February 14, 2019 |

4 Strategies to Build Multichannel Donor Relationships

The work you do is so impactful and meaningful, you have a fan club. Multichannel donors cheer for you and pitch in to help. They follow you on social media, donate to your cause, rally their Facebook friends, and participate in your events. In other words, they’re your #1 fans.

We’re rooting for you, too. That’s why we’d like for you to have this free e-book, 4 Strategies to Build Multichannel Donor Relationships, so you get the tips on tightening those bonds with your existing multichannel donors and establishing new ones! Download it to get started!

Get the knowledge you need on:

Identifying your multichannel donors

Who are these people? Start with the metrics! Track which platforms your gifts are coming from and which events acquired the most volunteers. Are you noticing a pattern of the same people? Leverage that information to get the right people involved in your next campaign!

Engaging these super-supporters

lady reading note

With all those lives you touch, you’ve got to stay in-touch. After all, more engagement = more revenue. Once you’ve identified who your multichannel donors are, focus on them! They’re your organization’s ambassadors. Whether it’s with an email or good ol’ snail mail, be timely, efficient, and personal in your communication.

Providing multiple ways for supporters to be your heros

Multichannel donors want to support you in all the ways. With tools like peer-to-peer fundraising, mobile-friendly volunteer signup, and segmented email marketing, you can give them what they need to help you succeed.

Doing it all – on a budget and on a tight schedule

i have no time

Work smarter, not harder. Automate and streamline as many processes as possible, so you canfocus your time, energy, and money on multichannel donor engagement. In this e-book, you’ll find out what’s saving nonprofits a whopping 10 hours a week in administrative tasks!

Written by Laura Bucher