December 4, 2020 |

Report: The DonorPerfect Community’s Fundraising Success on Giving Tuesday 2020

Report: The DonorPerfect Community’s Fundraising Success on Giving Tuesday 2020

In a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world gave, shared, liked, and loved in celebration of the incredible nonprofit organizations that have helped us through it all on Giving Tuesday. There’s no doubt that nonprofit professionals are among the heroes of 2020, and we’re elated to share that this year’s Giving Tuesday was a special day for the DonorPerfect Community.

2020 GivingTuesday Results Report Infographic. Key Data shows 37% increase in total dollars raised and 65% increase in total donations made compared 2019.  Online giving was up 104% and donations to human services nonprofits were up 191%.  45% more crowdfunding campaigns were launched and crowdfunding raised 75% more on GivingTuesday 2020.

Giving Tuesday Generosity Across Sectors

As noted above, the Human Services sector garnered the most gifts on Giving Tuesday 2020. While human services nonprofits make up just 25% of the DonorPerfect Community, they raised a chart-topping 34% of total dollars given.

GivingTuesday 2020 Results Infographic shows Human Services sector Giving Tuesday Fundarising outperforming the education, environment, religious, health, arts, youth development and international nonprofit sectors.

When Donors Gave on Giving Tuesday

Although many more Giving Tuesday donations were given online in 2020, the times of day at which donors gave mirrored giving patterns of prior years. Peak giving time occurred in the morning hours from 8AM-11AM Eastern Time. A second spike is visible at 8PM Eastern Time as many organizations shared a “last call” for giving via email and on social media.

7 Tools to Help Nonprofits Create Holiday Greetings for Donors

Giving Tuesday Participation in North America

Both coasts buzzed about Giving Tuesday in 2020, lighting up the map around major metropolitan areas. In addition to coastal regions, bright pockets of Giving Tuesday activity are peppered throughout the country, including Minneapolis, Houston, St. Louis, Toronto, Atlanta, Chicago, and Detroit.

GivingTuesday 2020 donations heatmap of United States fundraising.  Highest fundraising totals occurred are clustered around major cities in the northeast, California and Floriday, with additional givingtuesday donation hubs in Texas, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Colorado and Washington.

Make Generosity a Mainstay with a New Donor Welcome Email Series

Giving Tuesday shines a spotlight on the nonprofit community, making it a wonderful opportunity for organizations to gain new supporters. But don’t let that first Giving Tuesday gift be their last. Consider the day after Giving Tuesday to be “Welcome Wednesday,” the day you invite new donors to join the incredible community that champions your cause.

And when we say Welcome Wednesday, we don’t mean a one-day affair. This Giving Tuesday donor retention effort should span for weeks, engaging and educating supporters around the difference their gift creates and the many opportunities you offer to enable them to continue progressing change.

While this seems like a heavy lift, it doesn’t have to be. We’ve created The New Donor Welcome Series Email Template Kit to help you whip up your digital donor retention system in a flash. This kit includes thank-you emails, volunteer and event newsletters, impact updates, and much more. Enter your email address in the form below and we’ll send you your kit right away.

Written by Emily Patz