March 19, 2020 |

The New Donor Welcome Series Email Template Kit

new donor welcome series email template kit
Is your new donor welcome series up to snuff? The New Donor Welcome Series Email Template Kit can help you revamp one of your most crucial campaigns and even create one from scratch.

With the help of Mad-Lib style templates, your team can easily plug in your organization name and campaign details to develop an awesome first impression for new donors with ease. Download it now!

New Donor Welcome Series Templates

In this kit, you’ll find templates of all kinds including:

  • Thank-you emails by donor type
  • A Social media invitation email
  • A volunteer and event invitation email
  • Gift impact update emails
  • A donor survey email template with questions
  • A “what’s ahead” email template

3 Ways to Keep Your New Donor Emails Fresh

#1. Set calendar reminders to update content that changes over time.

With all that’s going on at your organization, it’s important to set up safeguards to ensure that your content doesn’t go stale. Emails that contain timely and relevant information like your events and volunteer opportunities newsletter should be updated to reflect the latest and greatest invitations that your donors can respond to.

To ensure your new donor welcome series always delivers up-to-date information, set a calendar reminder a week before email content will expire so you’ll have plenty of time to replace that content with something new.

#2. Recruit digital-savvy students to enhance your high-touch campaigns.

Many students at local colleges would appreciate the opportunity to volunteer, intern, or gain employment through your organization. Post job opportunities or collaborate with your local schools for part-time web or graphic designers and writers who can lend their skills and education to elevating your campaigns.

#3. Swap out subject lines and content that aren’t converting.

An effective email marketing tool makes it easy to analyze your new donor welcome series so you can continuously tweak it to best engage your supporters.

Every month (or quarter if you don’t have time to look at your metrics monthly), check to see which subject lines and content are performing best. Once you’ve gathered some positive takeaways, leverage them to update underperforming emails so they garner the same or greater levels of engagement.

Download Your New Donor Welcome Series Email Templates Now!

Emily Patz
Meet the author: Emily Patz

I'm a freelance copywriter and content strategist with over ten years of experience creating community-building content strategies and compelling copy for websites, mobile, marketing campaigns, and social media.

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