April 26, 2018 |

How Shelter Partnership Engaged Donors and Raised Major Gifts

How Shelter Partnership Engaged Donors and Raised Major Gifts

With data from DonorPerfect and DonorSearch, and a process led by Jeffrey Byrne + Associates, Shelter Partnership engaged donors and successfully raised Major Gifts to fuel their mission.

This post was contributed by Jeffrey Byrne + Associates, Inc.
View the recorded webinar: How Shelter Partnership Raised Major Gifts

The Mission

The S. Mark Taper Foundation Shelter Resource Bank (Shelter Partnership) is one of the largest basic need distribution projects in the nation, operating in Los Angeles County, California, which has one of the highest homeless populations in the country. Working with a network of community partner organizations, Shelter Partnership distributes large-scale donations to thousands of people throughout the county, having invested more than $235,000,000 to support the homeless since 1989. Shelter Partnership also participates in planning and policy making to effect large scale systematic change to homelessness.

The Challenge

Prior to engaging with DonorPerfect Consulting Services for Major Giving Powered by Jeffrey Byrne + Associates, Inc., Shelter Partnership had only completed one capital effort, more than 10 years ago. The agency’s main sources of income come from foundations, events and annual appeals. A major giving program targeted at the cultivation of individuals had never been attempted due to concerns about staff time, capacity and knowledge of how to implement and sustain such a program. Shelter Partnership’s development team consists of a Director of Development and a Development and Marketing Coordinator.

The Solution

In working with the JB+A Team, Shelter Partnership was able to identify critical funding needs for their warehouse, including a new fork lift, shrink wrap machine and windows. By creating a Major Giving Proposal, reviewing DonorSearch wealth screenings, segmenting donors and learning and implementing best practices, Shelter Partnership has been able to jump-start its major giving program to directly support its warehouse funding needs.

Engaging in bi-weekly, hour long calls with JB+A Consultants, which include discussions about donor cultivation and solicitation strategies, best practices, coaching and problem solving and working the DPMG program, Shelter Partnership has solicited and received more than $50,000 to date, counting individual gifts and pledges. JB+A was also able to work with Shelter Partnership to identify a matching grant opportunity of $92,000 for their major giving campaign, which brings the total raised to $137,000 – more than 20 times the return on the organization’s initial investment, in less than 12 months. Shelter Partnership now has a major giving roadmap, tools, timelines and methodology for sustaining their new major giving program moving forward.

The Happy NonProfit Executive Director

“Our organization has been around for over 30 years and we’ve never attempted a major gifts program. Working with JBA on the Major Gifts in a Box campaign has been a wonderful experience. JBA has tailored our approach to our giving community incredibly well, educating us on the process and truly feeling like a partner in this endeavor. And the Major Gifts in a Box campaign is already showing results. After only a few months, we’re already well on our way to meeting our fundraising goal.”

Ruth Schwartz, Executive Director

The Happy NonProfit Development Director

“As a development director of a smaller agency, it is really imperative to have as many resources available as possible.  Our experience with JBA on the Major Gifts in a Box program has just been phenomenal!  Everyone at JBA has been such a wonderful resource to us in this process, and the value of the donor list analysis alone is worth so much to us, let alone all the individual support!  We’ve learned a LOT about our donors, about asking for gifts, and about what it takes to raise more money.  The JBA team has really helped us to take what we know and really kick it up that extra notch to bring in extra dollars that we need to make things work!  I am so appreciative for everything that has been accomplished so far!  I would highly recommend it! “

Tracy Wallace, Development Director

How Can My Nonprofit Emulate This Success Story?

Learn more about DonorPerfect Consulting Services Major Giving. 

Written by Emily Patz