August 5, 2014 |

A Newer, Better, Knowledgebase – Accessible Right from DonorPerfect!

DonorPerfect Knowledge Base

We’re always looking for ways to improve the usability of our products and the overall experience you have with DonorPerfect.  With this release, we’re letting go of the old user manual-style Online Help, and embracing a new way of helping you to learn and use DonorPerfect through our Knowledgebase.

Our Knowledgebase provides access to our complete library of helpful articles, tips, videos & “How to” information for DonorPerfect. It’s the best way to find answers to the questions that you have when using the application day-to-day.

When you log in to the Knowledgebase, whether through DonorPerfect or the Client Area of our website, you’ll land on a new home article. It’s structured to help you make the most of DonorPerfect, quickly and easily.

You can search directly from the search box, or choose one of the content series listed on the page. Each series is organized by task, and serves as your complete guide to that aspect of DonorPerfect.

DonorPerfect Knowledgebase Menu

The articles and videos are in a dropdown menu to help you get around more easily. We plan on adding more of these series too, so if you don’t see what you need here today, check back soon for updates, or, even better,  let us know what you think would be helpful to you via Suggest & Vote.

This article also includes some other helpful features. Our “Quick Start” videos are a series of 8 short videos, all under 5 minutes! They are designed to show you the basics of key tasks like data entry and screen layout modifications.

Additionally, we’ve included a selection of recommended articles that we’ll update regularly to announce new DonorPerfect features and to highlight the most recent issues DonorPerfect clients are contacting support about and searching for frequently.

While our newly organized KB content is a departure from the user manual-style Online Help we’ve included previously, it’s packed full of features and information that wasn’t possible in the old format. We look forward to  providing you with  a much more user-friendly method for accessing the wealth of information our Knowledgebase contains!

Can’t Spell? Search Can Help.

DonorPerfect Knowledgebase Search

Even if you didn’t win a spelling bee, you can still find your donors in DonorPerfect by entering in what you do know. Now, you can simply search by entering partial names. You no longer have to search by either the first name or last name into the single search field. For example, you can enter Mary L to find the following records:

  • Mary (first name) Lighton (last name) – The last space separates the first name field from the last name.
  • Maryanne (first name) Levandowski (last name) – That’s a tough name so we made it easier by separating the names by the last space as in the first example. Also, the search is a “begins with” search for each field. In other words, the first name begins with Mary and the last name begins with L.
  • Mary Lee (First Name) Jones (last name) – This record was returned because your entire criteria is also being matched with the first name and last name fields, regardless of the space. In this example, the first name begins with “Mary L” and this record is an exact match.
  • 133 Mary Loo Ave (Address) – The address field contains “Mary L”.
Written by Amanda Foran