May 20, 2016 |

DonorPerfect Integrations Make Our Software Even More Perfect!

DonorPerfect Integrations

SofterWare is continually investing to improve DonorPerfect by enhancing existing features and adding new capabilities. In fact, we’ve more than doubled the size of our development team over the last couple of years! Even with all of that investment, we recognize that we can’t create solutions that solve every need of every client.

The good news is that there are lots of talented software developers creating great solutions for a wide variety of needs, even beyond the nonprofit community. The bad news is that often, these solutions are created as stand-alone products that don’t integrate with products like DonorPerfect, which serve as a nonprofit’s primary constituent database.

The Benefits of DonorPerfect Integrations

We offer many DonorPerfect integrations so you can manage all of your fundraising efforts in a single, unified database.

Examples include our integration with Constant Contact for email marketing and DonorSearch for prospect research. Flexible, multi-purpose Online Forms for online giving and e-commerce. DonorPerfect integrations also include many popular general-purpose software products like Microsoft Word, Excel, and Intuit QuickBooks.

Options Are Endless Thanks to Our Flexible APIs

To make integration easier, we developed Application Programming Interfaces, commonly referred to as APIs, which provide structured access to the data in DonorPerfect, making it possible for any programmer to access, update, or add data in DonorPerfect. These APIs to expand the assortment of add-on products available to DonorPerfect clients. DonorPerfect Mobile, ReadySetAuction, Agile Ticketing, as well as custom integrations created by individual customers use our APIs.

Finding Integrations for Your Organization is Easy

Acting as a central hub where clients can find DonorPerfect’s integrations, the DonorPerfect Integrations and Partners offers summaries, reviews and ratings, and the option for you to request more information to learn what’s best for your organization. You’ll find tools for Theatre and Venue Ticketing (Agile Ticketing), Peer-to-peer Fundraising (Raisin), Fundraising Auctions (Ready Set Auction), and Volunteer Management (Volunteer Spot, VolunteerLocal, and VolunteerMatrix). Other solutions include advocacy, alumni engagement, data enhancement, matching gift management, special events, website content management, and more.

DonorPerfect clients will have 24/7 access to the Marketplace, which will continuously evolve and expand to include the best new companies and emerging innovations in the market today.

3 Ways You Can Contribute to the Expansion of DonorPerfect Integrations

Use the Integrations Marketplace to look for solutions.

Using the “Request More Information” form for our integrated partners also allows us to track which products are the most sought-after by the DonorPerfect Community. This data greatly influences the partners we’ll pursue in the future.

If  your organization uses any software product that integrates with DonorPerfect, let us and other clients know about your experiences.

Visit Donorperfect Integrations.  Each listing provides the ability to rate the product and post a short review.

Does your organization use a product that would be better if it integrated with DonorPerfect?

Contact the vendor and suggest they consider integrating their product with DonorPerfect. Make sure they know how the integration would benefit your organization as well as other organizations like yours. Tell them that DonorPerfect APIs are available free for any third-party software developers that have or want to create DonorPerfect integrated software solutions. Then send them the link to learn more about DonorPerfect Integrations and Partners.

You can also send an email to Darryl Moser, our partnership manager, to let him know about the potential partner.

The Future of DonorPerfect Integrations

We’re very excited to extend the functionality of DonorPerfect through these partner solutions, but we also recognize how important it is to have partners that have the same commitment to support and product improvement that we have.

We’re committed to working with our partners to continuously improve the quality of integration and the effectiveness of our solutions.

Additionally, our team at DonorPerfect will continue to invest in building our own products to meet the vast majority of our clients’ fundraising needs.

Written by Amanda Foran