December 4, 2019 |

Release Announcement: Create Personalized Donation Receipt Emails

DonoPerfect’s new donation receipt email templates make it easy to engage with donors.

Your year-end donation receipts communicate more than just how much your donor gave in 2019. They reinforce to your supporters that their money was put to good use. They also can inspire donors to give more. We know how important it is for your email donation receipts and year-end tax emails to look professional and be easy to create and manage. Your suggestions (here, here, here, here, here, here , and here. Wow!) are why we’ve upgraded our email templates in this month’s DonorPerfect release. Our new donation receipt email templates make it easy to engage with donors.


Engage Donors With Better Donation Receipt Emails

Are you ready to create stunning, personalized email receipts that inspire donors? Let’s take a tour of the new email template editor.


Setup Your Email Donation Receipt

Select Mailings > Email Templates and click Add New Template to get started.

Name your new template, designate a valid FROM email address and enter a subject line for your email. These fields are required. You can also edit an existing email template, since any templates created prior to this release will also still work.

Setup Your Email Donation Receipt


TIP: Consider personalizing your email subject line for better open rates. Click Insert Merge Field to add your donor’s salutation or first name.


Creating and Formatting Email Body Content

Paste content from Word, Excel, Google or type directly into the message body of your email. The new template editor cleans any unnecessary characters to make email formatting look great. Use the Insert Merge Field button to personalize your email’s content with fields from the Main/Bio and Gift/Pledge screens or using certain functions, such as Split Gift Details.

Paste content from Word, Excel, Google or type directly into the message body of your email donation receipt.

Quickly format email text and layout using the toolbar at the top of the email body section. These powerful formatting options include basic styling, such as font size, color, and family, to more advanced styling, like bulleted lists and tables. You can even see and edit the HTML code behind your content if desired.

The same formatting functions are also available if you’re including a PDF attachment for receipt purposes in your email.


Brand Your Emails and Add Images

Brand your emails for a professional look that is consistent with your organization. Drag & drop, browse or paste a URL to insert your logo or any other image. To edit your email’s images, simply click to resize, change their alignment, make them links, replace or delete them.

  Drag & drop, browse or paste a URL to insert  your logo or any other image into your email donation receipt.

The new Image Library makes it easy to keep standard images, like your organization’s logo, on hand without needing to constantly upload it.

For full instructions and a detailed list of all the formatting options available in the new Email Template Editor, visit Creating a New Email Template in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.


Merge Duplicate Tributes

Donors using DP Online Forms to donate to a tribute can misspell a name. This leads to a duplicate tribute in the system. Before this month’s release, there was no way to merge duplicate tributes. Thanks to this great idea, now you can merge duplicate tributes with just a few clicks! Simply click the merge icon next to the duplicate tributes you want to merge in Settings > Tributes and follow the prompts on screen. Once merged, all gifts will appear as part of the original tribute.

merge duplicate tributes

For full instructions, visit How to Merge Duplicate Tributes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.


Pre-Release Webinar On Friday 12/6 at 1:30 PM EST

Join us for this sneak peek of DonorPerfect’s upcoming 2019.12 release. You’ll get an advanced look at the new Email Templates and preview the Merge Tributes function coming this weekend in DonorPerfect! Don’t miss this opportunity to see these new features in action in this free pre-release webinar at 1:30 PM EST on Friday, 12/6.


Release Notes

Our new Email Template editor and the ability to merge duplicate tributes are not the only improvements in this release. Read about all of the enhancements in the DonorPerfect 2019.12 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.


Written by Ally Orlando