into my DonorPerfect system.
I just want to make sure it’s loaded. And it looks like it is where you can create codes is actually two places you can do it under Settings and code maintenance, or you can do it from within a record. So I’m actually going to show you the fields that I’m talking about within a record just to give you a little bit of context so that you can kind of
see it and maybe help understand the value of these coded fields. So when we think about a campaign, such as giving Tuesday now, there’s Who are you going to kind of invite or encouraged to participate in this? And how are you going to communicate with him. So you want to record that in DonorPerfect, and then there’s the response or the gift or the pledge coming back in. So when we look
at the gifts page, and I’m just going to go into an empty gift.
You’re going to see that there are several different coded fields. And so any coded field is one that has these little plus signs behind it. So when you want to add a code
At any coded field, you’re going to click on the plus sign, and then you can start typing in your description, and then it’s going to create the code for you. So the gift and the pledge coded fields, General Ledger campaign solicitation, thank you letter are all going to be really important to have, so that you know where the dollars are coming from, especially when it’s coming in from an online form. If it’s something that you’re receiving in the form of a check, and you’re manually entering it, then you can select that because you’re the person entering in the data. So that’s kind of the gift and the pledge, the Contacts page is going to have a similar kind of coded field, it’s just that the purpose of the contact is going to be for how you’re communicating with them how they’re invited to participate or engage with you. So there is the activity field, which I don’t know that you need to be specific in saying Giving Tuesday now, but maybe you want to make sure that you have a value for email, campaign or letter. But then the mailing code, I think, is going to be really important that you have a choice for representing
the kind of the reason that you’re inviting them, what was the the effort, and so the mailing code is going to be a representation of the direct mail piece. If you use a communication tool, such as an email, and you’re using the integration that exists between DonorPerfect and Constant Contact, then the campaign name is going to be filled in I’m presuming with something like giving Tuesday now. So in essence, what I’m showing you here are several coded fields that I think are important to consider creating so that when you are tracking the details may be after the campaign, you’re gonna have an easy way of seeing this is how many people we invited or notified about the campaign from the Contacts page. And then here are all the gifts and pledges that were received. Because of the Giving Tuesday now campaign, I’m going to come back to these coded fields when we start talking about online forms and reporting. But it’s just something that you have to think about as you are beginning to prepare DonorPerfect. Now one of the things that I want to keep in mind about everything that I’m sharing with you is there are resources. So there is a knowledge base article that you’re going to receive, that’s going to help you walk through creating those codes. And it’s specifically about giving Tuesday now.
Alright, so those are the couple of details to be mindful of. As we get started. The next thing that you have to kind of think about is your message. Now everybody that has joined, this has different expertise, if you will, different skills that you have that might be stronger than another. And so for myself, I am not necessarily the wordsmith person, I can convey a message but I’m going to pass it on to somebody else who has the skills of coming up with those creative words and those creative messages. So one of the things that
we have provided for you our toolkits, and you’re going to see that some of these toolkits are specifically around templates. And there is one called COVID-19 fundraising template kit for nonprofits. So I actually just want to bring this over
and show you a little bit about what it’s going to look like. And there are
an enormous amount of suggestions in this toolkit, but it is filled with templates, ways that you can look at messages that have already been designed that you can use. All right, so oops, let me just close this for a moment.
The other
toolkit is a complete toolkit for nonprofits Now, this particular toolkit if it decides to load
it’s specifically forgiving Tuesday now.
