May 23, 2018 |

Release Announcement: Managing GDPR Requirements in DonorPerfect

DonorPerfect supports tracking and managing GDPR requirements for donor data and communications preferences.

Nonprofit organizations worldwide depend on DonorPerfect to protect the data privacy of donors and constituents wherever they may live. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards, set to be enacted on May 25, 2018, are intended to ensure the data privacy and security of citizens of the European Union and United Kingdom. If you are a nonprofit organization soliciting donors in the European Union, DonorPerfect can help you track and manage their privacy preferences. We’ve also developed a GDPR Requirements Policy resource page to help you understand how GDPR affects you as a charity organization.


How DonorPerfect Supports GDPR Requirements

DonorPerfect supports your needs to track and manage the GDPR requirements for donor data and communication preferences. Features within DonorPerfect can be used with your own internal processes and other tools to create a GDPR-compliant solution for your organization. As with any solution, you should contact your legal resources to see how GDPR affects you and your constituents. There are two ways that DonorPerfect helps you track and manage the privacy preferences of donors:

  • You can manually enter a Contact record to update the Main tab of the donor’s record in DonorPerfect.
  • Constituents can indicate their contact preferences themselves when making a donation via one of your DonorPerfect Online Forms.


Manually Updating GDPR Information in DonorPerfect

DonorPerfect supports tracking and managing GDPR requirements for donor data and communications preferences.

If a donor contacts your nonprofit directly via phone, email, or correspondence to change their GDPR related contact preferences, you can manually update their donor record. To do this, you’ll need to add a new contact via the Contacts screen.

1.  From a donor’s record select the Contacts screen and click Add.

2.  Under Contact Details , enter the Contact/Entry Date, Due Date and Completed Date. These dates should reflect when you received and processed the consent from your supporter.

3.  Under Activity, choose GDPR Status Update and fill out all other information as needed.

4.  In the GDPR Status section of the contact record, select if your donor has chosen to Opt In or Opt Out to be contacted via email, post mail or phone.

5.  Select any additional consent options indicated by your donor, such as how they indicated if they wanted to opt in or out, if they wish to be permanently deleted and any notes about your donor’s consent.

6.  Click Save. You’ll be notified via an alert that your donor’s preferences were updated on the main screen of their donor record.


More Information

For complete instructions on how to manually update a donor’s record for GDPR requirements, visit General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance in the Knowledgebase.


Selecting Privacy Preferences via DP Online Donation Forms

In this week’s DonorPerfect Online Forms release, we’ve updated all UK donation form templates for GDPR requirements. Any new UK Donation form created will contain a section for supporters to confirm their contact settings. They can opt in or out for various methods of communication, such as email, post mail and phone. Donors can also select to have their information permanently deleted and indicate any additional directions in a notes field. This information is stored on the Main tab of the donor’s record in the GDPR Status section.


DP Online Forms contain a section for supporters to confirm their contact settings for GDPR requirements.


Any new forms created that select Great British Pound (GBP) as the currency or use any GDPR or UK Mailing Fields will automatically include the new GDPR Contact Preferences section. If you use a different currency and/or would like to have this option enabled on your existing forms, please contact our Support department. Please note that once this option is enabled on a form, it cannot be removed.


More Information

To learn more about the new UK donation templates and how DP Online Forms handle the new GDPR Requirements, visit Collecting GDPR Contact Preferences in DP Online Forms.


What Privacy Preferences Does DonorPerfect Track?

DonorPerfect tracks your donor’s privacy preferences for email, phone and post mail to facilitate the GDPR requirements. We will continue to monitor developments related to GDPR and make continued changes to the product suite as necessary. If you have ideas to improve how DonorPerfect tracks GDPR communications preferences, we’d love to hear about it in our Suggest and Vote program.


Release Notes

Updating our UK donation form templates for GDPR requirements is not the only improvement for this release of DP Online forms. Read about all of the enhancements and fixes in the DP Online Forms 2018.03 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.


Written by Ally Orlando