April 13, 2021 |

Don’t Let COVID-19 Stop Your Spring Events – Go Virtual!

Don’t Let COVID-19 Stop Your Spring Events - Go Virtual!

The combination of COVID-19, a tough winter, and stressful events in the news has made it difficult to focus on the bright side. But think about how uplifting it feels after finding yourself in a casual conversation over the phone. Whether it’s a longtime friend, a family member, or a coworker, those human interactions are what keep us going.

Though virtual events are a lot of work, your donors are craving opportunities to chat with like-minded people and share a few drinks and appetizers. Giving them a chance to do this while supporting the cause they love? Even better! After all, the distance doesn’t have to cause rifts in your donor relationships.

In fact, we’ve put together a few tips to help get you started with turning those live events virtual without the headache. Here’s what you’ll learn more about in Your Virtual Auction Planner.

Online Event Tip #1. Get your community involved

Local businesses, whether large or small, want to do their part to support those in need, and all of us want to help them survive this pandemic. This is a perfect time to work together. For example, local restaurants and shops would love the additional exposure your event could provide. Offer them a link directly to their online ordering system from your nonprofit’s email promotions in exchange for goods and services to support your events (giveaways, donations, etc.)

Online Event Tip #2. Need big ticket items? Reserve them at no cost!

For risk-free luxury items, count on vendors like Winspire. They help nonprofits raise more with high-ticket auction items, at no cost to you. Once the highest bid is made, Winspire gets paid the value of the item, and you get the rest. (Check out some of the goodies!)

Online Event Tip #3. Spread the word multiple times in multiple ways

Adopt a multichannel donor engagement strategy to ensure that no one misses your message, be it mail, email, social media – even a phone call! If you’re using Constant Contact email marketing, all of your DonorPerfect constituents will already be in your mailing lists, and you can use DonorPerfect filters to curate and segment as you see fit.

Online Event Tip #4. Make your event something to look forward to every day

One surefire way to beat the blues is to put something you look forward to on the calendar. Your online event can be one of those things. For example, if you’re holding an online auction, each auction item can be set to open and close on its own schedule that you set. This way, your auction can build up an audience of excited followers and boost the value of your items early. Plus, those less popular items will get a second look!

Your Virtual Auction Planner (Free E-Book)

Learn how to host a virtual fundraising event and auction with this ebook – everything you need to make it a hit from home.

Emily Patz
Meet the author: Emily Patz

I'm a freelance copywriter and content strategist with over ten years of experience creating community-building content strategies and compelling copy for websites, mobile, marketing campaigns, and social media.

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