Managing Event Details in DP
Categories: Training Webinars, Preparing for Events
Managing Event Details in DP Transcript
Print TranscriptGood afternoon and welcome. This is managing event details in DonorPerfect for our event series. Today, we’re going to show you how to track your events. And what’s really neat about events management is everything’s going to be held in one Read More
Good afternoon and welcome. This is managing event details in DonorPerfect for our event series. Today, we’re going to show you how to track your events. And what’s really neat about events management is everything’s going to be held in one place. So you’re going to be able to do all of your work with regard to your event in one place, you’re going to be able to track who you’ve invited, who’s coming, who has paid, who your sponsors are. And then you’re going to see how Donna perfect can help you track all of the details. Again, in that one place, you’re going to manage events more effectively from the invitations to measuring your success. That’s what it’s all about today. And once again, good afternoon for all who have joined us. My name is Donna Mitchell, I am your trainer today, I’m absolutely thrilled to be here with you to talk about events management. Now we’re riding up on the event season. So this is a really great way for you to get started to see how you can use DonorPerfect to run your event. So we’re going to begin with our housekeeping items. So you’ll know how to use the solution that we’re in. And then we’ll jump right into the agenda and our webinar. So on the left side of your screen is your viewer window. This is where you get to see the content that I’m sharing with you today, we’ll be working both in a PowerPoint presentation, as well as in DonorPerfect live. On the right side of your screen is your control panel. And this is what you’ll use to engage with me. On the side of that control panel, you’re going to see that tab, we call it the grab tab. The reason we do is because you can click either of the gray areas that you see, grab it and move it around the screen, you also have the ability to use that white arrow that is a toggle. This will allow you to expand and collapse the control panel, moving it completely out of your way. And then at the bottom of that grab tab is the raise hand button. So if you can hear the sound of my voice, please click on your raise hand button. Phenomenal. Great. Hi, Daddy. All right. Fantastic. Thank you so so much. Some folks are frequent fliers. So I’ve seen them in other webinars. Some folks are my actual clients. So I will holler and shout them out. I promise them that I’m going to do it. All righty, fantastic. So we all can hear wonderful. The next section is the audio mode. And this simply tells you how you’ve gotten connected to the webinar how you’ve gained access. So most of you are using your computer audio, that’s perfect. If you are using if you get any garbling or feedback or you lose audio altogether on your computer, audio, go ahead and click on that phone call button. That’s what you use to get back into the webinar. It’ll provide you with the phone number and access code, you’ll need to do that. All right. The next section is our handout section. There is a handout uploaded for you today that cover the top points in events management. So please feel free to download that before we’re all done. And then the next section, which is my favorite section is the questions box. So this is where you get to share your questions, comments, feedback, your questions, help others, believe me if you’re thinking it someone else’s to and trust me your questions really do help all the folks that happen to be on this call, and also who will be watching this later. All right, so what are we going to be doing today? First, we’re going to talk about and help you understand the purpose of events management. All right, we’re going to talk about coding, coding your data for the best results. We all know how important codes are in DonorPerfect. And then we’re going to go over the Event Management details that’s going to be creating your invitation lists, tracking your RSVPs and their payments and running event reports. Now the contents of this webinar may contain features and fields that are different than your own. Once again, please feel free to send a question over if you if you’re not sure. All right. So some of the benefits of using events management and Donna perfect is that you’re going to be able to keep your details in one place. You don’t have to go to your CRM and then your spreadsheet and your Google sheet and then this, that or the other, you don’t have to do that. Within events management in DonorPerfect, you’ll be able to create an invitation list, you’ll be able to identify your financial goals, you’ll be able to track your costs and expenses, create tables, and teens, track and accept payments, and record your responses. So this is really an all in one feature. And if you’re using DP online forms, you’re, you’re also have some events management integrated forms that can be used with your event. And if someone fills out that form, they can simply you can simply download those transactions, and they populate in events management. So with regard to how events are run the solicitation code, the solicitation code on the gift screen identifies the event or the appeal, right, this is going to be our event is the key field for events management. You cannot have your event unless your solicitation code is selected, it is essential. So you’re going to create the codes for your event with the year. The good news is even if you’ve forgotten to do it, you can do it in events management. So I’ll show you how to do that. So that is really the key. Obviously, the other fields are going to be important as well, let’s take a look. So some of the code you need to be thinking about before you begin creating your invitation list would be things like the donor type, right? Are you inviting individuals and companies? Just individuals? Right? Are you or are you inviting foundations and things like that? So the donor type identifies whether they’re an individual or some sort of organization? The flag field we know you is used to identify the constituent or donors relationship to the organization. So that could be part of your filter. Are they volunteers, right? We need our event volunteers? Are you inviting your sponsors? Are you including them? People that maybe your employees or staff? So those are things you can think about flags? What are what would be using, what would we be using to invite those folks. And then there’s a field on this main screen, sometimes it’s displayed. Some organizations have hidden it. And it’s called the source field. This is another drop down coded field that identifies how that donor got to your organization. And maybe they came in through another event. And so that would be a way for you to again, identify and include people in your mail list. I want to hold that thought for one moment. I do have a couple of questions. Yes, you’re going to be sent the webinar recording that will be delivered via email either today, or tomorrow. And Kathy, I do not know how to turn on closed captioning. So just give me one moment. I’ve never had that question. And I feel awful. That I don’t know. If you see a help sign on there, maybe that would help. But off the top of my head, I do not know how to turn on closed captioning. I’m not even sure if it’s available. The handout is in the Control Panel under the section that says handouts. It says subscription Events Management PDF. So check there. If not I’ll get a link for you later. All right, so those are the the helpful fields that will help you find which donors you want to include. These other fields are your gift fields. So the general ledger identifies your fund designation, right where that money goes before it goes into your bank account. So you might have your annual fund set up for that. Maybe you have an events fund with your books, right and income account. So you would be able to choose that. The solicitation again, the key is going to be the event name and year and the sub solicitation on gifts identifies revenue streams. So maybe you’re selling ads in your ad book, raffle tickets, regular tickets, ticket buyers sponsorships, so those would be included in the sub solicitation field.
