December 2, 2020 |

Release Announcement: Prevent Donor Fatigue and Re-Engage Your Donors

Donor fatigue is a real concern for many nonprofits. Learn how DonorPerfect’s newest features help you creatively connect with donors.
As we round the corner in 2020 and head into the year-end fundraising season, preventing donor fatigue is a real concern for many nonprofits. Organizations fear that donors are turning away from their cause and giving less. The truth is donor fatigue is preventable with proper donor management and consistent communications. It’s a symptom of donor disengagement – one that you can turn around! If you’ve noticed that donors are pulling away, it’s time to re-engage them. This month’s DonorPerfect release provides two great ways to make your donors feel appreciated and valued so they stay engaged with your mission.

Connect with Donors on a More Personal Level

Are you struggling with how to connect to donors on a more personal level since the pandemic began? Or maybe you need a creative way to retain and engage Giving Tuesday donors after the big day? Whether you’re reaching out to key major donors, thanking volunteers or motivating Board members to fundraise, personalized videos are a great alternative to connect with constituents when you can’t meet in person.

In this month’s release, DonorPerfect is partnering with CauseVid to help you record and send personalized videos to thank, engage, and inspire your supporters. We’re offering a free trial via a new Send Video button on your donor’s Main screen. This will be a staggered roll-out throughout the month of December, so if you don’t see the button yet, don’t panic. It’ll be there eventually. Once the Send Video button is available, you can try out DP Video powered by CauseVid risk-free and send up to ten free videos to your donors. After the trial, upgrade to a subscription plan to keep connecting with your donors using personalized videos.

Sending personalized video emails via DP Video can help prevent donor fatigue.

5 Ways Video Messages Can Help Prevent Donor Fatigue

Did you know that 57% of people who watch fundraising videos will donate to that cause? Donors who receive personalized videos get excited about the impact of their giving, stay engaged with your cause, and will give again. Nonprofits that tap into the power of videos can:

  • Replace handwritten thank-yous with personalized videos
  • Show and tell your story in impactful ways
  • Ask face-to-face, even when you can’t be there in person
  • Deliver high-touch donor communication remotely
  • Raise more money and boost program awareness

To learn more about how DP Video powered by CauseVid can help you creatively prevent donor fatigue, visit Using DP Video powered by CauseVid to Record and Send Video Emails.

Automatically Send Monthly Donor Thank-Yous

If you have a monthly giving program at your organization, you know it’s a great way to retain your existing donors, gain sustainable revenue, increase your donor lifetime value, and upgrade annual giving amounts. But it’s only successful if you keep your monthly donors engaged and enrolled. Like any other donor, monthly givers need to know how much you appreciate their ongoing support.

That’s why we put these two amazing ideas from our Suggest and Vote program into action. (Account required to view these suggestions.) Thanks to your feedback, DonorPerfect will now automatically send an email receipt for gifts processed through Monthly Giving. To activate this feature:

  1. Go to Tasks > Monthly Giving.
  2. Click Edit Settings and set the toggle to On.
  3. Select Save and hide options.

After DonorPerfect processes your monthly credit card and bank donations, Automatic Receipting will send a thank you email to your donors.

 DonorPerfect will now automatically send an email receipt for gifts processed through Monthly Giving.

There are a few fields on the donor’s pledge record, such as selecting which Thank you template to use, that you need to set to ensure Automatic Receipts will send thank you emails and update the receipt field.

The Email Receipt History Report will show you which gifts were successfully receipted using Automatic Receipting.

Visit How Do Automatic Monthly Giving Receipts Work? to learn more about the criteria used to process automatic monthly giving receipts.

DonorPerfect 2020.12 Release Notes

The ability to send a personalized video to donors and to have monthly donors receive automatic receipts are not the only improvement in this month’s DonorPerfect release. Read about all of the enhancements in the DonorPerfect 2020.12 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.

Not a DonorPerfect user? See these features in action with a personal demo from a member of our team.

Written by Ally Orlando