And you can see some of the messages, some suggestions
and just guides on how to prepare. Alright, so create your message. Now one of the things that I have been thinking about, as I have been reading up on Giving Tuesday now and thinking about just giving Tuesday and the whole idea of what it represents, and those people who created it years ago and how Giving Tuesday now is a little bit of a kind of a spin
offer in its own entity for a specific purpose is one of the things that came through is to not be afraid to fundraise. Now’s the time to be vulnerable people really do want to help it makes them feel empowered. So using the questions pane and thinking about ideas and brainstorming, what kind of message are you going to create? So if you want to share, please feel free to share, you don’t need to give away all of your ideas. But some of the things that you might be thinking about what are the ideas, the messages that you want to create? Here’s an example. So maybe you want to share in your messages a specific need that people could really get behind. Maybe it’s $2 a day to provide X, maybe it is a small monthly gift. You know, sometimes when we think about monthly giving campaigns, we think of the $10 or $20. Maybe we want to bring that down a little bit. Maybe you want to kind of create the message to be a family activity.
Or right maybe you want to try and incorporate like during the day, some video conferencing with your like key donors. You could do maybe a FaceTime. Athan, you know, instead of a phone Athan, you’re using those video conferences a Facebook Live event.
Okay, sharing the need to
sharing. Let’s see, I’m trying to see a couple sharing the need for PPE. Oh, for your families. Okay. So their visitors are safe because they’re hospice. Okay, great. raise money for giving Tuesday now during the the other Facebook page. Okay. Yep, absolutely.
And, again, there’s so many ideas that you could do, and I’m sure you will be successful, because this is, you know, kind of why you are in fundraising. And I’m in this on the software side of things. But you want to start thinking about those messages. And don’t hesitate to use those toolkits. And those templates, those email templates, shamelessly, just go for it, use them to the fullest extent.
Now, as we think about, you know, the details, one of the big details that everybody is kind of thinking about is how can we get away into our donors hands to respond. So we want to talk about creating an online form as a way for your donors to have the ability to respond to your Giving Tuesday campaign. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to highlight a couple of things about creating a Giving Tuesday, Giving Tuesday now template and an online form, I’m going to show you how it’s done. And then we’re going to actually kind of build on it and use it. So in terms of creating a way for your donors to respond. And this is just one way it is a financial way, is going to be using our online forms. And it is the Giving Tuesday template. So this template has been updated to be forgiving Tuesday now. So you can see that the the image is a little bit different. But when you go in to build a form, if you’re familiar, familiar with creating an online form, then you will know that it’s going to be done in a similar way. So you’re going to name your form, then you will have the opportunity to customize your forms and one of the customizations that you will want to do is you’re going to add your Giving Tuesday codes because that is going to be a critical piece of information that then is brought back into DonorPerfect.
And then another piece of personalization that you will want to add to this online form is the thank you there is an email that is part of every online form. Now as I go into my system, I’m going to kind of walk you through how to build a Giving Tuesday now eat online form. So how I’m going to do that is I just need to get over here.
Well, let’s just minimize this.
And I apparently took myself right out of DonorPerfect so just give me one moment here.
so there we go, you should now see, DonorPerfect. And now we’re going to walk in to the walk through the steps of building an online forum. So we’re gonna go to app links,
online forms. And this is going to bring us into the review and acceptance center. And so what I’m going to show you is kind of an end result. So here is an example of an end result. So it has the Giving Tuesday.
logo, it has some default messaging, again, you can change all this and then I added some shading, you can choose what you want, the dollar amounts to be, there are contact fields name and address, and then there’s going to be their credit card information. Okay, so here is the end result. How did I get to this? Well, I’m gonna go ahead and close this up. And so what we’re gonna do is I’m going to show you that basically, in three steps, you can create a form. Now, you’ll want to do more to personalize it, but three steps. So in online forms, this is the rack, I’m going to look for the kind of orangey gold button to add a form.
And then I’m going to look for in the donation category, Giving Tuesday. So then I’m going to choose use this template, and I’m going to give it a name.
Think I may have to add one little detail to make it stand apart, I’m going to choose my payment options credit card and check my currency. And then the confirmation email is just notifying who
created the form. So I’m gonna finish my setup. Because I have multiple gateways, I have to choose which one, you probably will not have to worry about this.