All right. Let’s keep it moving. So again, I’ll be happy to send you give you that link. Just give me one second. Oops, y’all weren’t supposed to see that? Well, it’s in the recording now. Oh, all right, I’m gonna put the link in the chat. This will be for everyone. So anyone can grab that if you want to. Let me just get my check. And there you go. All right. And you can use that link. And that’ll allow you to access the handout. Thank you. All right, so event details. Now, this is a really important statistic that I wanted to talk about. And I just think it’s interesting. According to the nonprofit times, one quarter of the 880 nonprofit executives that they polled, reported that 41% or more of their annual operating budget is raised through events and online fundraising. That’s a huge chunk and think about it. I mean, we just had an event with a client over the weekend, and they from the event alone raised over $150,000. So think about that. And with that in mind, we want to be sure that we are entering our data properly, so that we can replicate this event, if it’s successful, or tweak it if it’s not so much. So let’s talk about the event details. So here, we’re kind of talking about general demographics, who what information are we seeing in the event itself, you’re going to be putting information in about who you want to include, why you want to include them. And we’ll talk about that in just a moment. The next thing, as we mentioned, is the event solicitation, the events are driven by that solicitation code. So we need to have that set up and available, you’re going to be able to record your event goal in events management. And what’s really beautiful about that is you’re going to be able to expense, track your expenses, but you’re going to see that thermometer and you’re going to see how that money is coming in and what your net revenue is, your gross revenue, and all of that. So all of these things are going to work together to help make your event data entry and processes much more successful. And then we have the events analysis report. And that’s the report that’s going to show you all of these things in one spot. So for example, when you look at this report, it’s going to be it’s going to say oh, these are how many people you invited. These are how many people responded, this is how much money you’ve made, here are your expenses, here’s your net revenue, your return on investment, and all of that. So that is going to be critical to make sure we’re entering that data as cleanly as possible. All right. So in order to do your event in order to invite people, and I know you’re not seeing me on my webcam, and I meant to say hello to everyone, and I forgot to do it, I’m not going to do that now, but you need to determine who you’re going to create an invitation record for. Now, I’m gonna say this now, and I’m gonna say this, again, when we get in there. DonorPerfect does not or event management does not actually create the invitations. What it does is it creates a contact record indicating that donor was sent the invitation. Okay. So we’re not really creating invitations, we’re literally creating the invitation list. So when we’re thinking about that, we need to determine who’s going to be invited. Is it going to be someone who came before it is do they give to a previous solicitation or sub solicitations? Did they come to this event last year? Do they come to all your events, that could be a perfect group of people to select? Maybe you want local donors, right? Your event is going to be you know, local, you don’t want to invite people that you know aren’t going to come. You know they’re in another city state or you know, obviously another state or if you’re a big, big, big state, maybe Texas, you might not want to invite people from all over taxes. So you might want to use local donors. You can use that zip code radius filter, if you wanted to. Recent donors do I just want to invite recent donors Yeah. You know what these people gave to previous solicitations, but their last gift was in 2019, maybe I don’t want to invite them, I just want to invite recent donors, whatever that means to you. So you’re going to be able to create filters to determine which records you want which donors you want. Maybe you want donors that have given a certain amount or more, maybe it’s per gift, maybe if I want to see anybody that’s given a single gift of $500 or more. Or maybe I want to show folks whose lifetime gift total is greater than or equal to $5,000. So you have a lot of options with regard to how you pick and who you pick. And then maybe there’s a friends list, maybe your board members or your gift officers are giving you have a friends list, you’re going to be able to identify the source, how they got into your organization, flags, once again, you could