February 26, 2020 |

Release Announcement: DonorPerfect Usability Improvements

Check out the first round of this year's DonorPerfect usability improvements, all driven by client feedback and suggestions.
This month’s DonorPerfect release is different. We’ve always been strong advocates of client feedback and incorporating it into our product ideas via our Suggest and Vote program. This month, we’re kicking off a series of releases that focus on you, our amazing clients, even more. At the end of this post, check out how you can get involved, but first, let’s see what’s new. There are lots of time-saving improvements this month that show how we’re listening to your feedback and what you need to be better fundraisers.


Our Key Reports Gain Some Of Your Most Requested Features

We converted seven of our most popular reports to use the same reporting engine that our Easy Reports do. These reports were all upgraded for this release and include some of our most suggested improvements:

  • The Donor Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers
  • Constituent Summary
  • Gifts by Date
  • Giving Statement
  • Last Year But Not This Year
  • Some Year But Not This Year
  • Daily Log


Schedule and Send Reports

Do you spend time each day, week or month running the same report? Do you wish DonorPerfect would share reports with your stakeholders for you? You’re not alone. Others felt that way too! Now, you can select to schedule and run the seven upgraded reports at a later time and date. DonorPerfect will email your selected report to you (or someone you choose) on a schedule or immediately. Receive progress on your campaign, status updates, or giving trends without having to log into DonorPerfect! Any member of your team can wake up with the information they need to start their day already in their inbox. Even better, the reports have a modern updated look and feel that you’ll be proud to share with others.


Now you can schedule ans send the Gifts by Date report.

Additional Report Output Options via Export

Our newly upgraded reports now have the same report output options and consistent export formatting as Easy Reports that clients like you requested here and here. There’s no need to scroll down to the bottom of the report now to export. Save time by hovering over the down arrow next to Run Report to export your report to Excel (.XLS), MS Word, as a PDF file or export to excel as a .CSV file using an export template. You can even edit your export template to add or remove fields before exporting. As a bonus, currency fields now export as numbers for your favorite excel functions.


Easy Access to Donors Through Time-Saving Hyperlinks

Clients involved in testing the migration of these seven reports to the new format noted one time-saving feature that they absolutely loved. Now you can open a donor record from the report hyperlinks in a new tab without having to leave the report. They also liked being able to view donors as anonymous – an idea suggested here.


Additional Report Fields Added

We added fields to some reports when we converted them over to the new format. These came from clients’ suggestions to add these fields or additional data to improve the reports’ usefulness. The Gifts by Date report now includes the Solicitation Field to give you better insight into the campaigns that generate your gifts. The Daily Log report includes the description of a Flag (Board Member), instead of using the Flag’s code (BD).


3 More Time-Saving Usability Improvements

Reports were not the only DonorPerfect usability improvement in this month’s release. This release is packed with lots of other time-saving tweaks and enhancements suggested by our amazing clients. These include how to access the Dashboard, changes to simplify the Receipting screen and some updates to the navigation menus.


Access Your Dashboard from Reports

Now you can access the Dashboard from the same area you access all your other reporting data. Click Dashboard off the Reports menu. (Thanks for the great idea!)


The Batch Entry ID Checkbox Removed From Receipts

We simplified the screen filtering options on the Receipts screen by removing the Batch Entry ID checkbox. Your feedback told us that this function was very confusing and did not generate accurate results.


Updated Navigation Menus

You told us (here and here) that you wanted clearer items on DonorPerfect’s navigation menus. We’ve updated the titles of some navigation menu options so that they better represent the actions taken. All menus are now sorted alphabetically by name for consistency.


  • Duplicate Removal, on the Utilities menu, is now called Merge Duplicates.
  • Chat was renamed to Chat Support off the Help menu (See the Question Mark icon on the right). We’re proud to have one of the top-rated Support Teams in the industry. When you click Chat Support, you’re always connected to one of these lovely people live and in-person.<l/i>
  • Also, on the Help menu, Community was renamed to Knowledgebase to make it easier to find the answers you need. We also fixed a broken link to the Blog, so check that out when you have a chance.
  • Off of the App Links menu, we shortened Online Forms to remove the old product name (WebLink).
  • ReadySetAuction users who are using the integrated fundraising auction solution with DonorPerfect will appreciate being directed to the RSA login screen when clicking the program off App Links.


We Need Your Help – Join the Usability Squad!

These changes are only the beginning but we’re planning so much more! We need your help to decide what to work on next. Do you have ideas for how to improve DonorPerfect? We’d love to have you join us. Click the yellow JOIN GROUP button for the Usability Testing Group in DP Community to participate. You’ll get a sneak peek at all the new changes and have a chance to weigh in on what’s coming next.

Join the Usability Group to contribute to other DonorPerfect usability improvements.


Release Notes

DonorPerfect usability improvements are not the only updates in this release. Read about all of the enhancements in the DonorPerfect 2020.02 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.


Written by Ally Orlando