November 23, 2009 | Categories Fundraising Strategies

Are thank-you calls more effective than solicitations?

A few nights ago the phone rang at about 8pm. When I answered, a woman introduced herself and said she was calling in regard to my support of a non-profit called The Steppingstone Foundation that helps inner-city children attend private schools. “Oh great,” a late-night solicitation call I thought — but I was wrong.

She explained that her children were beneficiaries of my donation and were now attending a private school in my area. She told me what a difference my gift was making to her family and that she just wanted to thank me for my kindness. It felt really good, and it truly personalized the impact of this organization’s mission. The whole call took perhaps 2 minutes, but virtually guarantees that I will continue to support this organization for years to come.

So the next time your considering a phone campaign, consider making it a thank-a-thon.

Written by Amanda Foran
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