September 21, 2016 |

DonorPerfect’s Nonprofit Report Center

DonorPerfect’s powerful reporting and analysis features are about to get even better! Our brand new Report Center brings all standard and custom reports together in one place. Reports will be easier to organize, search, and run. You’ll gain valuable insights from your data to make better strategic decisions.

All Reports in ONE Place

To find the fundraising reports you need, access your systems reports by navigating to Reports and selecting the Report Center. Standard reports are in the Financial Reports, Listings and Other Reports folders. DonorPerfect’s onboarding department will convert any Custom Reports you had in other fundraising systems to ensure continuity. These imported reports, along with those you create using the new Easy Report Builder are in the Easy Reports folder.

Quickly find a specific report by using the search bar or the arrows above each column to sort. Save time accessing routine reports by clicking the star icon. This adds them to your Favorites tab. To run a standard report click the Open button.

DonorPerfect's new reporting features include the ability to bookmark favorite reports.

Create Your Own Reports With Ease

See the Easy Report Builder in action in this video preview!

If the standard reports don’t give you exactly the information you need, add a new custom report. Select the Add New Easy Report button from any screen in the Report Center. The Easy Report Builder makes it easy for you to create your own reports and get information in the way you want to see it. Simply choose the report type, then drag and drop desired fields to tailor it to your unique needs.

Custom reports can pull data on donors, donations, event attendance, fundraising email open rates, or any other standard or custom field in your DonorPerfect system.

Easy Reports will give you the ability to open, edit, copy, schedule or delete reports from the Report Actions column.

More about DonorPerfect’s Reporting Capabilities

Use these links to get more details about specific reporting topics or use the form below to request a demo of DonorPerfect’s nonprofit fundraising reporting capabilities.

Written by Emily Patz