And now my form has been created. Okay, so now, here’s what it’s gonna look like, as we see it right now with no customization, I have an active form. Now, I might want to change the coloring, I might want to change the messaging. So let me show you how you do that. So at that point, this URL represents that specific form. You’ll notice down here at the bottom is where I can continue to my form.
And now I’m kind of in the administrative area where I can customize it. So you’re going to notice on the left hand side are the different menu options. Now I don’t have time to go into all the details of customizing a form. If you have specific questions certainly ask, there are other resources available that will potentially be able to answer your questions, you can reach out to our fantastic support team, however you want to kind of approach it just know that we’re here all here to help you. But the things that I want to draw your attention to is your item codes. So I’m going to set item codes. And this is where I need to make sure that I’m choosing
my Giving Tuesday campaign codes. Now some of you might only be using general ledger, or you might only be using campaign, it’s really going to be
critical for you to have at least one coded field that’s going to help you select and report on Giving Tuesday now data, I’m kind of filling it in for all the different fields just so you can see how they all are going to work together when I download this information into my DonorPerfect system. So step one is you need to have a form, there is a Giving Tuesday template, it does have the Giving Tuesday now kind of information built into it for you to use. If you want to modify it, you certainly can do all that. And at the Giving Tuesday now website there are are also some additional free images that you can use.
Okay, so now that I’m going to save that information.
And now the second piece that I just want to kind of draw your attention to is the option right above it to set the emails. And so this is where you can
create the message of how you want to thank your donor when they use the online form. So one of the things that’s available is this toolbar. And this is for designing the form I just happened to be showing you this toolbar when we’re looking at the email, but you can use
images that you have saved locally. You can also grab them with a URL
Okay, so I just need to find my Giving Tuesday.
Okay, so we’ll use the Redheart there is a Teilhard available.
But I just wanted to show you how quickly I can grab that you’ll also see up here is an insert image. And then I can also insert a link.
Now, in addition to just a standard online form, okay, so again, going back here, I have my standard online form, some of you might have included in your package, the ability to build a crowdfunding form. So it’s another type of online form, but it’s our peer to peer fundraising form. So I have one I got went ahead and built a crowdfunding forms that some of you might have in your package, if you’re not sure, if you have this in your package, certainly feel free to reach out to us. But here we can see that I can create a goal
and a message and images. But then when I really get down to asking the donor to participate, whether the supporting the organization from the organization page, or they’re going to be supporting an individual fundraiser, we get into the same online form.
Okay, so, Giving Tuesday forms, online forms are available as just an online form, there is a template that you can use. And you can also build a Giving Tuesday now, crowdfunding form. Now one of the things that is going to be important, I believe in in any type of online campaign, such as giving Tuesday now is sharing the information sharing the message. So let me just scoot back here for a moment and talk about you have a form, you have a message, and now you need to get it out there. So how do you go and share this message. So there are many ways that we could kind of approach sharing your message, I want to just make you aware of a couple of options that you have from the online forums, but also show you that there is a resource that we have put together called 25 places to share your donation form that you may find helpful.
Because a online form really is it’s a URL, and that URL is going to be able to be embedded and included in an email message. So you might be using the integration between DonorPerfect and constant context. So you could build a message, an email communication and Constant Contact, they also have templates available and you couldn’t put the donate button there in the email, like you see displayed here. And you’re going to see that right here.
Okay, so they can donate, that’s going to take them to their form.
Okay, the other thing,
oops, I lost my pointer here, excuse me.
The other thing, if you’re not using the integration between DonorPerfect and Constant Contact, that’s okay, you can still create a list
of people you would like to email to, and you can export it that maybe you’re going to upload that into a separate instance of Constant Contact, or maybe MailChimp, or some of the other email options.
Okay, so you can embed that URL and an email, certainly.
You can encourage and direct them to your webpage, and you’re going to provide ways for your consistent constituents to respond. That might be behind a donate button, that might be a message at the top of Banner, you know, however you want to display that.
