Compare DonorPerfect to Neon

DonorPerfect Comparison

Compare DonorPerfect to Neon

Determine if DonorPerfect is the best choice for your mission.

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Which Fundraising CRM is Best for Your Nonprofit?

Engaging your donors in a personal way is essential to retaining them. If your nonprofit aims to enhance and even automate aspects of your donor management and communications, you’ll likely gain more support and success with DonorPerfect fundraising software.

DonorPerfect provides the tools and features you need to:

  • Report on donor activity via 70+ standard reports and limitless custom reports
  • Develop personalized letter communications via mail merge
  • Customize donor profiles to create donor groups for segmented messaging
  • Create your own donor record field to report on what matters to you

A Closer Look at Key Differences Between DonorPerfect and Neon

Reporting Build your own custom reports with a simple drag-and-drop visual builder to group, sort, sum, average, and count data and measure the metrics that matter to you most.

Schedule recurring reports to send to any email address at an interval you choose.

Mark reports as “favorite,” to be added to a Favorites report folder for quick access.


Personalized communicationsPersonalize and print letters, envelopes, and labels via Microsoft Word.

Generate name tags and table tents right from the events module.

Hosted file storageAttach documents directly to gift, pledge, contact, and main screen within constituent records.Save documents in a general area in the software, designated for all documents.
CustomizationCustomize the names of default field names to align with your organization’s preferred verbiage or alternative use of a field.

Create custom calculated fields to populate specific information in donor records like the most recent gift or communication, date of first volunteer experience, as well as counts, sums, and averages of gifts made to certain funds or within a specific date range, and much more. These fields can also be used in filters and reports.
Cannot change field names

User happy to switch to DonorPerfect

“DonorPerfect is an amazing tool for our organization. I truly could not do my job without it. The simple design, deep functionality capabilities, and endless customization options make it an amazing CRM for nonprofits.”

– Nicole P., Philanthropy Associate

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