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May 10, 2023 | Donor Acquisition, Fundraising Communication

3 Ways to Optimize Your Fundraising Communications Using Constant Contact and DonorPerfect

This blog was written by Constant Contact

Every nonprofit has unique challenges – but at the heart of each one is a constant: the need to amplify and grow its fundraising efforts. Forging connections with your donors and fully leveraging their support to sustain your organization is critical, and while you may have a group of engaged, supportive donors, it can still be hard to get (and keep) their attention in today’s multi-channel, multi-device world. 

To effectively reach donors in new and creative ways, your nonprofit fundraising solutions need to be scalable, with the capability to work “hand in glove” with the latest communication technology trends. As donors come to expect more from you, you can rely on your software to help you meet their expectations.

That’s why Constant Contact and DonorPerfect have worked to develop tools that can help you reach your audience, keep their attention, and drive them to action. Integrated email marketing tools made specifically for fundraisers can help ensure your digital communications are easy and effective. 

Let’s discuss three ways Constant Contact, together with DonorPerfect, can optimize your fundraising communications.

3 Ways to Optimize Your Fundraising Outreach

1. Save time with engaging email templates

It would be great if we all had the time and talent to be digital design gurus – but there are faster, easier ways to create fundraising emails that grab your donors’ attention without any design experience. 

For example, with fundraising tools like Constant Contact and DonorPerfect on your side, you can simply plug the information you need into nonprofit email templates that have already been designed for you, and with email marketing best practices in mind. 

example of DonorPerfect email template in Constant Contact and its use by a potential customer

In fact, DonorPerfect users have access to more than 30 fundraising email templates from Constant Contact, formatted for everything from monthly appeals to Giving Tuesday and more. These templates can provide a professional starting point for your nonprofit’s brand and flair, while also ensuring your message is mobile-friendly, reaching your audience in the moment, no matter what device they are using.

30+ DonorPerfect fundraising email templated in Constant Contact, Learn More

Use email templates to quickly launch your next campaign! Learn more »

Included with Constant Contact and DonorPerfect:

  • Monthly giving series
  • New donor welcome series
  • Crowdfunding series
  • Giving Tuesday series

2. Create meaningful, personalized communications 

It’s not easy to ask people for their time and money. But it becomes even harder when the request feels impersonal or, worse, targeted to the wrong person entirely. To ensure your messaging resonates, you can sync your donor information to your digital marketing efforts, including email, SMS text messaging, and more. This enables simple customizations like addressing your donor by name, but it can also give you the opportunity to segment your donors to more effectively tailor your communication based on data like previous pledges, length of the donor relationship, and more. 

When using DonorPerfect and Constant Contact, you don’t have to lift a finger to sync your donor and email data for better results – both platforms automatically refresh your latest activity in real time. With your information up-to-date, you can set each mailing list to auto-sync or automatically add donors to a mailing list when they meet your specified criteria.

DonorPerfect Community conference, free & virtual, June 6th & 7th,  register now

Reinvigorate Your Fundraising Efforts

with Constant Contact

@ DonorPerfect REFRESH: 2023 Community Conference

Sessions held on June 6th and 7th, between 10:30 am – 4:30 pm ET

Register Now »

You’re invited! Join Constant Contact for a free and informative session that will help you refresh your fundraising communication and stewardship strategies. Learn how to convert first-time donors into loyal supporters and create impactful campaigns.

3. Measure results and optimize for the future 

Measure your email efforts with DonorPerfect and Constant Contact:

  • Email receipt status (opened, bounced, opted out, etc.)
  • Email click-through rates (who opened your email links)
  • Contact records, noting responses to campaigns
Giving Tuesday Campaign stats

Examining metrics like email opens, bounces, and opt-outs can help you measure whether you’re reaching the right audience at the right time, and information like email clicks, campaign responses, and donations can determine how effective your email messaging is. 

Typically, once you hit “send,” the work has only just begun, but tracking email and campaign performance doesn’t have to be a headache. There’s no need to consult different spreadsheets or platforms to compare information. The DonorPerfect and Constant Contact integration consolidates your information in one place so that once your campaign goes out the door, you can ensure your metrics are accurate in real time.

Revise, repeat, and reap the rewards

Fundraising can be difficult and time-consuming, but using the right tools can help you revise what doesn’t work, repeat what does, and keep track of the responses you get from your supporters. Constant Contact and DonorPerfect are specifically developed to help you engage your audience, track donations, and make the process of fundraising that much easier.

Learn more about Constant Contact and DonorPerfect

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Meet the author: Guest Author

We love to pair up with experts in the field to create helpful content for nonprofits. To connect with our community of fundraisers, follow us on social media!

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