April 29, 2019 |

Release Announcement: Restrict Who Sees Donor Profile’s Financial Data

See how client suggestions drove the latest round of usability and security improvements to Donor Profile, the donor record and more!

It’s a privilege for us to partner each month with thousands of great nonprofits who use our software to achieve their mission. What amazes us is that so many of you take time out of your busy work schedules to turn around and help us. You participate in focus groups, vote on suggestions and provide lots of feedback about DonorPerfect, improving it not just for yourself, but for other nonprofit organizations as well. It’s truly a partnership that we cherish.


“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller


Together this month, we’ve really achieved a lot! Your feedback has driven so much of this month’s improvements that will go live on the evening of Wednesday, 5/1.


They’rrrrrreeee Back!

In our February release, you might recall that we made some improvements to the look and feel of the data entry screens in DonorPerfect. While you liked the refreshed layout of the donor record, you told us that you missed the indicator in the various tabs of the data entry screens. This indicator let you know whether data was present or not. Today, we’re happy to announce that the indicator on the donor tabs has returned! If there is transactional data on the Gifts, Pledges, Contacts, Other, Links, Addresses or Accounts screens, an indicator will now appear to let you know.


The indicator on certain donor tabs in DonorPerfect lets you is data is present.


Thank you to everyone who commented on blog posts, called and voted in Suggest and Vote to let us know how the indicator on the tabs helped you to be more productive.


Restrict Who Sees Donor Profile’s Financial Data

In our November release, we unveiled our new Donor Profile as a way to help you and your staff build better donor relationships. Donor Profile displays the key giving and engagement information you need to quickly identify donors in your database that have giving capacity. Quickly scan the donor’s last gift donated, their largest gift ever, their lifetime total and how many gifts they’ve given. These giving metrics provide valuable insight into your upgrade and ask strategies to move your donor into giving more. Plus, having these statistics all in one place saves you time!

Following the release of Donor Profile, many of you provided some great insight into how this feature could be more useful. Some organizations want to restrict access to Gifts or Pledges for their volunteers and some staff members. Now you can decide which Donor Profile badges (Monthly and Major donor) and giving fields should be visible to certain users. In the example below, this user does not have access to the Gift Entry screens, so no giving data is viewable.


Donor Profile WITHOUT Access Gift Permissions

a Donor Profile where access to gifts is restricted.


To see how you can customize access to Donor Profile’s various badges and financial data, visit How User Security Permissions Affect the Donor Profile.


Usability Improvements to Donor Profile

We’ve also added some features to Donor Profile to improve usability based on your ideas and suggestions. New hover tips let you see what information is being pulled from for the badges in the Donor Profile. The donor’s ID appears in the contact information section. Plus we’ve clarified how the badges are displayed so it’s clearer when they apply to a specific donor.


Release Notes

Updates to Donor Profile and the addition of indicators to the donor record tabs are not the only improvements in this release. Read about all the enhancements in the DonorPerfect 2019.04 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.

Written by Ally Orlando