Monthly giving in a heart

February 22, 2024 | Donor-Retention, Monthly Giving

5 Tips to Grow Your Monthly Giving Program

Now that you’ve started a monthly giving program, it’s time to help it grow! You’re in luck because monthly giving is on the rise, which means donors are interested in supporting nonprofits on a recurring basis. A strong monthly giving program will help you grow revenue for your nonprofit and engage even more donors

We’ve compiled five tips to help you take your monthly giving program to the next level. 

Our top 5 tips to help grow your monthly giving program

Tip #1: Set specific fundraising goals to grow your program

Establishing measurable fundraising goals for your monthly giving program will provide your team with specific objectives, strategies, and timelines to raise money. Integrate a monthly giving strategy into your annual development plan.

If your team sets a goal of raising $5,000 in new, recurring donations next fiscal year, identify who you will ask, how you will ask, and ways to measure success each quarter. For example, during the first quarter of the year (Q1), you may focus on asking board members to set up a new monthly gift. During Q2, you may focus on mailing an appeal letter to donors who have contributed to your organization each year for the past three years.

With a defined plan, your team will be able to track and measure indicators of success regularly, which is important for growth. A clear plan will also resonate with donors who want to know what their monthly gift will fund.

Tip #2: Acquire and retain monthly donors to grow revenue 

Acquiring and retaining monthly donors will help advance your sustainer program over time, while growing your organization’s revenue in a simple and sustainable way. Also, it is cost-effective to retain recurring donors, which allows your team to spend more time, energy, and resources engaging new prospects. 

Sustainer donors contribute approximately 40 percent more than donors who make one-time gifts, annually. It’s important to thank and engage monthly donors throughout the year, while providing them with updates on the impact of their generous gifts. Stewarding donors will ensure they remain loyal monthly supporters. 

Monthly Giving Dashboard

Tip #3: Share the benefits of becoming a monthly donor

While donors love your cause, we suggest establishing benefits that might entice supporters to convert from one-time to monthly gifts. Here are some examples: 

  • Let donors know they are supporting your mission and programs year-round. Their gift will make an immediate and long-term impact. 
  • Share that funds are designated to your cause, a specific fund, or a special initiative. Be specific so donors know what their dollars are supporting. 
  • Keep donors plugged into your organization with regular updates; when donors are well-informed, they become great advocates of your organization’s hard work as well as loyal supporters. 
  • Express how simple it is for donors to sign up and give back. 
  • Promote that donations are tax deductible.
  • Offer donors a VIP experience, such as priority registration to your annual event. 
  • Provide donors with the option to be recognized, such as listed on your donor acknowledgement section of your monthly giving website. 

Tip #4: Ask monthly donors to upgrade their gifts

Regularly contact donors to upgrade their giving amount. This will boost your annual revenue from donors who already love your work. 

For example, every year, ask monthly donors to increase their amount by 10-20 percent. If a donor is consistently giving at the $25 level each month, they may be willing and excited to give $30 per month. Be sure to share the impact of their donations so far, and what the increase will support. Donors who give more by upgrading will help offset donors who pause or cancel their monthly gifts as well. 

Tip #5: Ask supporters to promote your monthly program

Your longtime supporters are always eager to help. Ask those who have been a part of your monthly giving program if they are willing to participate in a social media campaign to help grow your program. 

This would allow donors to share why they give, with opportunities to showcase the specific impact of the programs they are supporting. Also, you can encourage current donors to ask their friends, family, and colleagues to join your monthly giving program with them, doubling their impact! 

DonorPerfect forms monthly giving options

With DonorPerfect, nonprofits can make recurring donations a default option on donation forms. 

Growing your monthly giving program will take time, but these 5 tips will help you build a strong framework to boost recurring donor retention.  Engaging current and prospective donors in the growth of your program will help them feel included and become more aware of the impact. In addition to these tips, integrating a matching gift option for monthly gifts is another way to grow your program.

Get the Monthly Giving Success Kit

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Meet the author: Chaz Runfola

Chaz is a senior fundraising consultant dedicated to helping nonprofits achieve their missions. With more than ten years of donor engagement and fundraising experience, Chaz has led diverse development initiatives, with emphases on strategic donor communications and...

Learn more about Chaz Runfola