March 31, 2016 |

WebLink Release Announcement: Volunteer Management, Discount Codes and Mobile Forms News

WebLink Release News: manage volunteers with WebLink's new Volunteer Hour Logging form and sign up for our Mobile Responsive Forms Beta.

A new version of WebLink was released today that includes a brand new form template to help you manage volunteers, lays the foundation for WebLink Mobile Responsive forms, removes a limitation for Safari users and includes usability enhancements to our Discount Codes feature. You can read about the changes below:

New Form Template: Volunteer Hours Log

WebLink Release News: manage volunteers with WebLink's new Volunteer Hour Logging form and sign up for our Mobile Responsive Forms Beta. Volunteers are a tremendous resource for nonprofits. They allow you to offer more programs, raise additional money and extend the reach of your mission. WebLink makes it easy to manage your volunteers with our new Volunteer Hour Logging template, just added to the WebLink Self-Service Forms Library in this release.

Using this new form, your volunteers can submit hours worked against different events/projects in your organization. Plus, with built in DonorPerfect integration, the form will create the volunteer as a donor in DonorPerfect and add Other Info records each time the form is submitted. It’s a great way to manage your volunteer workflow and schedule.

Coming Soon! Mobile Responsive Forms

With so many people using a mobile device to research their favorite cause before donating, it’s important to have a mobile responsive donation form. At the end of April, WebLink will begin a beta program to test mobile responsive forms. Look for news soon with more information about the program or sign up for the Beta now to participate when it opens.

Discount Codes Enhancements

Have you tried the new Discount Codes feature yet? This feature gives you ability to use discount codes in your online forms. For this release we’ve made some minor enhancements to improve the usability of the feature and make it even easier to use. Read WebLink Discount Codes to get started.

Safari Browser Improvements

This version of WebLink removed a limitation in Safari (mobile or desktop) that required 3rd party cookies to be accepted for all versions of Safari. If you use any version of Safari other than version 8, you’ll no longer see a message to accept 3rd party cookies and can utilize default browser settings. If you still use version 8 (which was replaced with version 9 last year) you should continue to accept 3rd party cookies or upgrade to version 9. (Note: Safari version 8 constitutes less than 2% of all WebLink traffic and is declining.)

Release Notes

To read about all of the WebLink enhancements and fixes completed for this release, please visit WebLink Release Notes in the Knowledgebase.
Written by Ally Orlando