say flags this as a prospect, maybe we want to invite them to our event. So they can see how awesome our organization is. Maybe it will be the date of entry, right? The created date, oh, we created these records in the last six months, but we don’t have a gift yet. Maybe we want to invite them. And then maybe it’s going to be by solicitor, all these fields live in DonorPerfect, it’s up to you to populate them. And then you’re going to be able to use those as criteria in your filters to create your invitation records. Next, we’re going to manage the responses. So once we create the contact records, these folks now will live in the Manage responses, tab of events management. Now, don’t worry, I’m going over the theory first. And then we’re going to go in and do our event. In the Manage responses tab, this is where you’re going to track payments. So you’ll be able to track their event status. Are they attending, not attending? Are they paid and attending? Are they a paid sponsor and not attending. So those are some of the options that you’ll have? You can record payments here. So if you have done a perfect payment processing, you will be able to take check cash credit card, you can even record pledges as a payment method. And then the number of guests, you’re going to be able to update the number of guests that each of your registrants will have. And all of that occurs in manage registrants. The next screen is manage responses, I’m sorry, manage responses. That’s right. So manage registrants is next I misspoke. Sorry about that. So on the Manage registrants tab, you’re going to be able to include the name of the guests. So Donna’s going to bring her guest, that person is going to be added to my to my registration. You can have table or team assignments. You can see there are a seat with requests. So when you’re adding your guests, you’re going to be able to add them to an existing table or team. You can also indicate who they should be seated seated with. And you can even include your guests guests. All right. So that’s a little difficult to say my time just had a crown replaced this afternoon. So and it doesn’t hurt or anything. But my tongue is going you read your own all that work today. So yeah, you can record your guests, guests. And all of that is going to be within DonorPerfect. Next tables and teams. So that’s another really neat feature of events, management are tables, and teams. So you can actually create tables in teams, you can create them ahead of time. And then as you’re recording your RSVPs, you can place people at their table or with their team. It’s really cool. With tables and teams, you’re going to be able to assign a captain, if that is a thing. You have again those seat with requests so we can update those there. And from here, we’re going to be able to export the event details. And I’m going to show you how to do that where you’re able to pull out not only the registration information, but the guest information as well. Now, before we move forward, does anyone have any questions or thoughts?
You’re doing gray. So again, I’m going over this in theory and then we’re going to jump in and do our event. We’re going Do it right from scratch. All right, guest constituent registering. What do these mean? So, when a person, I’m going to pick somebody, let’s do. Jen, we have to Jen. So I’m going to pick Jen. Jen is in my system. I’ve invited Jen because she comes to all of our events. So I know Jen is very active. And she’s going to come to the events. So I invite Jen. Jen is then a registrant, right she’s in the system. She’s a registrant if she wants to add a guest, because she’s bringing her partner or her sister or her best friend, or whatever. When we register, or when we process that guest, there are three options available to us. The first is to register them as a guest. If they’re registered as a guest, they remain a guest. And they remain connected to the initial registrant. Right? So if Jen decides she’s going to bring Tara, don’t get me started on my Gone With the Wind, things. But anyway, if she brings Tara and Tara is entered as a guest, she’s just connected to Jen. And she remains a guest. That’s it. If we register Tara as a constituent, she remains a guest. So she’s still connected to the registrant, but she gets a donor ID and becomes part of the DonorPerfect system. Okay? If Tara is added as a registrant, she’s no longer a guest of Jen. But she becomes herself a registrant, she gets a donor ID, and then becomes part of the DonorPerfect system. Now, if Tara wants to bring additional people, she can have her own guests. Okay. So that’s how this works. And you’ll see this when we go in to the system. Okay. But I will tell you this, what happens in events management, stays in events management, and you’ll see why in just a moment.
