August 6, 2015 |

7 Types of Donor Data Needed for Wealth Screening

Do You Screen Your Donor Database?

Interested finding more wealth data about your current donors but don’t know what to ask for? Researching donor wealth indicators can be overwhelming, especially if your organization hasn’t even performed a wealth screening before.

By supplementing your current donor profiles with wealth data, your nonprofit may identify new major giving prospects and get to know your donors better than ever before. The infographic below, originally published by DonorSearch, highlights the seven types of wealth data that your organization should try to include in your next wealth screening. Wealth screening should be one of many tools in your organization’s arsenal to learn more about your current and prospective donors.

We hope you find the information in the infographic below to be very helpful! DonorSearch is an integrated DonorPerfect Partner.

Written by Sam Goldenberg