You may send a direct mail piece because maybe you don’t have a lot of emails, and you’re just going to push the traffic and encourage them to go to your web page. So there are many ways that you can get that message out, including social media.
So you can share the link on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. And really what you’re really trying to do using all of these tools, as you well are well aware is to encourage your donors to share with their friends and family. So now what I want to do is I want to go back to my form, kind of show you how it’s done using the form and how some of the sharing option is going to be visible. So one
other questions that came in is is the Giving Tuesday now locate logo logo included in the template. And yes, it is included, you will not have to include that logo. So back here in this new form that you saw me build, there’s the image, it’s already there.
Okay, so now I’m putting on my donor hat. So I’m a donor. And I just received, let’s say, an email with that link in it, and I click on it, and it brings me to this page. So I’m going to read the message and the story and I’m going to choose to become a donor. So I’m going to give a gift. And when you’re building this form, you’ll notice that it is an option to be a one time donation or a recurring donation. So I’m going to choose one time, and then I’m going to enter in the donors information.
Then we’re just going to key in
their personalized information. And again, this is donor, a donor filling it out.
You as the administrator or user of DonorPerfect and DonorPerfect online forms, design it. And now we’re seeing it kind of in action as a donor
the ability to choose whether they want to help cover the costs,
and then their payment information.
Okay, so there’s a confirmation page, it shows what the donor is agreeing to. And now I’m going to submit my payment. Now, when I submit my payment, several things are happening, because what we have here as a whole kind of end to end solution is we have DonorPerfect, which is going to be where all of your data is stored. But when we’re talking about an online giving experience, what we’re saying is donor, you fill out this form, and then the tools of having a gateway where all of the credit card information is stored in a PCI compliant encrypted site. And we have a merchant processor. So it’s going to push the information out from the donor pressing submit, start moving the money from their account to your bank account. So this is going to be all hooked up to your bank account. And then it’s going to come back through the gateway with the results. So everything is kind of working together behind the scenes. So as soon as that donor presses submit, they’re going to get the email message that you sent, designed and is going to be sent to them, then the merchant processor and the gateway are now engaged to start moving that money. And then it comes back to say, hey, thanks. Here’s your receipt. Now I’m gonna want to draw your attention to as a donor at the bottom of this page, I’m going to see my sharing options where I can choose or encourage my the donors that are filling this out to now share it on their Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, or send it out as an email. What is visible here as sharing options is going to be part and parcel of how you designed the form
yourself. So it’s all kind of working together. But here is not there, excuse me here is where you can now encourage
your donors, those who are supporting you
to post their information
and share.
Alright, so that sharing now one of the things that is obviously going to be important and exciting for you is to see how generous your supporters are. So in addition to your donors responding, you want to kind of monitor what it is they’re doing and you want to get that information back into DonorPerfect. So as I was kind of describing that kind of general flow of information from filling out a form to where the information goes, it’s going to come back
ultimately into DonorPerfect. So what I’m doing is I’m bringing us back to where we started. So we started at this review
We went to acceptance center. And I showed you an end result, I started at the reviewing acceptance center, because that’s where we went to create the form, we created the form in three clicks, we can modify the form, which is going to be things like your item codes, the coloring, your branding, your messaging, the emails that you want to send out, and then you’re going to start pushing it out to people in a variety of ways. Not only are you going to push that message out, but you’re hopeful that with the sharing, and options that your supporters are also going to share it with their friends and family in a variety of ways.