I’m sorry. All right. So let’s do this. We’re going to keep it there. And I’m going to go into DonorPerfect. And we’re going to go to tasks on the navigation bar, and events management. So this takes us into the events management. And you see we have some events already listed. Here. On the left are all of the reports that are in events management. To the right is where we’re going to add our new event. You’ll notice in this grid, that we’ll be able to edit our events. So you’ll be doing that quite often. The date of the event, the name, how many were invited, how many are intending the goal, the location, and of course, if we need to delete something, we can. So let’s start our event. I’m going to click on add new event in the top right. And here’s where I’m going to create my event details. Now these tabs will become available to us once we create the event. So I’m going to create an event Okay, and here is my solicitation code. If the code is already created, we can select it. If it’s not, we can add it right on the fly. All right, so I’m going to use my existing code. Oh, do I want Wolfson whiskers or I’m gonna do what’s in whiskers, Wolfson Whiskers 2023. I’m gonna put in in the description. So this is our annual gala and largest fundraiser. The location we can enter what where the location is going to be where the event is, the address the primary contact at the venue. So this is the contact at the venue and then that person’s email contact at venue dot com. Okay. All right, to the right, we’re going to enter our goal. So let’s say our goal is $100,000. There we go. You’ll notice I have a little thermometer here. And that’s going to be or I should say it’s a gauge. So you’ll see how you’re doing how you’re moving forward. Once I enter those values in, I click on Create Event. All right now once I create the event, you’re going to see, all of my tabs now are available to me. You’ll also notice that I’m at 6% of my goal already, these are gifts that have already come in. So I’ve already gotten 2023, oops, and whiskers gifts. And that’s being included there. All right, that’s why you’re seeing that you’ll see the fair market value total. Again, this is all from gifts that already exist. Now, I want to do my expenses. If I click on track expenses, it’s going to allow me to add top right New Expense, we’re going to put in the name of the vendor party all the time. And the Expense Type is a drop down coded field. This is going to be decorations. My expense status is a drop down field, I’m going to say that’s pending. And we’re going to say that the $1,500 and this is for balloon, balloon arch. I guess I know how there we go balloon arch. And drop. Okay. So that’s one of my expenses, I can save it. Okay, if I need to delete it, I can. But of course, I can always go in and edit your expense report is available one, this screen. And so you can see your total expenses on that report. I’m just going to click the back button. And now we’re going to go in and create our invitation list. So once again, DonorPerfect. Nor events, management, create your invitations. Those are things you have to do on your own. And so what we need to do here is select the records that we want to be part of our event. Now, you can search by names, right? On a donor. There’s dandona Oh, the whole family. So I’m wondering, I want Dona Dona, but that just wanted to show you that you can just type in there, right. You can also create a filter, which is likely what you’re going to be doing. Now you can add people one by one and do this. But if we want a bunch, you know, at one time, we can do the filter. So let’s set a filter. And I’m going to add a new filter. I see your question. I’ll be right there. And we’re going to say I want to see all the folks where the solicitation multiple include multiple matches. And you see, all I see are my 2023 codes, but I want to invite people that have come to previous Watson whiskers events. So I can show my inactive codes. I want to click on this box. And now my inactive codes display. So I’m going to go down and scroll down. And I want my woods and whiskers 21 and 22 people involved. Okay, actually, I want to do something else. I want them to Oh, Donna Mitchell. Let me do that again. Because I want to show you something you’re gonna be like, wait a minute, how’s this work? So I want to show the inactive codes again. Go down with some whiskers, 2122 and 23. There’s a method to my madness. Alright, so those are the folks I want to see. And I’m just going to call this Wolfson whiskers, 2122 and 23. If you want, you can certainly put it in an Events Management folder, or a specific folder if you want to you don’t have to. So there’s my filter. And now I’m going to click on lookup. So it’s going to look up all the folks that meet the criteria. Now you’ll see there’s a foundation record. So once again, if I just wanted individuals, I would need to add that to my filter. Okay, Here are the folks that are selected. Now. You’ll see there, I think there are only 21 here. Yep, only 21. So here are the folks. And you’ll notice that the far right, the column says invited, no. So we’ll be able to see that right away. Another cool thing that I want to bring to your attention is, so you’ll know, let’s say you have 300 people. If you look at the far right, it says Show 50, it’s only going to show you the first 50 on each page. So if you have multiple pages of 50, you would have to keep selecting them all and updating the records, selecting them all, what you can do is very simply go to show and select all. And when you select all, all 300, or 1000, or whatever will display on the one screen. Okay, just want you to be clear about that. The next thing we’re going to do, and then I’m going to stop and answer this question is we’re going to select all that we want. And maybe we don’t want the foundation, maybe we don’t, then we would just deselect it, that would be all you’d have to do. I’m going to click on the button that says Create invitation slash contact records. It does not create invitations, but it will create contact records. So I’m going to select it, and it opens up a mirror of the contact screen. What you’ll notice is the checkbox is selected next to do not create duplicate invitations. So if I did a different filter, and Arlene showed up in that one, too, if she’s already invited, she won’t get a duplicate record, okay. You’ll notice that the invitation date, due date, Contact Date and completed date are all filled in. By default, the status is read only, but it says waiting for reply. So that is what your donor status will be before they actually reply. And let you know if they’re coming. You can add notes in here, if you want to, you can assign it to a specific user so that we know that they’re the ones that did it. And then we’re going to click on Save contact information. You’re going to get a pop up that says you successfully created the number of contact records that you created. Fantastic.
All right, before we move forward, I’m going to ask answer this question. Can this integrate with the Moves Management module? The answer is no. But it does not integrate, they don’t talk to one another. So that’s what integrate means to me. So they don’t really talk to one another. However, if inviting someone to an event is one of your moves in your moves management plan, then absolutely you could indicate that on the contact record that they were invited and that they showed up. Okay. Kathy, that was an excellent question. Thank you so much. All right. So moving forward, if you need to add people on the fly, you can search for them individually. And again, you can use that filter. All right. All right. So before we jump in and take a look, I’m going to cheat a little bit. And I’m going to go look at Orleans.
