August 21, 2015 |

The Complete Monthly Giving Starter Kit Checklist

monthlygiving By Erica Waasdorp, DP Connect

If you’re like other nonprofits, six out of ten donors who gave to your organization last year won’t give this year. A monthly giving program is a proven effective solution for retaining donors. Here’s a checklist of steps for you to follow (explained in greater detail in the Monthly Giving Starter Kit) to help you start and maintain a successful monthly giving program.

  • Discover how much monthly revenue you can expect by starting a monthly giving program with our free calculator.
  • Convince your board and boss to set up a monthly giving program.
  • Commit (this one’s easy to check off the list!)
  • Assign someone in your organization to manage the program
  • Develop your monthly giving program name
  • Set up credit card and ACH processing options  (DonorPerfect clients have a complete payment processing integration to make this process seamless and reduce your work. Learn more.)
  • Determine how much you’ll ask each donor segment for their first monthly commitment.
  • Add a recurring (monthly) option to your website donation form
  • Create a recurring only donation form for specific solicitations
  • Create recognition materials
  • Create monthly giving information page on your website (optional)
  • Join your own program!
  • Start asking
  • Process your monthly donations using EZ-EFT (see our Knowledgebase for instructions)
  • Watch your monthly donor program grow

As we see time and time again, the key with monthly donations (just like  your other  fundraising efforts) is to start asking. So, use this checklist to set up your new program. Then, start asking and watch your monthly donors grow. You’ll find a step by step description of each step, including helpful tips, more detailed analysis and explanations, examples, and templates in the DonorPerfect Monthly Giving Starter Kit.  It was designed to help you think through the entire process, then  jumpstart your program. Get it now – it’s free!

And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact DonorPerfect or Erica Waasdorp, DPConnect partner.

Written by Sam Goldenberg