Now, once those forms are being used, you’re going to see the results here as a starting point in the review and acceptance center. So you can see already in the various forms for giving Tuesday now that I’ve created that I have transactions that are processed. So Where Where did they go? Well, they’re downloaded, they’re in my DonorPerfect system, because these two systems work in tandem. So what I want to do, because of just simply only having basically an hour to kind of show you all of this from beginning to end, is to show you now the form is being used, how can you monitor
your progress towards your Giving Tuesday now goal. Now, of course, you know, everybody is going to kind of think about this in different ways, there’s a lot of different options that you have available to you. So first off, I want to draw your attention that you can see very quickly, your progress towards your goals at the review and acceptance center, in addition to the DonorPerfect reports. Now all of that is going to hinge
on the fact that you are downloading the details, and you’re entering in the donations. So what I want to do is I’m going to show you how to download the donations and where the key fields are at which again, is going to circles back to the beginning talking about the codes and a couple of reports to specifically so in terms of getting the information from an online form, into DonorPerfect.
So if
I am using everything that DonorPerfect offers, I’ve created my form.
I have been accepting donations, and I want to make sure they get into DonorPerfect. There’s two download options. One is automatic, which is what you’ve experienced. And watch me do right now I created a donation I will put on my donor hat because right here it is I put on my donor hat and I made that donation and Emily’s gift is already in DonorPerfect. But how did that happen? Well, that’s because there are download settings that you decide how you want that to work. And I chose to build mine as automatic.
You can also choose I don’t want it to automatically go in but I I want the form to work and I like everything but I want a little bit more control of when that information gets pushed into DonorPerfect so you can deselect automatic, and you could manually push it down now that doesn’t mean you have to manually enter it that just means that you have to come to the review and acceptance center and choose to download the information into DonorPerfect. I’m going to continue with the automatic but no matter which option you choose, what the download means is that I should be able to come in to DonorPerfect and see the information in there. So there is my donor that I created my pretend person you saw me do it and it’s already in DonorPerfect the money is in process. Once it settles, I can reconcile it with my bank statements. But from a donor development perspective, there’s Emily last gift data today 5150. Now if everything’s working as it’s supposed to, when I go in to take a look at this gift
I also see it has associated with it all of the codes that I chose.
Okay, so the thing that you might be puzzled with is well how does donor imperfect behave? When it’s downloading? Well, there’s matching criteria that you determine
How is going to look for a match. And if it finds a match, it’s just simply going to add the gift. If it doesn’t find a match based on that matching criteria as it was here, it didn’t, I did not have an Emily last in my database, it went ahead and added it as a new constituent, and then it’s going to add the gift.
Now, in terms of monitoring your progress, when you’re in the midst of this campaign, you can come here to the rack, and you can see how many different transactions have been processed and the total dollar. Some of the other things that you might like to see
is the conversion how many times that people go to the form, look at it, what’s your conversion rate.
Now, when we think about Prop monitoring progress, we also tend to think about reports, and there’s many reports to choose from, I’m going to show you two of them. So two of the reports that I’m going to show you are both found in the Report Center. And they’re both financial reports. So the first one is going to be the gifts by date report.
And you can specify the date range, and you can select specific campaigns or look at everything. But what I want to show you is this report and I’ve narrowed it down to my campaign, which is a code that I added which was used on my form. And I can see that everything that I’ve manually entered for checks and those coming in from online forms
is filled in so I can see very quickly how much money I’ve raised.
Another report that you might like to share that is more graphical in nature. And again, this is one
of many options is the financial report called the cross tab.
So now the crosstab report can be used for taking two fields and seeing where they intersect. So I’m going to show the different types of donors, individuals and companies, because I might be interested in seeing who is supporting me in terms of the type of constituent as well as towards the general ledger.
So I’m gonna go ahead and run this report. And there’s the numbers so I can see my company’s uninvent individuals, and I’m focusing on Giving Tuesday now, so I can see the dollars, but I can also convert that to a chart.
