February 20, 2017 |

NEW! Welcome to DonorPerfect Community

DonorPerfect Community is a dynamic, centralized resource center to connect with other nonprofits, get answers and learn new features.

We are absolutely committed to investing in you and in your mission. As part of this commitment, we want to empower you, more than ever, to unleash the power of DonorPerfect. Soon, we’ll be debuting a dynamic, centralized resource center, called DonorPerfect Community, that’s going to make a positive, tangible, day-to-day impact on your nonprofit.

What is DonorPerfect Community?

DonorPerfect Community is a centralized hub where you can:

  • Connect with other nonprofits
  • Review your case history
  • Get answers to your questions and learn new features
  • Discover (and provide) useful tips and best practices
  • Perform other mission critical tasks

We believe the real potency of this great new tool is found in its collaborative nature: thousands of nonprofits congregating in one place for the good of their own mission, the good of other nonprofit missions, and ultimately, the good of the world.

Four Fantastic Benefits of DonorPerfect Communityp

So, what specific advantages can you expect to enjoy when DP Community launches? Let us count the ways!

  1. Enjoy a seamless, uniform experience. No more logging into a separate resource (like our current Client Area) to find help. Now, you can access these amazing tools right in DonorPerfect!
  2. Engage with other DonorPerfect users. Join groups in DP Community, like “Mid-Atlantic USA” or “Organizations with More Than 100,000 Donors” to interact with nonprofits like yours. You can also discuss fundraising topics, such as Monthly Giving Ideas or others that interest you. Here’s an example of an active group in Community: Talk-MidAtlantic2 (1)
  3. Review your case history. Ever struggled to remember that shortcut a support rep gave you over the phone? Struggle no more! From now on, you’ll have the ability to access your case history. Please note that your “history” will begin at the launch of DP Community.
  4. Enjoy access to an upgraded Knowledgebase. We’ve improved the searchability and content of the Knowledgebase.

Join DP Community

If you want access to all the wonderful benefits available in DonorPerfect Community, you’ll need to ensure that your DonorPerfect User ID has a UNIQUE email address associated with it.

There are two situations that require action:

  1. If your User ID does not have an email, you need to add one. You do not need to add an email address to User Group IDs.
  2. If your email address is associated with more than one User ID, you need to insert unique email addresses for each User ID that is currently using that same address.

You can make all the necessary updates in Settings>Parameters >User Settings for each of your user accounts that is not a User Group. If you need some help with this, our support team is available to step you through the process. You can also visit How to Edit the Email Address of Your User ID to learn how.

Take a video tour of DP Community!

The Key to DP Community’s Success: YOU!

While we all have a critical role to play in making DP Community a success, you’ll be in the driver’s seat.

You can help build DonorPerfect Community by:
  • Joining groups and participating in discussions
  • Sharing tips and posting questions
  • Contributing your ideas and pitching improvements in Suggest and Vote

This is just the beginning. DP Community is in its early stages of becoming your go-to destination for insightful conversations and content. Over time, it will evolve into a living, breathing resource full of useful information that’s sure to accelerate your fundraising efforts.

Here are just a couple of things to note while DP Community is getting its sea legs:

  • The current forum threads will not be transferred into the new forum
  • All voting history from the current Suggest and Vote will be lost (Don’t worry! All the ideas you’ve submitted have been collected and saved and will be in the all-new Suggest & Vote.)

Soon, DP Community will be all yours!

This tool was created to equip and empower you to change the world.

So, make the most of it! We can’t wait to see you in there!

Image of Marketing Manager and author, Sam Goldenberg
Meet the author: Sam Goldenberg

Sam has been serving the nonprofit community since 2001. His writes primarily about fundraising, with a focus on print and digital marketing, donor management, and technology. The communications mediums have changed over the years, and fundraisers have to adapt, but the fundamentals of acquiring...

Learn more about Sam Goldenberg