Go look at Arlene Berkowitz his record and show you what has happened to our contact screen. So we’re in Orleans record. And here we’ll see is the record she is invited. Now, where do we see this information? It’s going to be on the section that says event information. Yours might read a little differently. And those fields might not even be displaying so you would need to display them. But you’ll see that she’s invited to the oops, and whiskers 2023 We’re waiting for a reply. And the invitation status is speaking to the fact that we sent the invitation when she responds if she responds, the response date will be will refer to the response status. Okay. All right. So now that we’ve created our list, we’re now going to go to Manage responses. So this is where you’re going to see all of your folks listed will notice that the status is waiting for reply paid says no, and that there are zero guests included. So what we want to do at this point, you’ll be able to search for records again So how did you get to this list? You click on Manage responses tab. Okay. So after you create your, your, your contact records to indicate that they’ve been invited, those folks would then show up on the Manage responses list. You have said DonorPerfect does not send invitation once you create the invitation list, no, it does not. It does not do that. So just like you would mail out or email your invitations like normal, you’re going to do the exact same thing. What you’re doing here is you’re creating a contact record, to indicate that the person was sent the invitation and to track their activity with regard to your event. Okay. All right. So here, again, we only have 21. Folks here, right. But let’s say we had pages and pages and pages, you could actually do a search in here to look for people. Right? So if I wanted to see someone specific, I don’t know if Donna is in here. Oh, that’s not the last name. Let’s go here. And I’m going to click on look up. And I’m in there, donna, donna and Donna Mitchell. So you can search for your folks that way. Right? Pretty cool. All right. And then these options, let you are you showing attending those that are not attending show all other. So this is really going to be a wonderful way for you to see a list of people who are attending, not attending, and so on. Down here, you’re going to be able, well, this is the event status report, we’ll take a look at that in a moment. You’ll see the status drop down so you can update someone’s status. You can do it on math. So let me just get everybody there’s everybody. All right. So we have everybody here, you’ll notice that we can simply update a status. Right? So let’s say that the ANA wallow Foundation says you know what? We’re not attending. Okay, and then we’re going to update the status. So now we’ll see that they are not attending. If I go to that contact record, we would see that I do see your question. So bear with me, we’re going to have time after to answer your questions. And so now let’s say Arlene calls and says, Hey, I’m coming, I’m going to I’m going to be there, I’m going to do it. So we would then select that person. And now we can go in and make payments. If you make a payment here, you simply are, maybe it’s a cheque. So you would create and do the check there or there was some other method of payment. If you do an Instacharge payment that’s going to process that, that credit card or bank account payment right on the fly. You can also create a pledge. So if you created a pledge, a lot of times organizations will say, Oh, I’m not coming, but will sponsor you. So we could update this one to say, oh, yeah, I want to create a pledge. So let’s actually do that. I’m going to go to Arlene, we’re going to make our payment. So I’m going to do let’s do an Instacharge payment. And we’re going to do, oh, that’s a lot of money. We don’t want that much money. So let’s say it’s $300. She’s going to use her credit card, I’m going to add the credit card information. I’m going to put in the 1220. And then we’ll do this. Okay. All right. And we’re going to save it and process the $300. So once I do that, it’s going to allow me to fill in the rest of the gift record. So we’re still adding it as a gift. So we’re going to close that window. And now we’re going to finish this information. So Arlene is the guest, she’s going to have an additional gift one, one that should have updated, or All right, that’s okay. Don’t worry. Here’s our reference number. Here’s the general ledger Annual Fund. We’re going to figure out all the rest of this stuff. So the fair market value is 100. There’s the gift amount. The sub solicitation will say it’s tickets and we’re good to go. So I’m gonna save this Okay, so Arlene is now paid and attending. If I go to her contact record, we would see that our response is updated to paid and attending. Let’s say for example, that there Want to do a pledge? So I’m going to select them. They’re not coming. They’re going to do a sponsorship. I’m going to create a pledge. No guests, we’re going to say the pledge for $5,000. The frequency will just say that’s going to be unknown. Don’t bill. And you will find thank you letter is pledge.
