November 7, 2019 |

How to Discover and Engage Major Donors E-Book

how to discover and engage major donors hero
Major donors only make up a 1% of your overall donor base, but they make an enormous impact. Their sizable gifts are what get your projects off the ground – sometimes singlehandedly, so it makes sense to prioritize these donors in all your engagements. 

Who are these people? What philanthropic efforts have they made in the past? What’s their capacity for giving to your organization? You don’t have to work for the FBI to get this kind of information. Learn what you need to uncover these details to make your solicitation efforts more effective in our latest e-book, How to Discover and Engage Major Donors. Download it here!

This e-book will help you utilize your existing resources (and learn about new ones) to:

Unleash the power of the major donors you already have.

If you have an idea of what dollar amount qualifies as a major gift to your nonprofit, then you’ve already completed the first step in defining your very own major donors. Now, you just need the full picture. You’d be surprised what information you can dig up (real estate ownership, political giving details) and how this information correlates with philanthropy.

Include major donors in the plan. 

What’s your strategy for reaching your goal? This is just one of the focus points you should have when soliciting your major donors. They’ll be more inclined to donate if they can visualize how their gift will be used. Let them in on the details of your project and fine-tune the tools you have to keep them engaged

Cheer them on! 

What are you doing to celebrate your major victories with your major donors? Don’t let their good deeds go unnoticed! Take advantage of features in DonorPerfect to alert your team when there’s been a major gift, so they can promptly and personally thank the donor over the phone.

Build on your connections.

Encourage your donors to spread the news about the impactful work you’re doing. Perhaps, they’ll inspire a matching gift or donor advised-fund from their wealthy friends or family members or their employer. 

Use your metrics.

How to Discover and Engage Major Donors will be your reference for what information you should be tracking and how to report on that information to make it useful. This data can guide your next endeavor and help it succeed.

Written by Laura Bucher