April 13, 2018 |

New Release: Customize Online Donation Forms and Crowdfunding Pages

Customize online donation forms with the new WYSIWYG html editor in DonorPerfect Online Forms. Drag and drop images, paste from Microsoft Word and more!
It’s the height of the spring event season. Are your forms ready? Even if you aren’t ready, our most recent release of DonorPerfect Online Forms will help you get there quicker! Our new html editor makes it easier to customize your online donation forms. You can drag and drop images, paste from Microsoft Word and more! We’ve also improved how well your forms convert and raise money. 


New HTML Editor to Customize Online Donation Forms

We’ve streamlined how to edit the page header and footer, the email confirmation and your crowdfunding pages in DP Online Forms. The process is much more intuitive and easier to use. Plus we’ve added a few additional formatting options that we think you’ll love! For the techies reading this, our new editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG HTML Editor with a full set of rich text editing capabilities. That means that what appears on screen during editing is exactly what appears on your forms. Here are a few other improvements:

  • Cut and paste text directly from Microsoft Word and Excel right into your page header, footer, confirmation email or crowdfunding form.
  • Use common keyboard shortcuts, like CTRL + C to paste text when editing your form.
  • Make a mistake? Click the UNDO button.
  • Drag & drop, browse or paste a URL to insert an image. The image is automatically stored in the image library for future use. Aligning the image where you want it is easier now too!

Ready customize your online donation forms? Check out these resources in the Knowledgebase:

TIP: Don’t waste time editing your page footer on every page of your form. Just click Save to All Pages when applying a footer. That’s one of the many great ideas implemented during this release that came from our Suggest and Vote program.


New Crowdfunding Leaderboard of Top Fundraisers

People love to be acknowledged. Your fundraisers are no exception. That’s why we’ve provided a Leaderboard to view the top Individual Fundraisers of your organization’s Crowdfunding page. It’s available via a new Top Fundraiser’s tab on your form.

Customize online donations forms for crowdfunding with a Top Fundraisers Leaderboard from DonorPerfect.

To enable the Top Fundraiser’s tab (it defaults to “ON” for any new forms created), edit your crowdfunding form. In Crowdfunding > Organization Page, click More Options. Check the option for Show Top Fundraiser’s List in the Donation Summary section. This enables the Top Fundraisers tab on the main organization page and will display up to 250 of your organization’s fundraisers.


How is this different from the Recent Supporters list?

The Recent Supporters list shows the most recent individual donations collected from all Crowdfunding pages. The Top Fundraisers list is a leaderboard of individual fundraiser pages. It combines all donations that come through that individual’s page. You can see at a glance which fundraiser is collecting the most donations during your campaign.


If you don’t have Crowdfunding and you’re ready to turn your donors into fundraising champions, visit the DonorPerfect Crowdfunding Page to get started.


Pre-Select the Default Gift Amount

Want to increase the conversion rates for your online donation forms? Start by reducing the number of decisions a donor needs to make. By pre-selecting the default gift amount, you move donors closer to completing your form. You also help nudge them to donate more than the minimum.

Selecting a Default Gift Amount

1. Edit your form

2. Select Fields & Items > Fields

3. Click View/Edit Choices next to your amount field.

4. In the drop down for Amount Selected By Default, pick a value. We recommend setting it to the middle one in your range.

Increase conversation rates when you pre-select the default gift amount in DonorPerfect Online Forms.

5. Click Save to save this setting.

6. Save your Form.


For more on editing fields in DP Online Forms, visiting Setting/Edit Field Properties in the Knowledgebase.


Release Notes

Ready to customize your online donation forms? Our new html editor, the default gift setting and the Crowdfunding Leaderboard aren’t the only improvements in this release. Read about all of the enhancements and fixes in the DP Online Forms 2018.02 Release Notes in the Knowledgebase in DP Community.



Written by Ally Orlando