November 19, 2015 |

Extend the Reach of Your Donation Campaigns

Following her presentation at our DonorPerfect Community Network Conference, Anna Maria Soriano from Constant Contact shared the power of email marketing in a webcast.  A record number attended this webcast on November 11, 2015.

Anna Maria gave tips to make email marketing a key element of a nonprofit organization’s marketing plan. Below are some of her tips.

How To Improve Nonprofit Email Marketing

  • Market for today. Today’s marketing and communications begin with email because email is the #1 app installed on devices. Since 50% of email messages are opened on mobile devices, marketing needs to be visible on them.
  • Call your constituents to action, whether you need to recruit volunteers, announce an event, share news about your organization’s accomplishments, or request financial support.
  • Repurpose your message across multiple platforms so that the content can be used in emails, social media posts, and other media.
  • Measure the success of each with Constant Contact.

If you’d like to take notes while you watch, please download the slides from this presentation

DonorPerfect’s NonProfit Expert Webcast Series

Don’t stop there! DonorPerfect has brought in experts on a wide range of nonprofit topics that can help jump start your organization’s fundraising campaigns, online strategy and implement best practices. Check out our Nonprofit Expert Webcasts.

Written by Amanda Foran