We’ll just say, Gala. Thank you. And the start date will say it’s going to be the
30th of May. There we go. And the billing amount is going to be 5000. All right, so we’re going to create this create the pledge. Right. So they’re paid and attending, they’re not paid in attending? They are we’re going to select them. They are paid sponsor not attending. Okay. So there’s so many cool things that you can do. Alright, so we have some folks that are paid and attending, we’re going to update the guest, because Arlene does want to bring a guest. I’m going to stop here and answer some questions. Can you print labels? With the contact record? You can print it with any events management? I’ll show you that a little bit later. Can you create a spreadsheet list? Yes, you can. When we get to the last tab, tables and teams, I’ll show you how you can export that list? Absolutely. When they actually pay online will update the record, or do you have to do this update manually? That’s a great question. If you’re using DonorPerfect events, management integrated forms, when you download those transactions, they’ll go right into events management, you do not have to do any updates. If they’re using a form other than events management integrated, then yes, you would have to go in and manually update that. Why is what you’re showing us all manually process, if you have created a DEP form will automatically update. Yes, I’m sorry. So we’re showing you the manual process because I think everybody needs to know. And the other reason is Jean, that not all of our clients are using DEP forms. So they would have to enter this information manually. The day of the event, are we able to check the people through events management? Yes. I’m going to be talking about that in a moment. Okay. All right. Hold that thought. Hold that thought. I’m going to answer the rest of your questions. But I want to make sure that we get through the content, and then we can come back to this, okay. All right. All righty. And I promise I will answer your questions. So let’s take a look at the event status report, which we’ll see a little bit later. But you can see it’s broken down by the status. So here are the folks that are paid in attending, paid sponsors and attending and those waiting for a response. Okay. All right. So now that we’ve added a couple of people, let’s go in and manage registrants. So when we’re managing registrants, you’ll see that anyone that is paid, marked, paid and attending will show up there. Okay, there’s Arlene, and we see her she has no guests, but we know she has a guest. We know she wants a guest. So I’m going to click on the pencil. And we’re going to go in and update her you’ll notice that she is listed as a registrant her optional line reads Steve Brown, so Steve is going to be her guest. I’m going to edit. And then what will happen is I can edit Arlene’s information. Maybe Arlene had some information, for example. And this is really important to understand. Remember, I mentioned that what happens in events management stays and events management. You’ll notice this read information it says any changes made to the existing constituent registering information will not be reflected on the main real donor record. So what I want to do here is take Steve out. Okay. And this is an individual, this is not an org wreck. All right. At this point, if I wanted to create a table right now, I certainly can. But I’m going to put the seat with Steve Brown. And she’s going to be the well we’ll worry about the captains later. So I’m gonna save that. All right. And we know she wants a guest. So we’re going to click on add new guest. And not only is this good if you’re doing it to charge and automatically says zero guests, but if you’re have last minute guests, that’s what you’re going to do as well. So remember when we’re adding the guests, I’m going to put Steve’s name in here. So this is brown. And we’re going to put Steve in here. And we want this to be Steve. Right, we can put in our information. And we want to see with Arlene. All right, fantastic. Now, here’s where the magic happens. Down at the bottom, you’ll see the guest tight and want to pop that up again, if they’re a guest, there will be no donor Id created, no record created, and they just stay connected to the original registrant. If I add them as a constituent, they still remain attached to the original registrant, but it does assign them a DonorPerfect record, ID and DonorPerfect record. If I add them as a registrant, it separates them from the registrant and creates a donor record. So if Steve said, You know what, this girl’s night out for you, I’m going to hang out with the guys. If we wanted him to be separate, we would add him as a registrant, we’re not going to do that we’re going to keep them as a guest. So you can see how that looks. All right. So there’s our information, we’re going to click on Save. And now Steve is a guest of our lien, and we are able to see who they see they’re seated with us. Now, if I go to tables and teams, this is where we can create the tables in teams. Now one of my tips is you can create your tables ahead of time, if you want to. So if I click on the top right new table team, we’re going to call this table one is one team one table, maximum eight people. And you can create all of your tables. To the left are all of your unassigned attendees. So you’re going to see that listed here, I’m going to put our lien over there. And Steve over there, I’m going to select our lien and make her the captain. Now, exporting, this is where you’re going to be able to export a spreadsheet. If you come down to the bottom of the screen, you’ll see export options. Use data from main record use data from guest details, my recommendation is to use the guest details. That way, we’re going to get all the information for guests, even if they don’t have a donor record and DonorPerfect. We’re going to export as a CSV to excel. And then we can use like our basic mailing template and then export to file. So from here, I can do my export to file, I can also do an instant merge. And I can do an instant merge into envelopes, labels, other mail merge templates, whatever I want to do. Okay. So let’s take a look at this report. And this is why I want you to see it. Let me make this bigger. There we go. So these are the DonorPerfect field names. And you’ll see there’s Arleen donor ID 18. Steve doesn’t have one. Why? Because he’s a guest and he doesn’t get a donor record. If we move through the document. You’ll see they’re both seated at table one. For this event, you’ll see that the seat with is selected the guest of ID so there he is the guest of and you can see who created and modified the records. So you can export this into a CSV. All right. Let’s look at some of these great questions that you all have. All righty. I’m just going to the next question. It says
