Donor Management Software

DonorPerfect Donor Management Software Hero

Scalable Online Database

The DonorPerfect online donor management database is the central hub of your nonprofit’s integrated fundraising system. All your constituent information is securely stored and easily accessible, whether you’re working from the office, home, or on the road. You can access it with any browser, on any operating system, or with the DonorPefect Fundraising app for Android or iOS.

DonorPerfect’s SQL-based design scales to meet your needs, from customization to integrations. As your organization grows, your subscription scales in price so it’s always affordable.

Unified Constituent Database

By maintaining a single donor database, you can:

Quickly sort, select, and access data to perform almost any task you need.

Ensure that your staff and board are using the same up-to-date information.

Automatically refresh donor addresses every night with DP Address Updater*

Eliminate the need for double data entry.

Target the right constituents with the appropriate messages.

Have a single history of contacts and financial transactions.

*DP Address Updater is available for the United States only, and is free for the first year with a new purchase of DonorPerfect. The service will auto-renew annually starting in the second year, with the option to opt out. Call 800-220-8111 for complete details.

Seamless Functionality

DonorPerfect’s comprehensive features all work together. Whether you’re generating solicitations, processing donations, tracking communications, or building relationships, your staff’s workflow will be faster and more productive with the ability to access the same real-time data for every task.

All Donor Information at Your Fingertips

DonorPerfect’s intuitive navigation is designed so your constituent data is just a mouse click away. Tabs and links provide one-click access to all donor data.

Customization and Flexibility

DonorPerfect’s flexibility allows you to easily customize your system to meet your unique information needs. Customized constituent record screens and fields allow you to collect and organize your data in the way that best fits your organization’s needs.

Organized According to You from the Start

We know your organization is unique, so why wouldn’t we treat your fundraising software the same way? We set up your DonorPerfect system the way you want it. Our team of implementation professionals will review your forms, procedures, and specific data tracking requirements and customize the system to meet your needs. Our team of nonprofit technology experts ensures a smooth and efficient process to reduce errors, and minimize wasted time.

As your needs change, DonorPerfect is designed so that you can easily customize screens, reports, selections, and more on your own with no programming required.

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Woman on scalable online database

Comprehensive Constituent Relations Management

DonorPerfect was built to make donor management and fundraising easier and more efficient. With features such as relational “household” records, you can cross-reference all your records for family, employer, and other relationships. Soft credits create links between records, so you can understand relationships and gift influencers for better targeting, conversations, and acknowledgements.

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Two Fundraising Report Screenshots

Intuitive Data Management

Improved data management reduces errors, cleans up data and improves data entry, saving you lots of valuable time.

Features Include:

  • Instant duplicate data checking at time of entry
  • Seasonal and multiple address tracking
  • Global data replacements
  • Stock ownership
  • Web hyperlinks to improve accuracy (ex. address verification)
  • Quick counts and records totals to ensure data accuracy
Nonprofit CRM User Security Access Control Screenshot

User-based Security

With DonorPerfect, you can control who can access, view, or update data throughout your system, from board members to volunteers.

Different levels of access ensure donor data security and help optimize workflows based on organizational roles. Permissions can be added or revoked at any time to reflect board or staffing changes.

Find out more about our fundraising data security.

Mobile App Donation Entry Screenshot

DonorPerfect Mobile

DonorPerfect Mobile combines the database power of DonorPerfect with the convenience of a mobile app. It’s the perfect traveling companion for DonorPerfect users. A powerful suite of features lets you access your DonorPerfect information at home or on the road, 24 hours a day. Get quick and easy access to the critical data you need.

With DonorPerfect Mobile, you can:

  • Collect payments through the app or with a swipe POS device.
  • Take voice-to-text notes that go directly into the appropriate donor record.
  • Search for constituents to view and update their records.
  • Review pledges, pledge balances, and gift history for each donor.
  • Call, email, or text constituents with a single click.
  • Add new contacts on-the-go.
  • And much more!

Learn More about DonorPerfect Mobile!

Additional Donor Management Features

Hosted File Storage

DonorPerfect provides a full-featured virtual office and filing system. Link documents, spreadsheets, photos, and other important materials to a donor, gift, pledge, or transaction record in DonorPerfect. The file is automatically uploaded and stored on our secure servers and can be accessed anywhere by anyone who is given access rights to the data

Learn More about File Storage Options.

Custom Constituent Record Screens

SmartScreens enables you to l reduce data clutter and increase efficiency by dynamically changing or hiding data entry fields based on the information you want to see. SmartScreens can also be used to alert staff of next steps for data entry, which is perfect for keeping volunteers in line with your processes.

Learn More about Customizing Screens.

Membership Tracking 

Track memberships, including upgrades, downgrades, and lapses. Send out renewal notices through DonorPerfect that include SmartGive shorturl links, which prefill donor information into your online forms, making membership renewal a breeze!

Volunteer Management

DonorPerfect enables you to track volunteer hours, dates of service, scheduling, and produce recognition reports.

Our integration with VolunteerSpot provides even more features, such as sign-up and scheduling tools to make coordinate groups big and small a snap. Create volunteer calendars and organize events in minutes with their simple Planning Wizard and custom themes. Volunteers can sign up on any device, from anywhere with no password required. Automated reminders and calendar sync keep everyone on track. You can also access mobile check-in, track service hours, post waivers, and more.

Alumni and Student Tracking

If you belong to an educational nonprofit, DonorPerfect has the unique features you need to manage student and alumni information. Run class lists, phone-a-thons, and track maiden names and multiple addresses.

Advanced Data Import Tool

DonorPerfect makes it easy to import new records and update existing records. With the Advanced Data Import Tool, you can import and update names, mailing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, gifts, codes, and pledges. Advanced logic can match data automatically between your import file and DonorPerfect, even for customized fields. This import tool is most useful for an ongoing need to import donor, donation or other constituent data into DonorPerfect. We also offer professional data conversion services for one-time data imports.

Advanced Batch Entry

Advanced Batch Entry allows you to enter gifts and pledges in batches to speed up data entry and reduce entry errors. With easy-to-use templates, you can tailor your data entry screens for efficiency. Line items include: split gifts, tributes, notifications, matching gifts, applications towards pledges, and soft credits.

Learn More about Advanced Batch Entry.

Multi-Site Advanced Security

Multi-site advanced security enables organizations to specify which records a user can access within the database. For example, a chapter-based organization may want to set security filters so that a user from the Ohio chapter only sees records where the chapter field = ‘OHIO’. Likewise, the Kentucky user only sees chapter = “KENTUCKY”. However, the Midwest regional manager may be granted access to all records from the midwest chapter = Ohio or Kentucky, or Indiana, or Michigan, etc…

Application Programming Interface (API)

With DonorPerfect’s Application Programming Interface (API), you can extend your ability to integrate your donor and constituent database with your organization’s website, as well as with third party and custom applications and databases like wealth screening tools, auction systems, legacy databases, and more.

This tool kit provides web designers and other technical staff a wide-variety of calls that can be used to retrieve data and write data to essential DonorPerfect data tables such as donors and gifts. Data is automatically updated between DonorPerfect, your website, and other external sources.

Save time by eliminating manual entry and eliminating the need for a separate web database.

Learn More about DonorPerfect’s API.

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