April 6, 2020 |

4 Monthly Giving Templates to Support Your Nonprofit During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Monthly Giving

How Do You Start a Monthly Giving Program?

If your organization is just beginning to embark on the exciting journey of launching a recurring gift program, consider starting with the Monthly Giving Starter Kit. Packed with communication techniques and tips for getting your board on board, this guide will see you through the process successfully.

Don’t Forget How Much Your Community Cares About You

Before you begin to work through the templates below, take a moment to reflect upon a positive reality that no pandemic can change: your donors believe in your mission and they trust you and your staff to make it become a reality. They’ve supported you and your cause in the past, and in this time of need they’re passionate about supporting you now.

In addition to the donors you have, millions of folks who are counting their blessings are seeking to pay it forward by helping out an organization like yours. By encouraging your constituents and donors to share, forward, and retweet your monthly giving promotions, you can attract new supporters and grow your community even with limited resources.

You’ve got this, because you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. Now, let’s get to work on your monthly giving campaign!

Give Your Monthly Giving Program Communications a Real-Time Refresh

These days, relaunching a previous monthly giving program campaign won’t do. Your nonprofit has specific needs and it’s important that you communicate them. Using these templates, position your monthly giving program in a way that reflects the times we’re living in by ensuring your ask includes:

  • A heartfelt statement about how much your community means to you, your staff, and those you serve
  • Transparency around your need to sustain your organization
  • A specific call to action (Donors want to help, but it’s important that you tell them exactly what “help” is to your organization. In this case, it’s joining your monthly giving program.)
  • A dedicated monthly giving donation form

4 Monthly Giving Promotional Templates You Can Use Today

Personalizing these templates is easy. Just copy and paste them into a document and fill in the blanks just like Mad-Libs.

Monthly Giving Program Promo Email Template Addressing COVID-19

If donors don’t know about your monthly giving program, they won’t join. Use this email template to spread the word about the most effortless way to support your organization right now.

Email Template to Resolicit Existing Monthly Donors

Your current monthly donors are among your most loyal supporters, so don’t hesitate to ask them to consider increasing their gift using this template.

Monthly Giving Program Social Media Templates Addressing COVID-19

Lots of your donors are looking to social media to stay entertained while staying home. Use this worldwide spike in screen time to your advantage by using these templates to spotlight your monthly giving program on your organization’s social feeds.



Download the COVID-19 Fundraising Template Kit for Nonprofits Now!

Simply tell us where to send it in the form below and we’ll email you your free copy in minutes.

Emily Patz
Meet the author: Emily Patz

I'm a freelance copywriter and content strategist with over ten years of experience creating community-building content strategies and compelling copy for websites, mobile, marketing campaigns, and social media.

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