bar Lourdes, I’m going to show you how to add a guest a last minute guest the night of the event. So hold that thought. Jen says when I enter pledges and then pay them via the events Module, the initial pledge seems to mess up my totals. Okay, so that’s a little deeper than I think we’re going to be able to go today. You shouldn’t be I’d have to talk to you probably have to go to support, because I’d really have to see your system and what you’re doing. Okay. You can create a spreadsheet from your list. Yes, you can. You can also do it on the Create invites tab. So when I add new people, let’s just say I’m going to use a different filter. And I go to do the lookup here. You can export your list right now from here. So if I scroll down, and we’re on the first tab, the Create invites tab, before you actually create them, you can click on export to file and export that list. And you can do all invitees. Okay? Yes, we do have an online forms classic Forum’s class, but it’s not specific to events, Management Events. It’s not really but you’re welcome to check it out. I’ll send you all the link to you can register, but you can also access the webinars. Let me just show you if you go to help. And on demand webinars. You’ll see there’s a classic forms and DonorPerfect. That’s the one you want to check out. Okay, those are the ones that allow you to see that, okay. Okay, let me see what let’s see. Can you link an event to an online form? We have an online form created to purchase tickets? So that’s a great question, Jen. When you’re creating the form, you have to select the Event Management integrated form when you’re creating the event. Because when you do that, and I’m gonna flag your question, because I want to show you what that looks like when we’re when we’re done. We’re almost out of time. So I want to make sure that we cover the content, and then we’ll come back to that. Is there a way for details entered via the Events Management module to update the real record now? Now? Is there an easy way to create contacts all at once by adding attendees individually? It seems like the system prompts me to add the contact record individually. Yes, yes, that’s the very first step. So if we go up here, to create invite, you’re going to set a filter. So think about who you want in there. Okay. And know the attendees. Now you cannot do that you cannot import into events management. All right, so let’s keep it moving. And last minute guests, I kind of gave you a peek into that, to show you how to do the last minute guests and show you how to do that. So the way we do that is to go to let’s go in and add someone. When I go to Manage responses, I’m going to pick Chelsea, Chelsea is going to make a payment. She’s going to have zero gas, she’s like, I don’t have any body, right? Gift data’s today. And we will fill in all this information. So let me just do this. 50 All right. So we’ll fill all that in, and we just filled all that in. Okay, so I’m gonna save this and make our payment. So now I go to Manage registrants. And there’s Chelsea. But oops, dare the event, Chelsea, bring somebody else or they just show up. Once again, I’m going to edit Chelsea, and then click on add new guest. And then you can add the new guests. So that’s how you would add folks that come the day of the event. Now I’m going to show you a few reports. The event analysis report. Again, this is the all in one report that shows how many people are coming your net revenue, gross revenue, expenses and all of that. So if we’re going to take a look at that, we’re going to take a look at the event status report so we can see who’s paid and attending who’s not coming and all of that. We already talked about export to file so you You’re able to export those lists via export to file, you are able to create name tags. And there’s also report for historical comparison. So let me show you the name tags and the other report. If I go to event listing, and go to event management reports, here are my reports. So we have our event Analysis Report, for Wolfson, whiskers, 2023. And I’m going to review the report. So again, this gives me all of that stuff where I am my response rate, my return on investment, all that great information. Okay. The next report is the event status report. This is going to show you who’s coming and who’s not. So you’ll see paying attending paid sponsor and attending waiting for response.
Another one is if you go to tables and team reports, there’s your name tags. So you select name tags, view, and now you’ll see the name of the person and the table that they’re seated at. Okay, so those are some of the cool reports in events management. All right. So I know you have a ton of questions. So if you choose to let me know about the event you’re planning, you can let me know that. And the other thing I wanted to show you is this, I’m going to go into settings, I’m sorry, apps, and classic forms. I’m going to add a new form. And I’m going to go to events,
you’ll see that there are two the standard event. Right. And then we have the events management integrated, you have to start your form here
on this template. So that you can have that go into event management. When you go to create the form and use the template. It’s going to say hey, what is this for? Events Management integrated? Wilson Whiskers 2023. So you have to start that way. Okay. All right, let’s do a little recap. And then we’ll open the floor up for questions. The solicitation code is essential for tracking your event information, you can make them before you start your event. You can do it while you’re creating the event. You can manage your invitation lists, attendees and payments. And you can organize your team and table assignments. As you see fit. Guests can become constituents that have a donor record and DonorPerfect. And there are many reporting options available to track event status and success. All right, so we have some questions to bear with me. So Jen, I hope that answered your question about the form. You had to have started with the events management integrated form to begin with. And
I’m reading the questions here. Does the event. Okay, this is a great question. Does the event become a flag for the future once someone purchases a ticket or sponsor will they will they be updated as showing for that event that actually occurs in the gift screen? Right, that occurs in the gifts screen. So if I go sorry, back to DonorPerfect and I go to Arlene’s record remember she gave that gift it’s going to be in her solicitation code Wolfson Whiskers 2023 So your filter could be hey, I want to see anyone solicitation with some whiskers 2023 And then you would have track of those that came for each year. The system prompts me to create a contact record for individuals, right
I keep losing my track. I’m sorry.