So forgiving Tuesday now, predominantly, individuals are supporting me. But maybe for building fund or something else, it might be a little bit different. But the point of all of these DonorPerfect reports is that they are made very easy, because I created codes
that I’m able to find my Giving Tuesday now data. So whether you’re using that General Ledger, that campaign, solicitation sub solicitation, whatever field you’re using, you then can turn around and find the data
quickly in DonorPerfect. Now just to kind of review because I see a question that came in back here, when I’m looking at the rack, I’m able to see the total dollars. And there’s a slider up here at the top where I can choose what it is that I’m looking at. So right now and this is the default view I’m looking at the total dollars raised. If I use the slider, I can see the conversion rate
all right.
As we kind of think about where to go from here. One of the things that I want to do before we part ways is to come back and take a look at the various resources that you have available. So first off, there is a knowledge base article five, excuse me, it’s at the bottom of my list. I thought it was at the top is a knowledgebase article that it’s three quick steps to participate in Giving Tuesday now so this is a knowledge base article
that you may find helpful.
Okay, and it just basically breaking it down into what are the three main steps, talking about the codes, your online forms and sharing
With in this article, it’s going to then link you out to other resources,
such as the template kit for nonprofits. This is filled filled with great email messages and templates that you can use the other toolkit called Giving Tuesday now complete toolkit for nonprofits is also filled with some great resources. The top two things here are blog posts, so five easy
fundraising ideas for giving Tuesday now.
As well as seven ways, your online fundraising software can help you prepare for giving Tuesday now.
Now I realize that we have an hour and we are coming down to the wire. In terms of a bit of a recap. What is it that you should probably think about as it relates to DonorPerfect and the tools that we offer? First off, the thing that you want to think about are how the codes How are you going to identify these dollars in DonorPerfect. So we talked about the mailing Code field found on the contact page, and we talked about the gift in the pledge codes, such as General Ledger campaign solicitation and thank you letter.
The next thing that we spoke about was what is your message? So how are you What is your message going to be? How are you going to convey that message. And so that might be done through an email that might be done through direct mail that might be done through social media that might be done on your web page.
Once you have an idea of your message, you want to make sure that you have a way to provide for your donors to respond. And that brought us to our online form, when you go to design your online form forgiving Tuesday. Now, if you’re just using an online form, there’s a Giving Tuesday template and it will add the Giving Tuesday now logo automatically, but you can modify it.
If you have it in your package, you could also create a Giving Tuesday, crowdfunding form. Now not everybody has crowdfunding. And I can’t tell from looking at names who has what. But if you have the crowdfunding option, it is using the online form technology, same premise. But the difference is that it’s going to give you the ability to have an organization page
with an easy quick way for your individuals to create your individual donors to create their own fundraising page. But in this particular form, you would have to add the images that you want. But keep in mind at the Giving Tuesday now site and in all of the different resources that are going to be shared out with you, you can use the graphics and images there. So now you’ve provided a way for your donors to respond, then you want to make sure that you’re sharing that message shamelessly and again, I showed you how from the online form, you can make that available for your donors to then share on their Facebook pages tweeted out and so forth. Now that they have responded, and I hope that you have huge success with that, you want to be able to monitor your progress and there are many ways that you can do that one quick reference is using the review and acceptance center. The other option is going to be using some of the financial reports found in DonorPerfect. All of this especially when I’m talking about reports is going to be made very easy. If you have some key coded fields so that you can quickly select the data that you are wanting to report on.
So as we are wrapping up
I love the kind of the the the messages that are found at the Giving Tuesday now site together we give
Together We Heal.
Together we help
together we thank you and together we stand
So thanks so much for participating in today’s session. If you have questions, you can reach out to us
at training.services@software.com Keep in mind that all of the information that I’ve been kind of referencing is going to be emailed out to you. And it will be about an hour or so after this ends. And then the actual recording will be made available at our DonorPerfect.com expert web webcast series, and you should receive an email in that regard as well. So I hope that this was beneficial. If you have questions, please stay to continue to ask those questions. And I wish you all the best. I hope that you have a huge success in your Giving Tuesday now campaign. Thanks so much
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