December 13, 2018 |

Fundraising Essentials: Your Donor Retention Toolkit

Your Donor Retention Toolkit

What’s your relationship status? No-no, I mean, with your donors. Are you retaining them after they’ve made their first gift? Do they vanish after their appearance at your Fall gala?

Get the free ebook, Your Donor Retention Toolkit, to learn from fundraising guru, Pamela Grow, what it takes to turn those first-time donors into lifetime supporters.

In Your Donor Retention Toolkit, you’ll get tips on:

What tools to use to see where you stand

Do you know how many donors you’ve retained since last year? DonorPerfect offers a report, based on fundraising professionals’ metrics, to keep you informed. Knowledge is power, after all!

Efficiently gaining and maintaining recurring donors

Organizations heavily rely on, what some call, sustainer gifts – those gifts you receive on a recurring basis that you know will be guaranteed income. How easy is it for your supporters to make recurring donations?

Effective ways to acknowledge gifts

There’s a window of time within which you need to acknowledge your gifts. Are you timely enough? See if you make the cut!

What makes a quality thank you letter

Do you know how far a simple “thank you” can take your organization? The included Thank You Letter Template and Stewardship Checklist will change your gift acknowledgements from just addressing donors to delighting them.

What donors want and what keeps them coming back

All donors were *new* donors at some point. But, unlike your new Facebook friends, you have to actually engage with them. Use the included New Donor Timeline to learn what to share with these folks – and how often.

How to understand the donor experience

You should be aware of the journey your donors take from the moment they view your website to the acknowledgement, if any, they receive after making a donation. Are there any hiccups? What can be improved?

Still want more?

Free Webinar: Setting Up Your Donor Retention System

Get the tips straight from Pamela Grow herself, in her webinar, Donor Retention Systems, on January 23, 2018 at 3PM (ET).

Sign up here!

Written by Emily Patz