Want to make sure I’m answering all your questions. I’d like not to use a filter to determine invitees, but add them manually. When I do that the system prompts me to create a contact record for each individual, rather than doing it all at once. That’s correct. You don’t need to contact support for that. It’s simply just the way that it works. So if I were doing events and you’re picking them individually, then yes, it’s going to show them individually. Right? Because for example, you don’t. That’s just how it works. So there’s no way to say you know, what, I want to skip the filter, add people individually, have a list and then create the contact records, it doesn’t work that way. So if you’re doing it individually, you’re creating the contact records individually. If you use a filter, then you would be able to update those on mass. Can you add additional info like meal choice? Yes, that is an option, I saw that on one of the screens there. The class field is likely not on that screen, because the class field is not a true don’t have perfect field. It’s not a true field that is there by default. We add it there for your your purposes, but you can’t update the class field, it’s not on that screen, you would have to update that manually. And again, you could use that filter, Wilson Whiskers 23 and update the class field using a global update.
Is there an opportunity for two guests to hold on with the sponsorship Foundation, they have the opportunity to send two guests for free? How would you handle that? So what I would probably do is, instead of not attending, I would make that paid and attending. And then since they are so I’m going to update their status to paid sponsor and attending. And so now that they’re attending, now you can go in and manage the registrants. And then you can add a new guest one or two or 10 to that person. So if you do paid sponsor not attending, they don’t get that option. If you do paid and attending, then you could add guests to their table. I’ve been using DEP form to purchase tickets, but did not create invitees. Will they show up? No, they will not. And if they if the gifts do come in, right? If the gifts do come in, there’s a way for you to connect them to the event. And I don’t know if I can show you this. Let me see something Hold on one second. So let’s say Donna, did I get a contact marker? I did. This is perfect. So let’s say Donna, you downloaded a gift transaction for Donna for Watson whiskers. This is a perfect example. So the gift comes in via online form or you added it earlier or whatever we’re going to give this is going to be 150. Fair market value is 50. I know we’re beyond time. So if you need to leave, you’re welcome to go, you will get this recording, this is going to be a check. We’ll say the general ledger. And it could even have come in through an online form that is not integrated with events management. This is what you’re going to do. So here’s the gift now I don’t want to pay the pledge. Okay, so there’s my gift, all you need to do. If I go back to events management, I know this sounds crazy. But we’re gonna go back to events management. I’m gonna go to our event. I’m gonna go to Manage responses. And I’m going to look up was that donor done. So Donna is saying waiting for reply paid no, but I do have a gift. Since I’m in this invitation list. All I need to do is go to the contact record. This is a manual process. Go into the invitation contact. There it is. And I’m going to link this contact to that gift or pledge I’m going to go find that gift
and apply it. And then we’re going to come down here. And we’re going to save this. So even though this still says,
waiting for reply, if I now go back into here to see Donna, I paid Yes. But now I just need to update the status paid and attending. Okay?
How do you make the fee for the event not count as a gift in DonorPerfect, you’re probably going to reach out to support for this because I’m not going to be able to show you. But what you’re likely going to want to do is make those gifts do not calculate, there is a field on the gift screen where you can click that button to not calculate that gift toward their gift total. That’s what I would probably do or the other way would to be to mark the fair market value, add Well, no would still add to the gift total, I would probably do a do not calculate Diane, I would reach out to support for that. Okay, they can show you where it is and how to do that.
Lourdes, I don’t really I again, this is something I would have to take a look at in your system. And so you would have to reach out to support for additional assistance. Unfortunately, I don’t have a facilitator today. So I don’t have someone that could have been looking that up for you. But yeah, with the foundation, yes, it’s only one record. But you can add additional guests, if you want to. If someone sponsors more than one table, then then you would put in the total. But in your tables and teams, you would create an extra table. So an E while foundation one and E wallow foundation two, it’s just creating an extra table, and then making sure you’re assigning them to the right places. Great questions. All right. So a couple of things that I want to make you aware of, you can always reach out to support for those answers to those questions that are a little more in depth with regard to your own personal organization and your use of events management. And then also, you can check out the webinars for online forums. I also believe that this is, well this is going to be coming out to you because it’s recorded. But you all asked a lot of really great questions. I hope I was able to answer most of them for you. The others again, you’re going to reach out to support. Okay. All right. Well, I do want to thank each and every one of you for being here today. I appreciate your excellent questions. You guys are so great. This is really really helpful to hear these questions so I can share them with our team and we know you know some of the things that you might be looking for. Most importantly, I thank you for all that you do to make this world a better place. It is our honor and our joy to work with you to help you move your missions forward and showing you some of the tools and functionality in DonorPerfect to hopefully make your jobs a little bit easier. I hope you all have a great rest of the week, a wonderful holiday. This is one of those special times when Ramadan, Passover and Easter all fall in the same area at time. So it is a joyful, hopefully joyful time for everyone. Take care and we’ll see you again soon in another webinar. So long
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